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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/2024 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Being the gunner on a pronghorn hunt is way, way different than being the spotter. Especially after you've waited half your life to pull the tag. Here's a quick recap of my 2024 pronghorn hunt Scouted all summer looking for something to really focus my efforts on. Although we did find a few decent bucks, it took until the beginning of August to find the one that really got my heart rate up. We first spotted him a little over a mile away with heatwaves making it tough to really know what he was. The next morning we walked in before sunup in hopes of at least being close enough to get better pics to review. Found him that morning at about 700yds. Something piqued his curiosity and he made our morning way easier: IMG_5745_2.mov He was probably prettiest speed goat I had ever seen, plus he seemed to like me back, so my mind was made up. We named him Heart for obvious reasons. We continued to scout other areas but always made one more pass through to 1) see if we could relocate him 2) see if there were any archery hunters on him and 3) see how many rifle hunters were scouting in that area. As it turns out, we never saw a single vehicle until day two of the hunt. way less stressful that way. As hot as it is, big props to the archery guys... trying to close to bow range with buzz worms crawling around is a ballsy proposition IMG_5433.MOV Sadly, this one died of lead poisoning not long after this video was taken... Fast forward to the day before the opener: I am fortunate that my brother Curt has the ability to work remote thanks to Elon Musk and Star Link so he was in camp early. I wasn't able to get out of work until about noon. Just as I was pointing the Bronco north I get a message from him. He hasn't moved a half mile from the weekend prior. IMG_5982.mov Opening morning: Here we go!!! I had a lot of help from friends and family on this one. had two sets of spotters with Curt and I on the ground the area we had last seen him. As the sun rises we get a call that the buck is in a pasture. We make the half mile walk to get into shooting position only we missed our mark and the buck spotted us before we spotted him. things got real frantic, real fast and I ended up sending a shot across his bow. I lost a little piece of my soul when he kicked that extra gear and was leaving a dust wake across the prairie. We played hide and seek with him for a little under 5 miles. He finally bed and we were able to get to 450yds before we ran out of cover. Its way easier when they don't know you're there- was able to get a comfortable rest, in the shade, and waited for him get up to stretch. Results below: Helluva thing these pronghorn... Hope everyone gets to experience it at least once. Thanks for looking Dave
  2. 3 points
    Good luck to those who have bows in their hands chasing Elk. Aim small, miss small. I wish I was out there with you! If your in the East Valley and need a euro give me a call. Adam 928-595-1554 Deer $100 Bull Elk $200 Cow Elk $130
  3. 2 points
    I am putting my wife's 2019 Toyota Tundra up for sale for $38,500. Original owner, the truck has 43,580 mi. Very clean, she wants something different. I've had good luck with a few guys on CWT. A bunch of solid guys. We're in Lakeside, AZ. Feel free to shoot me any questions. Cross-posted on Facebook. Thanks. https://www.facebook.com/share/gdwK3r3HrnEeLHB2/
  4. 2 points
    My cousin has owned this truck since new, 1994. She has garage kept it, and rarely used it. I have wanted it for 25 years. Last time when I asked her about it, she said yes! So, I bought a dog box for the pup, and she brought it down. Doing some work, mainly maintenence but either way I am super pumped to have it. My son will get it when he is 16. Pretty sweet truck, 1994 V6, 5 speed 4x4 toyota with only 123k on it!
  5. 2 points
    It was a very fun hunt. My kids both killed they had 10 days to hunt and passed many bucks and finally decided to shoot on day 8 and day 9. Saw a couple giants but shooting lanes were a problem.
  6. 1 point
    Pulled these out of my ffl from consignment and will try to sell locally here. NW Tucson, must show ccw or azdl. All are unfired and bought new by me. Taurus Executive Judge 410/45lc: beautiful bead blasted hand tuned executive grade Taurus judge with presentation grade wood grips. Comes with factory Pelican hard case. Accepts 410 and 45lc. $sold Tisas Bantam Carry B9 9MM 1911: beautiful bobtail commander length 1911 9mm with lightening cuts and millwork. $700. $650. $600 firm Added sig p320 x ten 10mm with 2 mags and kydex holster. Comes with factory case and accessories. Pics up shortly. $800. $750 pics borrowed from my ffl as he is a much better photographer. I can send more if desired. thx
  7. 1 point
    Killed my biggest archery buck the other day. It had been several years since I got one with a bow. I am sure this is the oldest deer I have got.
  8. 1 point
    Pretty ironic that all this is going down after he ended up road bombing a 220” deer that ran in front of him after another hunter missed it. Life’s a beach.
  9. 1 point
    Did you read the guys post that I quoted? That’s where I got my information
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    He does all of mine, good guy fast turn around.
  12. 1 point
    😂, you used the word “Jurisdiction “ who’s jurisdiction do you think it is to enforce title 17 and the commission rules? Keep up my friend the title 17 and the commission rules do indeed fall under the AZGFD and their WM enforce those laws and rules
  13. 1 point
    You are incorrect. AZGFD has no jurisdiction over where people can fly unless it directly pertains to their charter of game & fish. It is really frightening how easily you are willing to blindly hand over authority to your rights. After your comments, I dug into this a little further today. It turns out this “judge” is a justice of the peace, an elected official not required to have any formal legal experience or education in order to qualify for office. Untrained under qualified judges with overzealous prosecutors (out of Colorado City none the less), WMs who get a little tingle in their dingle at the prospect of “getting” a well known guide, and AZGFD who has repeatedly demonstrated they have no respect for their own boundaries. Talk about a giant circle jerk!
  14. 1 point
    This is the problem that he is referring too. These fish cops can just throw stuff against the wall and wait to see what sticks. A lot of the time, it seems like there is no accountability or skin in the game for them making these accusations but the people they are accusing of committing these crimes will have their lives significantly affected by such accusations even if the individual is innocent. These false accusations can financially ruin someone, not to mention the time suck and public smear campaign (as we can see in this thread) it can have on someone who might not have even broken the law. The WM can throw these charges around and worst case scenario for the WM is they get dropped. Best case scenario for the accused person is they “win” the case at the expense hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars, hundreds of hours of their time, etc. After all, the WM and legal system is funded by the people they are accusing, tough to take on the government or IRS or any government bureaucracy because no matter what they have unlimited resources compared to a private individual. Now I don’t know enough facts to make a judgment about this particular case against Koury. But I have seen some of these fish cops with little man syndrome and jealousy connive their way into issuing some BS charges. Not saying all are bad but some are. I see the need and support enforcing laws but it should be done in a way that isn’t punitive or based on an individuals feelings like it seems to be some of the time. here is a real life example explaining a what I’m talking about. Worth the 5 minute YouTube video.
  15. 1 point
    Actually AZGFD does have the jurisdiction to tell people when or where they can fly hence the reason for the ticket. I think it has more to do with how you're flying in a certain area, big difference in flying from point A to point B at a couple thousand feet and circling your hunting area hundreds of feet off the ground. I would have to assume that Mr. Koury hired a lawyer to fight this citation. For this to end up in court I would have to guess the prosecuting attorney felt the evidence against Mr. Koury was strong enough that the state would win its case. For whatever reason it looks like Mr. Koury chose a nonjury trial and a Judge found him guilty not the WM who wrote the citation. I don't know why you feel the WM who wrote the citation should be reprimanded for doing his job which is enforcing the law and rules. There are plenty of citations that WM's write that get tossed out or the defendant is found not guilty, and I don't think I've ever heard of the WM being reprimanded and the department apologizing for it. As for Mr. Koury I'm guessing there is a great deal riding on his appeal.
  16. 1 point
    Congratulations again Dave! Beautiful antelope! Great to meet you, and thanks for your help Friday afternoon and Saturday. Great time up there with you, Curt and everyone else! Hopefully we can do it again in 25 years lol.
  17. 1 point
    I came upon this topic and was intrigued by some of the comments. I believe AZGFD has a long history of overstep and abuse of authority. For example when they passed unconstitutional rules prohibiting hunters from carrying a firearm while archery hunting. This AZGFD rule was overturned because AZGFD has no authority to pass laws/rules beyond the scope of taking game. As long as the archery hunter doesn’t use his firearm in the process of taking the game, AZGFD should and has to mind their own business and not infringe on second amendment rights. Based on this limited information, it seems Mr. Koury is a victim of another AZGFD overreach. As long as an individual isn’t fly to aid in taking big game, AZGFD has no jurisdiction to tell anyone when or where they can fly, even during an open hunt. So unless AZGFD can prove Mr. Koury had a tag for the OTC elk hunt, or was helping someone for that hunt, they have no case. Mr. Koury was within his legal rights to fly anywhere he wanted in the area up until the 48 hour period before his hunt. It sounds like this incident occurred a week or two before hunt? So if all of this is accurate, Mr. Koury should absolutely win his appeal, the warden should be reprimanded, and AZGFD needs to apologize for their abuse of authority AGAIN.
  18. 1 point
    When I pack elk out on horses, I tie orange ribbon all over the horse
  19. 1 point
    Are you using a tripod for the binos? If not, you're doing it the hard way. You will never regret buying a decent tripod and a decent set of binos, like 15x60's. Get out to a good glassing spot at first light where you can actually see the ground (look for the yellow grass on the hillside). Be patient and have fun.
  20. 1 point
    I also share this opinion. I had a better experience overall with these EL 12x50 vs the NL 12x42. Focus and keeping focus superior in the EL. My NL seem more finicky. Just sharing opinion from my experience. Can’t believe these haven’t sold yet. Good luck with sale!
  21. 1 point
    It’s been a long time coming, but finally got it done all by my lonesome on Tuesday with my bow. 7 years in the making and what a relief! These deer have my utmost respect, and I have so much appreciation for the folks that have helped me along the way.
  22. 1 point
    9/11/2024 EMAIL RECEIVED D1 9/5/2024 EMAIL RECEIVED D1 8/15/2024 BOND SET IN THE AMOUNT OF:$ 500.00 D1 8/15/2024 Case WorkSheet Event D1 8/15/2024 CRIMINAL CASE DELINQUENCY NOTICE REQUESTED D1 8/15/2024 DESIGNATION OF RECORD FILED D1 8/15/2024 DISPOSITION UPDATED: 70-APPEAL. DATE: 08/13/2024 D1 8/15/2024 EMAIL RECEIVED D1 8/15/2024 FAILURE TO PAY D1 8/15/2024 FAILURE TO PAY COMPLIANCE ISSUE D1 8/15/2024 NOTICE - APPEAL D1 8/15/2024 Receipt# - P00015850 Reversed And Funds Moved To Hold Receip D1 8/15/2024 Receipt# S00000002 generated for the amount of $ 500.00 usin D1 8/8/2024 HEARING VACATED: 11/15/2023 AT 9:00AM IN COURT ROOM 1 D1 8/8/2024 Scheduling event generated for @ 8/8/2024 6:57:47 AM D1 8/8/2024 HEARING VACATED: 11/15/2023 AT 9:00AM IN COURT ROOM 1 P1 8/8/2024 Scheduling event generated for @ 8/8/2024 6:57:47 AM P1 8/7/2024 Scheduling event generated for @ 8/7/2024 2:50:48 PM P1 8/7/2024 Case WorkSheet Event D1 8/7/2024 DISPOSITION SET: 21-JDGMT GUILTY/RESP SENT IMPOSED. DATE: 08 Here are the cliff notes
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    20 years ago my daughter drew 5B antelope tag #1 when there were only 5 tags issued. She was 10 years old and only had her hunter safety point. My baby girl turns 30 next week.
  25. 1 point
    Ok, here's a long shot. Write Brandon and explain that you need a very substantial stimulus check to improve your infrastructure and manufacturing ( trying to create (manufacture) kids should count), and explain how COVID, and your minority status (we are all the minority in one way or another), and your handicap (you have an incurable, permanent hunting illness) have affected your manufacturing capabilities. With the forgiveable, non-taxable business stimulus check your manufacturing process could greatly improve (your wife/significant other would be happier and maybe more willing), and you might be able to expand your business (not really advisable to do, but, a second partner does occur at times and may improve production. But, again, not really advisable), and would help.with your minority status and/ or your handicap (would definitely give you a better environment to plan and execute your hunts, or your relationship would improve so much that hunting could occur less and spending time with that special someone could become more important?). I know it's a long shot, but the possibility with Brandon may actually exist. What do you have to lose? Oh, and tell him you, your family, friends, and everyone on CouesWhitetail would definitely vote for him (you can lie about that, they set the example on lying and greed and have no problem with deceit). Best wishes!