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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    Bill Quimby

    Thank you Desert Muley for passing along our thoughts and prayers to the family and letting us know that he passed peacefully this morning. Godspeed Bill. You will be missed. Such a loss to our hunting community. Thank you, sir, for all your many contributions over so many decades. He was a true sportsman and such a great advocate for hunting.
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Happy birthday, Tom (lv2hunt)

    Awesome! good luck on the buffalo hunt and Happy Birthday!!
  3. CouesWhitetail

    Bill Quimby

    Oh no, I am so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for Bill and his family. He contributed so much to this site and the hunting community in general. I think the last time I saw him was at the SCI banquet. I was glad he was able to make it. Thanks for letting us know.
  4. CouesWhitetail

    What animal is this?

    A few of us posted what is was 6 years ago. Not a big mystery. But in answer to your question, the entire forum is still available since the beginning.
  5. CouesWhitetail

    RaffleTags and Trail Cams

    WOW! that was an amazing turn of events! Commission voted 5-0 not to ban passive trail cameras anywhere in the state! I was so happy with the one commissioner who took the time to call all the major fair chase groups like Boone and Crockett and Pope and Young and all the groups said passive trail cameras have no bearing on Fair Chase! Apparently that was enough to change Kurt Davis's mind on the subject and he rescinded his motion to pass it. Wow. Good for the commission. And a BIG THANK YOU to all the sportsmen and women who took the day off to go up there and speak and presented great arguments. And to all those who wrote emails or personally spoke with the commissioners. The system worked!
  6. CouesWhitetail

    RaffleTags and Trail Cams

    250 pm trail camera discussion has begun
  7. CouesWhitetail

    RaffleTags and Trail Cams

    Im a little confused with that part also with the new critter groups requesting auction tags. These are just deciding on the auction/raffle tags that are issued to the AZ Super Big Game Raffle, and the various sportsmans groups to auction at their banquets. This happens every year. It's how money is raised to the HPC process which funds wildlife projects on the ground.
  8. CouesWhitetail


    Wow! I so rarely see Gila Monsters, cool find.
  9. Thanks for the reminder. You can submit your comments/questions online during the live broadcast. If enough people comment during the webinar, the Dept will have to come to the commission meeting on June 8 with options. Options such as restricting the ban to the units where they perceive there is a big problem with trail cameras. Or limiting the ban to apply only to certain species. What I wonder is if I happen to get a photo of a buck one year and then get a tag a couple years later for that unit and kill that buck...will that be illegal since you can't use a trail camera to take animal? That seems ridiculous. If only a handful of units in the state are having problems why doesn't the Dept just solve the problem in those units without having a blanket ban across the state? I recommend you guys tune into the meeting and send in your comments. If you have questions for the panel, please send them to questions@azgfd.gov
  10. CouesWhitetail

    Password Recover

    Just email me with your acct name and the new password you want and I can reset it for you.
  11. CouesWhitetail

    No new topics to post

    Yes, just as trophyseeker posted, it's likely that somehow the settings on your View New Content options changed. If you click View New Content, then look in left hand margin you will see some options. Click on the options you want. One option is "Content I have not read" or "New since last visit", sounds like one of those would be what you would like.
  12. CouesWhitetail

    Arizona Bill Would Ban Mountain Lion, Bobcat Hunting

    The letter is true and means the end of their campaign for now. Arizona Wildlife Federation confirmed the validity of this letter this morning.
  13. CouesWhitetail


    If you mean a Trail camera pic and video contest, then yes, I am sure we will do one. Don't know exactly when now though.
  14. Come learn all about turkey hunting tactics at a free seminar by Colburn and Scott Outfitters. In addition to getting great information about turkey hunting, you will have a chance to buy raffle tickets for a Gould's Turkey Hunt in Mexico as well as a raffle for a pair of Swaro 15x56 binoculars. This seminar is hosted by Christian Hunters of America. Refreshments will be served. Also bring a non-perishable food item for the Manna Food Ministry and be entered into a special raffle! (One ticket per item). Location: Calvary Community Church 12612 North Black Canyon Highway (West side of I-17, between Thunderbird & Cactus) Phoenix, AZ 85029 Enter on West side of campus See attachment for more info Flyer-Turkey Sem4 - 8.5 x 11.pdf
  15. CouesWhitetail

    Forum calendar inop

    yes, I had contacted the guy at AGFD that does the calendar and when we find a time we are both available, we will find a solution. In the meantime, you can see all the outdoor skills events on this page at AGFD website: https://register-ed.com/programs/arizona/170-outdoor-skills-network
  16. Here is an email alert I received. I think it's a bad idea to have the state take over federal lands. The state doesn't have the funds or ability to manage all our federal lands. If you agree, please use the options below to let the state reps involved with this bill know that you don't support this. Your Public Lands Are Under Attack! This Thursday (1/25) the Arizona House of Representatives Committee on Land, Agriculture and Rural affairs will be voting on HB2210. HB2210 directs the state attorney general to investigate and report his findings on outlandish state takeover theories, which have been rejected time and again. After consulting with the president of the senate and the speaker of the house, the attorney general will consider taking action to “gain ownership or control of the public lands within this state.” The transfer of public lands will result in being locked out of our favorite places to camp, hike, hunt, and fish. It is economically impossible for the state to manage all 25 million acres of public land here in Arizona, when we can barely keep our rest stops open. Let’s stop this bill and the threat of public lands turnover in its tracks! We need your help as defenders of public lands to make your voice heard about HB2210! Here are three ways on how you can help today! Opt 1: Attend the committee hearing at the state capitol this Thursday, January 25, 2018 Room: HHR 3 @ 10:00 a.m. During this hearing the public will be given a chance to speak out against bill HB2210, let the committee members know that Public Lands Should Remain in Public Hands! If you do not get a chance to speak, the sportsmen’s community presence goes a long way. Opt 2: Email or call one or more of the committee members (see contact list below) and let them know that Public Lands Should Remain in Public Hands and vote to “NO” on HB2210. Opt 3: Officially log your opposition to HB2210 with the State Legislature. To do this you must be registered via a kiosk at the state capitol. If you are not already registered and want to do this, please reach out to Scott@Azwildlife.org with your name and email. From there, Scott will sign you up and provide detailed instructions on how to proceed. Brenda Barton, Chairman – 602-926-4129 – bbarton@azleg.gov David Mitchell, Vice Chairman – 602-926-5894 – dmitchell@azleg.gov Wenona Benally - 602-926-5172 – wbenally@azleg.gov David Cook - 602-926-5162 – dcook@azleg.gov Rosanna Gabaldon – 602-926-3424 – rgabaldon@azleg.gov Travis Grantham – 602-926-4868 – tgrantham@azleg.gov Becky Nutt – 602-926-4852 – bnutt@azleg.gov Gerae Peten – 602-926-4842 – gpeten@azleg.gov
  17. Thanks Larry for your thoughts and the video link. I haven't seen the video yet, but will watch it and will surely be disappointed.
  18. Thanks for that update Amanda, who were the ones voting? The people who voted on whether this bill would pass out of committee were the eight people listed in my original post. They pretty much voted on party lines.
  19. Yes, unfortunately, it passed out of committee on 5-3 vote. Over 120 people registered in opposition to the bill, with only 5 in support. All testimony to the committee at the hearing was in opposition, yet it still passed.
  20. CouesWhitetail

    Happy Birthday Justin aka "gotcoues"

    Happy belated birthday Justin! So glad you got to spend it with family!
  21. CouesWhitetail

    Found 2 way radio in unit 8

    Thanks for trying to locate the owner
  22. CouesWhitetail

    Outdoor calendar update

    I see it doesn't appear to be working properly.....I will check with AGFD.
  23. CouesWhitetail

    Outdoor calendar update

    The calendar auto updates based on content from the main AGFD calendar, which lists pretty much all the outdoor seminars in the state. So it should be there.
  24. Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests work projects will affect some fall hunt areas Sportsmen drawn for big game permits in Game Management Units 1 and 27 this fall are advised to be aware of two large-scale work projects being conducted by the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests (ASNF) that will affect access to some hunt areas and close others, say Game and Fish Department officials. In Unit 1, from Aug. 14 through Dec. 31, 2006, the Springerville Ranger District is realigning and reconstructing State Highway 273, beginning at the Forest boundary near the Sunrise ski area and extending to Highway 261 at Crescent Lake. During this time, that portion of the roadway between the Fort Apache Indian Reservation and the junction of Forest Road (FR) 554, which is the turnoff to Winn Campground, will be closed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This includes the Sheep Crossing area. That section of Highway 273 extending east from the junction of FR 554 to Highway 261 will be closed weekly at 6 a.m. on Mondays through 6 p.m. on Thursdays, but will be open Fridays through Sundays during this construction period. Both the Winn and Gabaldon Campgrounds will also be closed Mondays through Thursdays, but open Fridays through Sundays. Hunters can check the hunt unit information document for Unit 1 on the department’s Web site for more detailed information on road, trail and campground closures. In Unit 27, the Clifton Ranger District will conduct a prescribed burn in the Chitty Creek area, below the Mogollon Rim. The burn, planned for 14,000 acres, is scheduled for ignition during the last week of September and will continue for more than three weeks, weather and conditions permitting. The burn area is located west of State Highway 191, extending west along the Rim face south of FR 54 to the Bear Canyon Trail #26 access point. It will extend south along Highway 191 to Strayhorse Campground, then west along Highline Trail #47 to the junction with Crabtree Canyon, and extend south to East Eagle Creek, and again west to McBride Mesa. Trails into the area will be closed prior to, during the burn and for a short time following the burn to ensure that any hazard trees are removed and that there is no chance of reburn. Hunters are encouraged to check with the Alpine and Clifton Ranger District offices and check local trail kiosks for signage and fire notices. According to ASNF personnel, restoration of fire-adapted forest vegetation types is the number one priority for the U.S. Forest Service in the Southwest Region, and requires a landscape approach to be effective. Unfortunately, the window to conduct critical prescribed burning for meeting specific resource objectives often coincides with many fall hunts. While posing some inconvenience to some hunters during the burn period, the long-term benefits can be tremendous to wildlife. First and foremost is the expected reduction in natural fuel build up that has occurred in the upper portions of East Eagle, Salt House and Chitty Creeks over the last century. This area is currently very susceptible to damaging effects from uncontrollable wildfire similar to the Rodeo-Chediski Fire of 2002.
  25. Hi All, I am planning a self-guided hunt in Mexico and wondering if any of you have any experience with bringing food into Mexico and also if you have any experience bringing deer meat from Mexico into the US. I was planning to just bring all my own food, but in reading a little about regulations for bringing meat into Mexico it seems a bit difficult. Was planning on bringing in some elk steaks and burger to eat, but I have read it can't be meat you processed yourself? Anybody know anymore on this? In the past I have always left the deer meet with the ranchhands in Mexico, but since we probably won't have anyone to leave it with, we are thinking of bringing the deer meat back with us. Anyone here ever done that? Last year I called lots of different US agencies about this and I never really got a good answer on it. Some said you had to be able to prove the deer meat came from the same animal that had your tag on it, which meant leaving the hide and head attached to it. Obviously that isn't a really good solution if you actually want to eat the meat. Some agency folks said you had to have a certified butcher in mexico declare it was a deer and somehow seal the packages of meat so they are certified as to what they contain. Anyway, if some of you have some advice on this, let me know. Amanda