I finally get my bear back from the taxidermist and on the wall. It's not only a great looking bear, but the mount is superb! The cape on this bear is full and nearly flawless, and a pretty chocolate color. Very happy with it
I called in this bear at first light and shot it at 50 yards as it was exiting stage left. It took off so fast I thought I missed! Especially after not finding any blood where it was or ran to. It ducked into a brushy creekbed. I had to go look for it!
The creekbed was 40 feet deep and was dry. When I got to the sandy bottom, I still hadn't found any blood. I walked to my left a bit, then saw some blood drops! Walked a little further, around a bend in the creek, and there it was, lying dead on its side! My first solo bear!
I couldn't hardly believe it. It was a good sized boar. I had to drag him to some shade to field dress it, was all I could do to drag it a few inches at a time.
After field dressing it, I saw that the shot went through both lungs. I had met a couple of other guys bear hunting nearby, who offered to help me if I got one down, since I was hunting solo.
With the bear in the shade, I hiked back to my Ranger and drove out looking for those guys. Luckily, I found them close by, so we went back to the bear. Using the Ranger winch and a huge tow strap those guys had, we carefully got him up to the Ranger. It took the three of us 2 hours! They couldn't believe how nice the bear was, the coat was full and gorgeous. We doubled a tarp under him and secured the tow strap around it's chest behind the front arms. Those guys did the hard work of guiding the bear up the steep banks and keeping the tarp under it to protect the cape. I just worked the switch for the winch to pull him up out of the creek. 😎