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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2024 in Posts

  1. 9 points
    My cousin has owned this truck since new, 1994. She has garage kept it, and rarely used it. I have wanted it for 25 years. Last time when I asked her about it, she said yes! So, I bought a dog box for the pup, and she brought it down. Doing some work, mainly maintenence but either way I am super pumped to have it. My son will get it when he is 16. Pretty sweet truck, 1994 V6, 5 speed 4x4 toyota with only 123k on it!
  2. 7 points
    It pays off knowing your unit.
  3. 7 points
    IMG_7733.mov Well no elk. Had turkeys come in at each tank on way back my kids saw a giant elk. Probably biggest they seen in person. 7x7 with about 75 cows. About a 375 bull. Just a freak. Lets see what tomorrow brings.
  4. 5 points
    Well The boys r sitting water where the big bull came in last night. Im exploring some new country. Might sit anwater hole my self tel dark. Update back at camp
  5. 2 points
    Well its my sons 5bs bulk tag. We had a few good scouting trips and have a plan. I will try and post pics and videos and give updates for those interested. Went out tonight to a waterhole we like and heard a few bugles which blew me away. They been talking after dark but not today. About 50 yds before water this guy came in. Hope to see him in the morning. He had no cows with him. On way back to camp saw a bull pushing 20 cows hard. About a 310 bull but rutting hard. Hope to have a good morning. Up at 330am IMG_7729.mov
  6. 2 points
    Im loving the updates, good luck tomorrow!
  7. 2 points
    It’s unit 8 on the white mountain Apache res and not state side unit 8
  8. 1 point
    Killed my biggest archery buck the other day. It had been several years since I got one with a bow. I am sure this is the oldest deer I have got.
  9. 1 point
    I've got a Rizzini I might let go of. I prefer my 28 Parker SXS so I never use it.
  10. 1 point
    Good luck on your search. I have two 28 gauge shot guns. They are AWESOME!!!!!
  11. 1 point
    Congrats and welcome to the Toyota side!
  12. 1 point
    When I pack elk out on horses, I tie orange ribbon all over the horse
  13. 1 point
    Simply a gem. Your son is fortunate beyond words to put some sweat and memories into an old vehicle before it becomes his own. Good job, Dad.
  14. 1 point
    find some spots off a main highway with some good elevation change, walk 100-300 yards and start glassing.
  15. 1 point
    Pretty sure I glassed this buck up the week before. He was with 2 other bucks that were bigger. I was able to video the 2 bigger bucks. Wind was bad for a stalk so I didn't push it, I had the last 12 days of the hunt off. Few days ago spoted him with a smaller buck about 1/4 mile from were I saw the bucks the week before. Was able to get to 60 yards. Hit him a little high. Took some time to recover him but the 4 blade broadhead did its job. It was a pretty hot hunt. Had some buddies out camping with me off and on during the hunt and it was a blast!
  16. 1 point
    May your day go very well and safe! Look for the good.😁 Happy transactions to all.
  17. 1 point
    If you read the dude who thinks he’s gods gift to hunting on Arizona hunting FB group, he would have you believe that you can get your guides license revoked for 5 years for minor paper work issues.
  18. 1 point
    Well done and very nice buck. Eddie
  19. 1 point
    I'm with him. I've hunted 6B many times over the years and have hardly ever had a problem getting inside of 40 yards when conditions lined up. We had one young, barely-erupted-spike bull (yearling) come walking in to 12 yards. My buddy whispered "His junk is bigger than his antlers" and the poor bull was so confused at the sight of two grown men laying on the ground shaking from trying to stifle the laughter because the big bull was above us as we were calling for another guy.
  20. 1 point
    Thx for the bump. Lol!
  21. 1 point
    Smoked a good one in NV. Really hot hunt
  22. 1 point
    Planned a trip with my buddy to do some shed hunting and turkey for a few and got it done first morning here. Have not been here in a while and it was good to be back in some country i had not seen for a bit. Still here tell tursday and the birds we got into have really been the only thing we could find except one distant gobbler. Roosted two toms first evening here and got on them in morning. First light Nd they were gobbling in the trees. They fly down and go right to the hen and i thought it was over. We did a circle and got a hen to fire up and she walked the other two hens in with the two gobblers. The one tom strutted back and forth gobbling spitting and drumming at 20 yards not giving me a shot for what seemed like ten minutes while the other stayed a little back. All while then hen circle and puffed up and started fighting a little getting the gobblers fired up. They started to move a right and the tom that was a little back stepped out at ten yards and i dropped him. Great way to start the trip! Been trying to find another bird and we have been shed hunting! Just thought i would share sense i was asking how it was going in New Mexico.
  23. 1 point
    Story to follow. I have some packing to do.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point