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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    The Turkey Hunter's Song

    Kierstin and Annie with their opening morning birds.
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Might have to change my License Plate now!!

    LOL!! good one!
  3. CouesWhitetail

    Ultimate Hunting technology

    He didn't get one with his slingshot. They wouldn't come closer than 40-45 yds and he needed them to be like 25 yrds. So he ended up using his shotgun instead.
  4. CouesWhitetail

    First annual Arizona Antlerfest

    So who thinks they can make it to the event? Post up!
  5. CouesWhitetail

    Pope and Young Awards Banquet

    Congratulations to Nate and Gonzo!
  6. CouesWhitetail

    2011 Turkey

    great bird!! Thanks for sharing the pics and story.
  7. CouesWhitetail

    First annual Arizona Antlerfest

    LOL!! I understand your sentiment on that! I was surprised as well...I talked to him some years ago about having a CouesWhitetail.com event at his barn.....Alan definitely wants to share his collection with other antler nuts, so let's hope the event goes great and Alan enjoys doing it so that it will continue to be an annual event!! I encourage everyone to attend....you won't believe the antlers he has. It's worth the gas prices! Alan has said you can show up anytime from about 7 am on. It's an all-day event, so come when you can. Either Josh or I will post directions as the time gets closer.
  8. A friend sent me this sticker sighting...looks like your sticker is wearing out....how long have you had it on the vehicle?
  9. CouesWhitetail

    Arizona Goulds w/ Bow

    Way to go Brian!!
  10. CouesWhitetail

    Happy Easter!

    Thank you Eric!! Happy Easter to you also and thank you for the song, I enjoyed it. Hope everyone has a blessed day.
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Check out this elk

    looks good!!
  12. CouesWhitetail

    Ultimate Hunting technology

    I love it! My buddy is actually on the white mtn rez trying to get a turkey with a slingshot.
  13. CouesWhitetail

    Things I hope to see again on my trailcam this year!

    Awesome! can't wait to see what you get!
  14. CouesWhitetail

    First annual Arizona Antlerfest

    This is going to be a phenomenal event!! If you love antlers, you need to make plans to attend. I have had the priviledge of seeing some of Alan's collection and it's amazing. Plus Jim Reynolds will be coming with some of his awesome deer. This will be a great time to endulge your passion for antlers and meet up with members of coueswhitetail.com!
  15. CouesWhitetail

    Wilderness Athlete

    It's at my house Yes, I do sell all the Wilderness Athlete products, however, I just haven't found the time to load all the photos and information into the store. I am hoping I can get them up before I leave again on monday for more field work. If you need something soon, just call me and I can get you what you need. Sorry for the delay. 928-200-0544 if you let me know which of the products you are interested in, maybe I can at least get those products up so you can order them online. thanks for the interest!! These are definitely great products.
  16. CouesWhitetail

    Yesterday 3 points gas station

    Yeah, if you see my maroon jeep with the CW.com sticker on the back, make sure you say howdy. Good luck on your hunt!
  17. Sounds like the perfect relationship...congratulations!
  18. CouesWhitetail

    My First Archery Turkey!!

    Awesome! Congratulations!
  19. CouesWhitetail

    A couple of nice bass and a Gila Monster

    Love the pics and nice shirt!
  20. CouesWhitetail

    More finished work...

    I really like the lion rug!
  21. CouesWhitetail

    Nice matching set

    Wow, nice set!!
  22. CouesWhitetail

    A pic from my turkey cel cam

    cool photos!
  23. CouesWhitetail

    Just A Thought.....

    Great opportunity to thank Amanda for keeping this site pretty dang clean. I ventured over to another site and didn't spend much time there because of the language. I'll let my kid read this site and not worry about that. Thanks Amanda You are very welcome. We try and maintain this as a family-friendly site and it's nice to know you think it is!
  24. CouesWhitetail

    San Carlos Gobbler!!

    Well, I didn't have much time to hunt, but I went up yesterday evening and got there with a little time for an evening hunt. I went to my first area and found that the tank was dry and so I thought I would go to another tank I knew about where I had shot a gobbler years ago. Anyway, I sneak down there and find that that tank is dry also, but there were some tracks and scratchings around there so I knew birds had been there. I set up and called until dark, but no luck. As I tried to figure out where the birds were getting water, I remembered a place in a creek nearby that has water year round. So I decided to move camp to where there were several ridges leading into that creek. I figured the birds might shift closer to that area and so I camped on a ridge that allowed me to listen for birds to the east and west. It was windy that evening, so no birds heard. And when I awoke in the morning, the wind was howling still!! Bummer! I didn't have high hopes when I got out and did an owl hoot and wouldn't you know it but a gobbler sounds off within probably 150 yards. I cut the distance in half and he gobbled several times while I was on my way. But it sounded like he was moving away from me. I set up and called and got no response for a half hour or so and I figured they just moved away. I pack up and move that way and get over a little rise to call into the next ridge....I call fairly loud, thinking I haven't heard the birds in awhile, they must be far away. GOBBLE, GOBBLE, GOBBLE!!! RIGHT NEXT TO ME! I mean he must have been on the other side of the juniper from me! Holy smokes. I was not ready for that. I set my pack down so I can shoulder the gun if he comes around the tree, but I think he heard me move my pack. I wait silently for several minutes. I call and wait...no response. Oh well, I figure he spooked...he was just too close! I hear more gobblers calling frequently on another ridge back toward where I camped. So I move back that way and spot a gobbler moving in the trees. I think it's the one I spooked just slinking away from me. I call a few times trying to get the bird that is calling from a farther ridge to answer me. He does and he calls a bunch and seems to be moving fast in my direction. But he is still a good 1/2 mile or more from me. I move up onto the next ridge and listen. GOBBLE, GOBBLE, GOBBLE! from in the saddle in front of me. I move around a tree and spot the gobbler heading my way. I see a small flat that looks like it's perfect for him to cross in. I set up a hen decoy and tuck myself into some rocks, figuring he won't come to me in those rocks, he will take the easy side-hill into the flat where he will see my decoy. Well, I call several times and don't get a response. But then I hear him gobble much closer and heading my way. Oh no...he has worked uphill and is heading toward me but from the rocks behind me. I will have to wait for him to circle completely around. But just then I spot movement in front of me. It's another gobbler that has come in silently and is strutting! Alright! GOBBLE, GOBBLE, GOBBLE from the first bird directly behind me. Now I have to decide if I should risk spooking that bird behind me in order to get the gun shouldered for the shot at the bird in front of me! The bird behind me sounds so close that he could probably see me if I move. I decide to risk it and shoulder the gun while the silent gobbler is behind a bush. He steps out and peers around....I decide to let him get closer...he continues on and then stops and puts his head up and stands still for quite awhile...BOOOOOOM!!!! I shoot him and he drops in his tracks! What a beautiful morning and an utterly gorgeous bird. I couldn't be happier. I weighed the bird after I gutted him and he was exactly 20 lbs. He had a 10 inch beard and 1-inch spurs. here is the rocky area where I set up: here is a view from those rocks toward where the gobbler came in. and here are some pics of the bird. I am truly amazed how beautiful they are when the sun hits them. After the shot I paced off the distance and then used my range finder to find out how far the shot was. It was 60 yards! I had thought it was 40-50 yards! The bird dropped in its tracks...I used the winchester supreme turkey load in my 12 gauge with an extra full choke. Worked GREAT! I feel very blessed to be fortunate enough to hunt on San Carlos. It is an amazing place for wildlife. While driving home, I saw a turkey cross the road. I stopped and heard a gobble where the bird headed. So I stopped to listen and it turns out there were about four other gobblers there and one was strutting in the road. Nice!
  25. CouesWhitetail

    Image viewer

    If you have a phone that takes an SD card you might be able to make it work there. The phone will likely take a mini sd card but you can get an SD card that is one that holds the mini SD and that will work in the trail cam and then take the mini sd out and use your phone to see what's on it.