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5 pointsEverything shared is basically correct. If you are happy with what you have, good for you, thats the goal. I've worked in the NFA realm for 15ish years, owned nfa items even longer. In my opinion, L cans are indeed quieter than S or Ks, however on my hunting rifles the extra length isn't worth it. Especially if I'm putting it on a 24in or longer barrel. I own too many suppressors to comfortably announce without feeling like I need an intervention. I own 2 of the Omega 300. They good cans, 10yr old technology, heavy and not as quiet as the Diligent Defense Enticer S Ti. I own 3 Diligent defense cans, Wolf Hunter, DTF S Ti and the Roadhunter, waiting for their new can, BBC-L 46cal and an enticer S Ti. Otter Creek Labs is one of my favorite companies. They make great suppressors too. I quit chasing the quietest cans. A quality can that performs well, from a company that stands behind it when you screw it up is my requirement now.
3 points
2 pointsI keep seeing one on the outdoor shows. Realtree used one and bone collector im actually going to look into one
2 points
2 points
1 pointStevens Model 200 in 223 Remington Great predator rifle! Good overall condition with Tasco 3-9x40 Bucksight scope, $350. Can meet in Chandler or Marana area. Steve 520-709-6513, thanks.
1 pointPre 64 Model 88 Very good overall condition, don't see too many for sale in 243 caliber. Missing rear sight, Simmons 3-9 scope. Asking $1000, consider trades. Casa Grande area, Steve 520-709-6513, thanks.
1 pointStill havnt played with the tuner but got my dope all set. Stretched her out to 400 on steel with much success and alot of clicks.
1 pointI have a 410 I would sell. give me a call this afternoon. Jeff 602-670-2787
1 pointExactly, that's a easy $200, I don't think they will do away with the tax stamp. It's already only a 2-8 day wait. When they first legalized the suppessors to hunt with i had to wait 13 months just for my can to get built because of all the frenzy, then I waited another 11 months to get approved. Now that's insane, 2 years!!!! But I was after a specific titanium can, and yes we'll worth the wait!!!
1 pointMy experience for the last 25 years of hunting have been with a 30-06 with a fixed 6X power Leupold, a Swarovski Z3 3-9X36 on a lite 270 and now a VX-6HD 3-18 on a 6.5C. The VX-6hd 3-18 is heavier and in my experience more power than required for shots out to 400 yards. The fixed 6X worked great on elk out to 400 yards and the 3-9 was sweet for Coues out to 350 yards. Currently my VX-6 is on a 10lb rifle and I use it for hunting and rifle silhouette matches, it works great for both and can not think of a time when I felt eye relief was an issue. I have about 1300 rounds on the VX-6 and around 1/2 have been dialing up and down for varied distances with no issues. The TMOA reticle is nice for wind hold offs for longer ranges.
1 pointI use my wolfhunter on my 6 ARC. It is great. OCL is great. Love their return policy. Return Policy. Taken right off their website. "If you are not satisfied with your purchase or purchased the wrong item by mistake, you can return the product and get a refund with a 10% restocking/processing fee applied if Otter Creek Labs sees fit depending on the situation and attitude of the customer. We typically will not charge a 10% restocking fee unless you’re a dick. You can return a product for up to 15 days from the date you received it."
1 pointThank you 🙏 I Hope to have the full video/videos done sooner than later. If it turns out OK I’ll post it in this thread when it’s finished 👍
1 pointMade roasted potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and onions with some garlic and seasoning. Boneless skinless chicken breast with asparagus.
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1 pointI was on the fence a long time. Mostly against getting one. Then I bought my first one and after shooting it one time I ordered the 2nd one that night. I will never not use a suppressor again.
1 pointWe didn’t have a forest service LEO for awhile up here. Recently got one back full time so far so good multiple people have turned in piles of trash that were dumped in the woods and he was able to trace it back and cite the people doing it cuz they literally dumped their mail with it. He moved in right around the corner from me seems to be making an impact already.
1 point
1 pointI live in 8 and drive around all the time. There are a few homeless camps but its not bad at all. A lot of the rigs you see parked for weeks on end are logging crews. It is overrun with weekend warriors until we get a good snow. Sadly that didn't happen this year. If you want to see homeless camps drive north of i40 between parks and flagstaff. One camp has a rubber made garden shed. Its sad no matter where they are!
1 point
1 pointYeah and I'm just the opposite. I have elk all over my property and spend every Sept listening to bugles, chasing elk etc... I don't have a need to have a elk tag in my pocket to enjoy Sept in Elk country. I want to try and kill big bulls when I get another tag.
1 pointSo it seems like I have bad vehicle luck half the time when heading to the mountains. Breaking exhaust on alpine, blew my intercooler on a bison hunt, destroyed a brake caliper on an elk hunt and so on... This trip was the bad half. We typically take 2 vehicles but right before the hunt a lifter went out on the suburban so it stayed home and 5 of us piled in the f250. Day 1 we got busted by a raghorn and took the cows with him, went down a brutal road for the evening and sat a beautiful tank all day until bugles started. Myself and Caliche gave chase while we left my youngest boy at the tank with Bucky the Boston terrier. Me and Kiki got on elk with at least 5 bulls yelling all around us. We just ran out of light and headed back to get Enoch. He had a cow come in for water but Bucky snorted and spooked her off Next am Enoch asked to sleep in so me and Kiki went out way early and started creeping in the dark. Kept following bugles to get close enough before they made the thick treeline. Got busted by one small group of cows but luckily the bull headed back to round up the rest of his gals. He came back in front of us and I blew a cow call and stopped the last girl in her tracks. Boom, cow down. Had a good Samaritan out of globe help us load her into the back of his ranger and we then slid her into my truck and headed back to camp. This is Kiki's 3rd elk. Rolling back to camp my truck was making a sound similar to a power steering pump low on fluid, literally as we are rolling into camp she dies. My fuel pump took a crap. Sunday am a dude from the ADA youth camp gives me a ride to Payson and we rented the only vehicle available in Payson. A four door Kia forte. The truck situation was not gonna change so I decided to go for an evening hunt on the Kia. Let's talk about zero ground clearance! Thank God this car had a nice steel plate underneath protecting the oil pan. So I set Kiki up on a knob overlooking 3 tanks, we came up with a orange hat wave to signal what he was seeing. We set up on the 3rd tank and I headed to the first one to see if anything would head in. Almost dark I see a cow coming in and I haul arse to Enoch waving my orange hat. We blow up the hill and I'm getting a side stich. We finally get to edge of hill and there is no cover. We start crawling into position both breathing hard. The herd bull knows something is up but doesn't know for sure. All the elk are on edge just standing in place trying to to figure out what is going on. Last light is fading fast. What seemed like an eternity Enoch has the elk in his cross hairs, now we are just trying to let him calm down and catch his breath. Finally boom and second cow down. We run and get Caliche while she expires and come up on a huge cow! This is Enochs first elk and second animal. She ends up being a huge cow. Now the work starts. The boys guided me in with lights so the Kia is shining right on her. 2.5 hours later we got an elk in the trunk of a Kia! So we load this elk into coolers and a plastic lines trunk space. Head back to camp to show momma our spoils then zip to jeber circle k for ice. Back to bed at one am. Next am I start changing the fuel pump, pump ends up being broken before installing. End up heading to snowflake to exchange for a new one that's not broken. Finally get the truck running and take the Kia to Young to pick up our 2 cow elk. So this is what 2 cows look like in a Kia trunk, lol. So now we are headed home. Get to the first fuel station and I'm leaking coolant like a siv. Sweet! My coolant reservoir burst a seem, stop at O'Reilly for a new one and swap out at the McDonald's while the fam is eating and we made it home with no more issues. We thanked God for the safe trip home and we are now ready to sleep in our own beds safe and sound. What a trip!