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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    PVCI is having a swap meet

    Great idea! I hope you get good attendance.
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Outdoor Experience 4 All Banquet July 15

    Watch the OE4A video on Hero Central: http://www.azcentral.com/12news/herocentral/
  3. CouesWhitetail

    CWT Bass Tourney

    Ok, here is the poll, please let me know what you would like regarding this tourney!
  4. CouesWhitetail

    San Carlos Dry Lake

    You would have to ask the guides what they charge, I don't know and I am sure it varies from guide to guide. That is a great time for a hunt, some of the elk will still be bugling so that will help in located herds. I hope to be up there in mid-Oct to squirrel hunt. It's a gorgeous area and I love to camp up there. Some pics of Dry Lake from a recent trip...the lake is very full...
  5. CouesWhitetail

    Outdoor Experience 4 All Banquet July 15

    Ok, updated table listing: 1. Amanda 2. Paul 3. Peg 4. TJ 5. Eric 6. Kathi 7. Mark 8. Hector 9. Stan 10. Danny H. Let's work on filling table #2!!! Come on guys, this is a fun night and it's during the week, so you dont' have to give up a weekend evening for it!
  6. CouesWhitetail

    lucky day off the beaten path

  7. CouesWhitetail

    Support Our Troops

    Thank you Brian! I am praying for your son too. Please let us know when he is home safely!
  8. CouesWhitetail


    Bull snake/gopher snake are the same thing to most people. That's what you got there. These snakes are not poisonous and they eat a lot of rodents (hence the name gopher snake). I have watched them going in and out of burrows looking for the rodent owner of the burrow to eat. This snake will also put up quite a show that makes it seem like a rattlesnake. They can coil up and put the tip of their tail in the leaves or small rocks and vibrate it so that it makes a sound similar to a rattlesnake. And they can flatten their head out to make it look diamond shaped like a rattlers. I have a good pic of one doing that, which I will post if I find it.
  9. CouesWhitetail

    Hard horned bucks

    I have not seen coues with hard horns this late, and even that graph of antler shed timing from the research project in the Santa Ritas shows them being done by June. So it seems late to me, but it will be interesting to hear how many other people have seen the same thing (like AZLance has just reported).
  10. CouesWhitetail

    Ladies Night at Gila Outdoor

    Just a reminder that this is coming up on Wed evening! Come on out and enjoy the fun. Marcy tells me they already have about 30 ladies signed up, so it should be a good evening!
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Ladies Night at Gila Outdoor

    Hey everyone, No, it's not your typical Ladies Night.......But I wanted to let you know about an event being held at Gila Outdoor in Thatcher on June 30. I will be there supporting the event and if you know any women interested in the outdoors, they might enjoy coming out. The idea is to show them some gear and get them excited about hunting/fishing/camping etc. We are going to have a game tasting and I will be doing a presentation about az wildlife. For more info, see the attached article.
  12. CouesWhitetail

    What Causes Seeps?

    It's an interesting question and I don't really know the answer. But I would say it has to do with some rock formation underground that pushes the water table up to the surface. When I think of a seep, I think of several on the sides of mountains. Are you considering a seep to be different than a spring?
  13. CouesWhitetail

    Thanks to Gamehauler & Rim View RV

    Nice work Mike!
  14. CouesWhitetail


    nice lion pic....hopefully you will still get some deer pics.
  15. CouesWhitetail

    Eastern AZ Mule Deer MoNStER

    AWESOME!! Congratulations on a great spot and stalk buck! Nice work! You must have been ecstatic!
  16. CouesWhitetail

    San Carlos Dry Lake

    I have not bought a tag for elk there before, but there are a lot of cow elk around Dry Lake. There is a road that heads West along the lake and then into some meadows. Saw lots of cows there recently. Also, there are alot of elk in the entire unit and you don't really have to focus on Dry Lake itself. I suggest getting a recreation permit and spending some time out there getting to know the roads and looking for sign. Is your tag in November? If you don't have time to scout, I suggest you get a good guide and they can make you more successful.
  17. CouesWhitetail

    Extra Bulls in 6A

    Nice pic Doug! cool avatar Raghorn!
  18. CouesWhitetail

    CWT Bass Tourney

    Cool thanks! The permit you are talking about is a Forest Service permit? San Carlos sounds good, but then everyone has to buy individual permits, right? Any interest in a catfish tourney? Is it too late in the summer for that?
  19. CouesWhitetail

    New Turkey Tactic-

    Good one Doug!
  20. CouesWhitetail

    CWT Bass Tourney

    So, did we ever find someone willing to make this happen? Anyone interested in organizing it? Is it too late to do it this summer?
  21. CouesWhitetail

    Magazines or books to read

    You are welcome Thanks for asking the question, I am sure the answers will help several people find some interesting reading.
  22. CouesWhitetail

    Backpack hunting for coues

    A lot of the backpack hunts I do are 1-3 miles from the road. One of the big advantages to backpack hunting (besides those already mentioned) is that you don't wear yourself out everyday hiking in and out. And you get more sleep so you are more rested and relaxed during the hunt. Plus you can hunt until dark without worrrying about a long hike out. I just find it a nicer way to hunt. The solitude is great and the more relaxed pace without long hikes and drives to a hunt location is wonderful.
  23. CouesWhitetail

    some pics

    Nice! I love getting bobcats on cam
  24. CouesWhitetail

    newly found water soursce

    Wow!! Nice spot!! Congrats on finding it and all those bucks!
  25. CouesWhitetail

    Full Body Javelina Mount

    That looks GREAT!! thanks for posting it.