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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. Cool. I like it! Thanks for your work on that. If anyone wants to keep messing with designs, feel free. Amanda
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Unit 37B Water Catchment Project

    A few pics. I hope to see some of you at the project. Wear your CW.com shirts if you have them!!
  3. CouesWhitetail

    More Snow

    Gorgeous!! We just got rain at my house, probably some fresh snow in the Pinals though. Amanda
  4. CouesWhitetail

    bucks in front yard

    Nice bucks and nice video!! No video of you standing in your towel? LOL!! I can just see the driver's expressions as they went by! Amanda
  5. CouesWhitetail

    SB1200 HR2189

    Floyd Green of the Outdoorsmans asked me to post his opinion on this: Arizona Sportsman, Please support this legislation, it is one of the most important piece's of legislation we will ever have the opportunity to pass. I personally worked with numerous other sportsman, through out Governor Hulls election in an effort to have an opportunity to sit in the Governor's office and ask for Commissioner Goightlys appointment to the commission. I have done this numerous times over the last thirty years regarding other commission appointments and I can tell you first hand, the comments I am hearing from these previous commissioners in this forum is not reality. The truth is, that those that help elect politicians have input and all the rest of the folks get good government. Our state and our wildlife deserves better. Today's reality is quite simple. A group of hard working unselfish volunteers, that work on the behalf of all sportsman in the state of Arizona have carefully drafted this legislation in conjunction with our states finest conservation groups. To deliver this opportunity to you the sportsman of Arizona. Please join with me in contacting your friends and legislators asking them to support this bill. Thanks Floyd Green
  6. CouesWhitetail

    Video of somekills

    Nice vids!! Thanks for posting the links. I hope you enjoy editing video and get to doing more of them with you new cam! Amanda
  7. Here's a few: Coueswhitetail.com... more addicting than crack. Coueswhitetail.com... Once you've tried Coues, nothing else will do's Coueswhitetail.com... Because Carp are kinda dumb Coueswhitetail.com... who ever thought chasing 110 lb, half invisible deer with Einstein's IQ and can apparently read minds and see into the future could be so rewarding? Coueswhitetail.com... and to think your wife/husband felt neglected before you joined Good ones!!! Amanda
  8. CouesWhitetail

    SB1200 HR2189

    +1 I think Chris is dead on. The reason this bill is even being discussed is because MANY sportsmen felt they were not well represented on the commission in the last 5 years. This bill sets up a process that ensures a public interview process. It puts a lot of the burden on sportsmen(through this board) to interview the candidates and evaluate their qualifications. Then the board makes a recomendation of 2-5 names from the list of names that the governor provided them. So the governor sends the names to the board, the board evaluates them, then sends back some reccommendations. The board thus does not make the final selection, the governor does. Points from the bill: 3. Requires the Governor to deliver a final list of applicants to the Board within five days after the application period ends. The Board must then review the list and applications, and interview, evaluate and recommend candidates to the Governor. 4. Prescribes a public interview forum for Commission candidates, as follows: a) If considering candidates to fill expired Commission terms, the Board is required to conduct public interviews of candidates by November 15 of each year. By November 25, the Board must recommend to the Governor two to five candidates from the Governor’s final list. b. If considering candidates because of death, resignation or removal of office, the Board must conduct public interviews within two weeks of receiving the Governor’s final list. Within one week of the public interviews, the Board must recommend to the Governor two to five candidates from the Governor’s final list. Amanda
  9. CouesWhitetail

    Interesting chase

  10. CouesWhitetail

    SB1200 HR2189

    Welcome to our two former commissioners. I am glad to see those intimately involved in the process give their opinions. Amanda
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Petrified Forest NP

    I Love seeing the wonders of AZ through your lens Doug!! Thanks! Amanda
  12. That's sort of in the same vein as another one a friend sent me: CouesWhitetail.com Often Imitated, Never Duplicated But I would rather we stuck to something about the amazing deer we all love. Amanda
  13. CouesWhitetail

    ABA Banquet success

    Thanks for the report!! Sounds like a great evening and congrats to Kathi on her Javelina tag!! It was just her birthday afterall, so it's a perfect gift. Amanda
  14. Amanda's Place Love it!!! LOL! Amanda
  15. We could replace the latin name is some sort of slogan that fits well with the website (like the Grey Ghost example). If others of you have slogan-type ideas, post 'em up. Amanda
  16. CouesWhitetail

    SB1200 HR2189

    Are you talking bout a different bill Terry? Perhaps you are referring to the right to hunt bill? That is not the one being discussed here. The one being voted on here in this topic is one to create an advisory board to help make commissioner recommendations such that they are likely to reflect the views of sportsmen/women in the state. Amanda
  17. CouesWhitetail

    SB1200 HR2189

    Yes, of course. You can check the AZ State Legislature website. search by bill numbers (which are in the title of this topic) or just click on this link below where the details of that bill are found on that website: http://www.azleg.gov/FormatDocument.asp?in...s-floor.doc.htm
  18. CouesWhitetail

    its gettin close!!

    Great pics!! Thanks for your restraint! Amanda
  19. Ok guys....lets not get in a fight over tshirts! My goodness.... Amanda
  20. CouesWhitetail

    new cwt member

    Nice pup!!! I bet she will be a nice friend. Amanda
  21. It's always like this when we post a new design. Hard to get consensus, everyone has their individual likes and dislikes. But I think it's good to have the discussion and get feedback, so keep it coming even if you dislike the new designs. Some day we will hit on another popular design. Man, I really love that rendering of Grong's buck that Rembrant did. No matter what, I will eventually be getting some kind of shirt with that deer on it. I love it!! Wish we could get that one on a design everyone liked. Amanda
  22. I also like the bigger name on the front because that's what people see most when they are talking to you and it's what shows up in trophy field pics. So I am looking to get the front more recognizable and therefore, I like the stuff big on the front, but then I am trying to get the biggest promotion for the website that I can. However, that all means nothing if you guys don't buy the shirts, so keep the ideas flowing. I am seriously interested in what you would like to see in a shirt. Amanda
  23. Thanks for the laugh Lark
  24. Yes, I have messed around with some of the polos and such, but haven't gotten one I like yet. Amanda
  25. A little more info on why would be helpful. Don't like the font? Don't like the buck? don't like tshirts?? Or even more useful might be what you would like to see on a new shirt? Amanda