Thanks @10Turkeys for the UR vid. Good info and good explanation. And also good to see the equipment available if you want to tune your handloads to perfection (and can afford it). Possibly not needed however, for those of us with less demanding handloading needs.
In my case, and with respect to the two rifles with the highest round count, I don't pay any attention to shoulder bump. I neck size using Lee dies, then I body size using a Redding body die. Chambering is reliable and easy. Case life is long, and accuracy good. In one caliber, using Lapua brass, I am on the 21st firing, with easy chambering and no sign of incipient case head separation. Possibly, the Lee neck sizing die or the Redding die have built-in shoulder setback in the ideal dimension, but I have not been able to detect it. Possibly someone with more knowledge can confirm this.
I normally anneal (using the candle method) after every 5 firings, and probably should be more attentive to doing that, but burned fingers gets a little tedious.