Had a good hunt, we were on bulls everyday. I was chasing a specific bull and the closest I could get to him was 86 yds one morning. He had a distinct growling bugle so when he sounded off we knew it was him. Finally on the morning of the 11th day of the hunt, we were after him then he went quiet. We were in the area he was just walking around cause I thought he was gone then all of a sudden we hear a bull make a noise in his bed. I hike down a little bit and get setup, my buddy and his son hang back and start calling, cows first then a bull. The lead cow is now 8 yds from me just staring right through me, the bull is 18 yds behind 2 burnt tree stumps covering his vitals. Its not the same bull im after but this bull is in my lap and im done at this point chasing a certain bull. Im stuck not being able to move, the bull starts coming closer but I cant draw with the cow so close to me. Finally cow looks other direction, I draw, start squeezing release and the cow starts to bust out as im squeezing, bull does some matrix move as I release. Arrow is in flight as I see the bull moving, arrow connects but a absolutely terrible shot. I see my arrow in the bulls neck. Im thinking this is so terrible. He goes maybe 20 yds and blood is just pouring out of him, at that moment, im thinking that bull is a dead bull walking. The herd settles down and the bull is now 40 yds standing broadside just pouring blood still. I take another shot at the bull, probably didnt need it but a bull still standing is still a live bull. I hit a little high and they bust out. My buddy and his son work down to me, they dont know what happen. I tell them I made a terrible shot but there is blood everywhere. We give the bull an hour then the easy tracking job started, looked like someone was just pouring out red paint on the hillside. Bull went 80 yds and piled up in the bottom of the canyon. The bull was broke and I knew his top end was broke but not his second on one side. We had passed this bull 4 or 5 times during the hunt cause he was broke.