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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    maroon jeep cherokee by tonto basin

    Cool, I got sighted! Thanks CJ! I am sorry I missed seeing your sticker! I was on my way back from a Hunter Heritage Workgroup Meeting that was held all weekend up at Mormon Lake.
  2. Well, yesterday before dawn I was doing owl surveys in the Pinal Mountains and got rained on. Not much, but it counted.... And then later in the afternoon we headed to the San Carlos Reservation to do some surveys and got a lot of rain. Rain all over the place!! Not torrential, but nice rain! We got to our campsite and set the tent up in very strong winds with threatening black clouds coming in on us. It rained much of the night and when I got up this morning at 3 am to do surveys it was raining again. And it was still dark clouds over much of the rez this morning. And it's only 77 degrees here in Globe now. I love it!! Let's hope for a great monsoon season! Oh, and check out the pics of what Julie brought me at 3 am this morning! Our tent zipper doesn't work, so she spends much of the night out running around and when she heard me wake up she came in with this! GOOD GIRL JULIE!! Sunshine had a nice trip too, although she isn't so obsessed with retrieving antlers...
  3. CouesWhitetail

    DLC Covert II

    LOL, I wondered why you never commented on those. Guess it took you over a year to find it!
  4. CouesWhitetail

    Monsoons!!! And look at the antlers Julie brought me!

    I will do my best! Lots of clouds building today!
  5. CouesWhitetail


    Hey, that wasn't me, but I was driving through Payson today and yesterday! Why didn't you spot me?? !!! LOL!
  6. CouesWhitetail

    Magazines or books to read

    + 1 on Western Hunter Magazine! Not only a sponsor of this site, but also an Excellent Magazine! I just got the latest copy the other day and I always love reading it. Chris and his crew do an outstanding job on having some great hunt stories and photos, some excellent hunting advice, and great info about hunting gear. Western Hunter Magazine And I just finished reading forum member Bill Quimby's book Sixty Years A Hunter. I highly recommend it. Oh and don't forget there is a subforum here for Hunting Related Books. It's a great place to find something good to read. http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...hp?showforum=26
  7. CouesWhitetail

    New Banner?

    Instead of PM'ing everyone, I will just direct you to the Advertising info page: http://www.coueswhitetail.com/advertise_he...ertise_here.htm Thanks for your interest!
  8. CouesWhitetail

    Monsoons!!! And look at the antlers Julie brought me!

    Very Funny....This was a brand new tent and the zipper stopped working after like 2 uses...manufacturer sent me new parts for the zipper which fixed it for awhile, but now it's not working again. I hate zippers!
  9. CouesWhitetail

    BKs Outlaw BBQ in Amado, Az

    Looks like a cool place. You should ask him if he wants to become a sponsor here. Bet some of the guys might stop there for lunch on the way to and from Mexico or other hunts.
  10. CouesWhitetail

    Black Canyon Lake Bassin'

    Nice bass! And it looks like you had the place practically to yourselves...
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Suggestions for three day fishing/backpacking combo

    I would do the Black River.
  12. CouesWhitetail

    09 Coues Mount

    Very nice!
  13. CouesWhitetail

    CWT Junkie

  14. CouesWhitetail

    Monsoons!!! And look at the antlers Julie brought me!

    You are right TJ!! Luckily the tent has an overhanging to keep rain out of the door and we positioned the tent so the door was away from the wind Anyone know someone that works on tent zippers?
  15. CouesWhitetail

    Moon over Cathedral

    I love the one with the reflection in the water...beautiful!
  16. CouesWhitetail

    no cussin'?

    hehehe, are you kidding me? It's been like that for years and years. Guess you just don't cuss as much as you thought you did if it took you this long to notice. LOL!
  17. CouesWhitetail

    New Banner?

    Hey Rick, I sent you an email with advertising details. thanks for your interest
  18. CouesWhitetail

    Arizona Elk Society Burro Creek Fence Removal Project

    How did this one go Steve? got any pics or info to share with us?
  19. CouesWhitetail

    New Banner?

    Thanks! I also added in some banners that promote some of the nonprofits like the AZ Deer Assoc, Outdoor Experience 4 All, and the Great American Deer Raffle. The banners rotate every 8 seconds. I will probably be adding banners for some of the other conservation groups too. And of course some of our sponsors might take advantage of the new real estate.
  20. CouesWhitetail

    So. AZ Bear

    Details? How far was the shot, what broadhead did you use, did you have to do more than one shot? How long did you wait after the shot?
  21. CouesWhitetail

    My New Baby!

    Well, you need to get your gun's gender issues figured out....you say it's a her but then you say it's a bad-boy, so you are confusing things already!
  22. CouesWhitetail

    Think the little guy made it?

    Wow, I hope he made it. You could always go back in the area and look for a carcass pile. The mother elk might have fought the lion off if he did catch up to them and try to eat the calf. Oopsss.... I just saw that it was a year ago, so I guess finding the carcass pile is out.
  23. CouesWhitetail

    So. AZ Bear

    Nice looking bear! Was it spot and stalk or did you sit a blind?
  24. CouesWhitetail

    Arizona's Elk

    thanks for all the great info Tony, Bill and Jim!