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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2024 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Hello everyone, sorry this has take a bit to gather together. I thought I would post some thoughts about the upcoming draw. I did have a great hunt and out of the 3 areas available it worked for me. I partnered up with a friend, Mark Slone, and we did all right! I just wanted to thank everyone who took time and shared information. Your experiences were confirmed. I will be posting a story here and I have submitted pictures with a write up to Hunting Fool magazine. Mark and I had a simple approach to avoid the drama and for the most part it worked. It took me 16 days and Mark, 30 days, to harvest. Dave's rifle did well on both! The hunt itself proved to be a different experience and like nothing I thought it would be. There was no forcing success. Bison are big of which I would have been terribly under resourced with out the help of Mark's brothers, Kevin Wilson and Dean Dunaway. Dean proved to be a consummate professional and remained helpful for over 30 days providing updated information and locations for us to use. Frankly, give Dean a call. I am thankful I don't have to do it again, but I would if I could as I never wanted to shoot out of an enclosure. The GC NPS Enforcement was helpful each time they were called and like AZ GFD very aware of the previous issues during this hunt of which feed back was given. Per GC NPS biologist, another capture is coming up in September. It is my understanding that the goal is to manage the herd at 200 animals and current estimates are 330. Good news for bull hunters is that they are not good candidates for relocation due to size.
  2. 2 points
    BTW: I check 594 lbs of meat to Casey's Processing, no ribs, hooves or spine only leg bones present. "Dave's" bull scored 122" B&C. I am very fortunate to have been able to share camp with accomplished hunters and persons like the "Slone" family. This has been truly a "Once and a Life Time" experience for me. I would not change a thing about the approach except......... I wish I had more time around the camp with these fellas! Can not say enough about Dean and his efforts while Mark and I monitored our locations. Here is Mark's nice bull as well! Congrats to Mark for his steady perseverance for 30 days!
  3. 2 points
    Everyone NEEDS to kick in and prevent what would be the end of our freedoms as we know them. Most hunters probably realize this, but millions of gun owners (according to analysists) either don't vote or understand the ramifications of a lib/prog reign for 4 more years. We NEED to get more involved if we want to keep our freedoms. If you know any gun owners not registered to vote or don't understand things, we need to help them see things honestly as most of the media is omitting facts and outright lying to America. Lets ALL get more involved and get this done! Sitting on the sidelines won't help. Vote RED
  4. 1 point
    M1 garand from cmp. Asking 1600.00. This a springfield service grade rifle with new cmp wood. The serial number gives it a date between june and july of 1943 Hard to get. Pm me
  5. 1 point
    1750 miles, located in the verde valley. Great condition. $4,000 or trades considered. High end rifles/optics, commuter car or little 4x4, or atv.
  6. 1 point
    First hunter of the year for us(OTC), freezer full and great time! Thanks David and Rick!
  7. 1 point
    Fresh band new rebuilt engine top end,bottom end, and new cylinder head, just had suspension rebuilt, put 1 5 minute test ride on it but my boy got a new ktm 85 and don't want this one now. Tires are like new, have a blue seat cover and extra set of red plastics also that is in the last picture. Have receipts for all the parts. Have title. Awesome bike for some lucky person. $2000 txt foe more Info or questions
  8. 1 point
    My son is looking for a weight bench that will also incline and also has the rack for his bar. He is a adult and just getting started so it needs to be full size. If anyone has something like this and wants to get rid of or have a lead please reach out. Thanks Yancy
  9. 1 point
    We've been a laughing stock for ages, look how many times we reelected McStain
  10. 1 point
    No thanks, looking to sell at the moment. Open to offers.
  11. 1 point
    I tried to watch some of the opening night of DNC. So much BS spoken that I only lasted maybe 20 minutes with it on in the background. I hate politics right now. So much BS from both sides, I can not wait for the Election to be over.
  12. 1 point
    Thanks Eli I will look into that, I was hoping he could find one from someone that is wanting to get rid of one at a reasonable price but will check that out.
  13. 1 point
    Pretty typical of the state of our party right now. No facts, just talk. All of AZ is a laughing stock and “purple” right now because of terrible candidates who can’t win state wide elections. It’s that simple, Kari Lake and her ilk are the reason we have a democratic governor and two democratic senators.
  14. 1 point
    Giles at the dnc cucking Mesa on tv. We’re a laughing stock
  15. 1 point
    May want to check nellis auction, see them on there fairly often
  16. 1 point
    Rossi R92 for sale. Will shoot both 38 and 357. 12+1 capacity. A few small scratches but in overall good condition. Selling because I wanna buy a really nice tent for my elk hunt in a few weeks. 600 OBO or I can trade for a Kodiak Canvas tent! Thank you! Located in East Valley
  17. 1 point
    Made me puke..................outta here KERR
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    There is collusion between all of MSM and Big Tech and the dems to get her elected. To WIT. The USA is done if they succeed. Eddie
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    support of Harris/Biden/walz is supporting pedos and perverts.
  22. 1 point
    Kinda needs more details on the remains from field dressing . When they added the statement about coming into AZ it gets questionable if you can field dress animals taken in state and dress as we all do and leave all the non eatable parts. Sounds like the same rules most states are going to no non eatable parts across state lines and they must be disposed of so other animals don't ingest. There worried about cronic wasting .
  23. 1 point
    100k mile cream puff plz. Throw blue book out the window
  24. 1 point
    Hopefully this truck was not maintained on schedule or early. Apparently that don't fly round here.
  25. 0 points
    Picked up a new customer and they have a sign in their yard that reads "I'm a Republican, but I'm no fool. Harris 2024". I thought to myself riiiggghhhtt..