OTC archery tags are good for 71 days every year.
The ABA, Russ Richardson, Marvin Zeiser, Brian Rimza and others are hypocritically slandering disabled hunters in order to protect their guaranteed 71 days each year. Apparently, now some of us are cheaters, cowards, lazy, and liars. Purely selfish protectionism.
Before the archery quota days, nobody cared about what archery method was used. BOHNTR, I took that from your words.
BOHNTR, you were on the panel and claim to know 3 people that committed fraud. Did you turn them in? If not, in my opinion you are an accomplice to fraud. Had you turned them in, it's up to Game and Fish to investigate and possibly charge them.
If you know someone is fraudulently buying an In State license and tag, would you turn them in?
I don't hunt OTC deer, but if I wanted to I could and should be able to with my permanent crossbow permit. The ADA attorneys are ready.