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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2024 in Posts

  1. 11 points
    Either my wife or I are heading to the strip.
  2. 7 points
    Well, the update time has passed. Hopefully here in about 5 hours we will all have a little less money in our accounts.
  3. 6 points
  4. 6 points
    I got a strip or December 36c deer tag
  5. 5 points
    Welcome. A good starter bow is one you shoot a lot with a reliable string. Accessories can be upgraded over time. I prefer drop aways over whisker biscuits, and would never own a single pin slider on a hunting setup. I do not think visiting an archery shop and buying a brand new outift is necessary if money/cost is any factor. The money can spent elsewhere. I killed handfuls of critters with a $350 Bear combo. I now shoot a 2014 PSE model that isn't very desirable and it blows through animals. All said, if you go to an archery shop, shoot a bunch and let the bow choose you (comfort).
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
    My son got hit and my cc too! YES!!
  8. 3 points
    Deer tags for my partner and I. Hopefully more to come.
  9. 3 points
  10. 3 points
    Yep we grown men turn into children for a few hours!
  11. 3 points
    Another year another deer draw. Good luck gents. Let’s get this started.
  12. 3 points
    It is quite sad and unbelievable that it is completely legal to scout with a plane or a drone 3 days before a hunt(if there is no other big game hunt going on at that time) but it is NEVER ok to scout using a low tech $20 tasco walmart trail camera any more, but that’s where we are. 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😭😭😭😭😭😒😒😭😭😭😭😭😒😒😒😒
  13. 2 points
    I'd just like to give a shout out to Sam C. on this site. We've had several transactions as he's trying to liquidate his late father's estate on behalf of the family. You can tell Sam was raised 'old school' by a man who's word and handshake was his bond. Part of Sam's father's collection; ie sawbuck saddle, '58 Remington, batwing chaps and more, will be displayed at Vulture City Ghost Town. This will help educate generations of visitors to this by gone era of ARIZONA history. Thanks for everything Sam.
  14. 2 points
    Strip or late Coues for wife and I. Separate apps. Going to be a great fall.
  15. 2 points
    Looks like 6a turkey for me and my buddy so far . Come on deer tags!
  16. 2 points
    Wife and I are going 12aw or 34a.
  17. 2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. 2 points
    These are always the threads I look forward to the most. Like Christmas morning.
  21. 2 points
  22. 2 points
    who cares about the law. drones are hyper gay and annoying.
  23. 1 point
    Me,33 points,got my desert in 1989 when I was 14, I missed putting in the first couple years the bonus points started...now I'm paying for it
  24. 1 point
    What am I off about? Drones are classified as aircraft so they fall under the flying 48 hr rule. Chasing wildlife with a drone is also harassment of wildlife.
  25. 1 point