Being the gunner on a pronghorn hunt is way, way different than being the spotter. Especially after you've waited half your life to pull the tag. Here's a quick recap of my 2024 pronghorn hunt
Scouted all summer looking for something to really focus my efforts on. Although we did find a few decent bucks, it took until the beginning of August to find the one that really got my heart rate up. We first spotted him a little over a mile away with heatwaves making it tough to really know what he was. The next morning we walked in before sunup in hopes of at least being close enough to get better pics to review. Found him that morning at about 700yds. Something piqued his curiosity and he made our morning way easier:
He was probably prettiest speed goat I had ever seen, plus he seemed to like me back, so my mind was made up. We named him Heart for obvious reasons. We continued to scout other areas but always made one more pass through to 1) see if we could relocate him 2) see if there were any archery hunters on him and 3) see how many rifle hunters were scouting in that area. As it turns out, we never saw a single vehicle until day two of the hunt. way less stressful that way.
As hot as it is, big props to the archery guys... trying to close to bow range with buzz worms crawling around is a ballsy proposition
Sadly, this one died of lead poisoning not long after this video was taken...
Fast forward to the day before the opener: I am fortunate that my brother Curt has the ability to work remote thanks to Elon Musk and Star Link so he was in camp early. I wasn't able to get out of work until about noon. Just as I was pointing the Bronco north I get a message from him. He hasn't moved a half mile from the weekend prior.
Opening morning: Here we go!!!
I had a lot of help from friends and family on this one. had two sets of spotters with Curt and I on the ground the area we had last seen him. As the sun rises we get a call that the buck is in a pasture. We make the half mile walk to get into shooting position only we missed our mark and the buck spotted us before we spotted him. things got real frantic, real fast and I ended up sending a shot across his bow. I lost a little piece of my soul when he kicked that extra gear and was leaving a dust wake across the prairie.
We played hide and seek with him for a little under 5 miles. He finally bed and we were able to get to 450yds before we ran out of cover. Its way easier when they don't know you're there- was able to get a comfortable rest, in the shade, and waited for him get up to stretch. Results below:
Helluva thing these pronghorn... Hope everyone gets to experience it at least once.
Thanks for looking