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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail


    It's never too late to quit! Do yourself and your family a favor and do whatever you can to stay healthy as long as you can. If not for yourself, then do it for them. Both my parents smoked and I suffered severely with asthma as a result. So, it's not just your own health that suffers. Amanda
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Arizona Antelope Foundation Banquet/May 8th

    FYI - The Antelope banquet for May 8 was cancelled. AAF is in the process of moving its banquet to June 5 to be held in conjuction with the AZ Deer Association banquet. By having a combined banquet we expect to help both organizations have a successful fundraising event. Details are still being worked out. Amanda
  3. CouesWhitetail

    AZGFD Wildlife Calendar Contest

    I hope you guys get your pics in. That gobbler should be a great pic for that calendar!
  4. CouesWhitetail

    Cathedral Moon

    WOW! Thanks for sharing Doug!
  5. CouesWhitetail

    ocelot found near Globe

    Makes me want to go check some trail cams...maybe I have a pic of it! Amanda
  6. CouesWhitetail

    Thanks CouesWhitetail

    Thanks for the idea Lark!! LOL!
  7. CouesWhitetail

    A Prayer for Our Troops

    A friend of mine has a son in Iraq and she recently put this prayer on her vehicle so that people might take a moment to say a prayer for the troops when they saw it. I thought it was a good prayer and just wanted to remind everyone to think of those who are sacrificing so much for our country. 'Lord, keep our service women and men safe, whether they serve at home or overseas. Hold them in your loving hands, and protect them as they protect us.'
  8. CouesWhitetail

    On the road again

    Wow, great news! Please come and post photos whenever you can! Amanda
  9. CouesWhitetail

    Goulds Turkey Photos

    You know, there is a section for small gamebirds and turkeys
  10. CouesWhitetail

    Thanks CouesWhitetail

    Oh yea. I should have remembered that, since I am the one who had to changed his name Amanda
  11. CouesWhitetail

    At the End of the Rainbow

    Congratulations Doug and thanks for the story and great photos!!
  12. CouesWhitetail

    Goulds Turkey Photos

    Awesome Doug!! Now I have to go find your hunt story writeup! Amanda
  13. CouesWhitetail

    Proved the existence of a mythical beast!

  14. CouesWhitetail

    Thanks CouesWhitetail

    You are welcome!! Thanks for letting me know how helpful the site has been to you! I too have received tremendous help and information from people on this site!! I can't tell you how nice it is to have a group of guys I can count on if I ever need something. In fact this weekend, I got water in the engine of my jeep while turkey hunting in New Mexico. I never heard of hydrolock before, but I can tell you it stops your car immediately! Maybe driving through water that goes over your hood isn't the best idea?? LOL!! Anyway, I called several members from the site to help get the jeep back to Globe. By the time I got home from my hunt, the jeep was fixed and in my driveway!! How cool is that! Thanks especially to Clay (aka willhunt4coues) and Jason Jones (aka AZOneCam (hope I got the forum name right))! I also enjoy hearing that this site has helped people get more involved in wildlife conservation through on the ground projects as well as by getting involved in conservation groups and/or the political issues in the state. Amanda
  15. CouesWhitetail

    Some WMAT finds

    Hey all, Harold DeClay doesn't have access to a computer lately but he has been out shed hunting. He is still hoping to find a shed or two from his giant buck. Check out this shed, it looks pretty darn similar, but he says they found it over 50 miles away from where he killed his buck. and some other finds: and some elk shed another tribal member found:
  16. CouesWhitetail

    Thank you!

    Thanks to AZTrophyTakers for donating 5% of his recent sale he made through the classified ads. I sure appreciate those who give back to the site. Thank you for your generosity. If anyone else would like to make a donation to CouesWhitetail.com, you can do so using the donate button under the menu on the lefthand margin on the main page of CW.com. Or just send money through paypal to amanda@coueswhitetail.com Thanks to those who donate! Donations like that help pay for the stickers that I give out for free as well as general maintenance of the site.
  17. CouesWhitetail


    Holy Cow!! Nice bass!! That sure would make a great day on the water! Congratulations!
  18. CouesWhitetail

    Quick Shed Trip

    Nice finds!! Very productive hike I'd say! Amanda
  19. CouesWhitetail

    Birthday Bones

    Nice!!! Thanks for all the pics!
  20. CouesWhitetail

    Trail Cams

    here are the ones I love!! And you get to support this site if you buy them from me http://www.coueswhitetail.com/bookstore/trail_cameras.htm Covert 2s are the smallest cam on the market (the bushnell cam is a copy of the covert 2), have super battery life, medium price range and excellent photo and video quality. And it's infrared. I would say some of the most important points to consider are trigger speed and battery life. I used to use the cheaper moultries but had trouble with them missing a lot of animals. But I think moultries have improved since I last bought some.
  21. CouesWhitetail

    2 birds opening weekend again!

    Congratulations on a productive and exciting hunt!! Amanda
  22. CouesWhitetail

    Ted Nugent Concert

    Woo-hoo!! Go TED!!
  23. CouesWhitetail

    Great Weekend Turkey Hunting

    Woo-hoo!! Nice job with the youth hunts! Tough hunting when the birds aren't talking! Amanda
  24. CouesWhitetail

    Ted Nugent Concert

    Tony or Brent, If you talk to Ted again, ask him if he might like a CouesWhitetail.com sticker for his vehicle and also if he would like to link his website to CouesWhitetail.com. I noticed he has some other hunting sites on his links page. Seems like CW.com would be a good fit. And Ted, if you read this, thanks for taking the time to call Brent and for accepting the tshirt! We hope you wear it on a show sometime! Amanda
  25. CouesWhitetail

    Ted Nugent Concert

    Uh, so are you kidding TJ? or are you serious? Amanda