I didn’t get any tags myself this year but I got invited on a few trophy hunts. Nobody gave me the ok to post them so I cropped people out, hope you don’t mind. Not sure how to insert the pics mid story either.
first hunt was my friends dads rifle antelope tag. Opening day saw quite a few of them, one was pretty good I guess had nice cutters but wasn’t what he wanted (picture of it bedded)
so the next day we see even more, some better. He made some stalks, trying to get close but Idk didn’t work out. At 8:30 I glass what appears to be a big one, but the heat waves were terrible. It took them a while to get to where I was, was nearly out of beer by the time they got around on him and they made a great stalk, Couple shots later and an 80” goat was on the ground
Opening day, mid day I ran into town for supplies. Was at the gas station and see this dude about my age in camo. Asked if he was antelope hunting, he said yeah. Asked if he was solo and if he wanted help he said yeah he was down for some help. So after we killed the first antelope I text him and we end up meeting the 3rd morning. I wanted to go for that cutter buck so we do, but long story short he got out there in some incredible antelope rutting action like I’ve never seen before. bucks every where chasing each other off. he shot one. I drive out to him immediately but he already had it gutted, didn’t care about pics. was stoked af you would have thought it was a world record. Honestly was probably top 3 funnest hunts I’ve been a part of just cuz how cool the dude was and how stoked he was.
elk season my homie has the muzzy tag, again. Lucky guy. I didn’t really do anything on this hunt tbh but I said Doug just go to that one spot, you know the one. He goes in there the night before the hunt and messages me says they’re there. Was about 8:30pm I’m in Mesa, thought to myself no way I’m missing this. Opening morning, bull read the script, couldn’t pass him he was too good, one perfect shot. Loaded him Up whole and to the processor. 352”
I didnt see Flatlander post a story of how it went down so I’ll tell you what I saw. They glass up the rams and make a move on them. As they’re moving the rams get up and move south. I wasn’t sure if they’d get out of sight (idk if they ever did get out of the spotters sight, I might not have even needed to make that move. Wish2hunt and bonecollector would know) so I bombed out and try to get around to where they might disappear to. I see the rams on top of the ridge and I see the hunters like 60 yards from them, but the rams were slightly lower so they were out of their sight line. Eventually rams got nervous and bailed. Thought maybe it was over because I couldn’t hear the suppressed shots. But little did I know the ram was dead