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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2024 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Marlin 336W 30-30, Remington barrel (20"). Mostly been a truck gun riding in the soft case but hasn't seen much use so looking to sell. Has some light rust from just riding the backseat but otherwise no issues. Located in Globe but can arrange to meet (will be in the valley Mon-Wed). Call or text 928.200.2209 for more info. $250 DAN
  2. 3 points
    I’m pulling for the guy who could not afford $10k worth of ticket for a 1974 Toyota
  3. 3 points
    Hey Guys, I apologize for the late response. We were supposed to have working starlink wifi the night of the raffle but that did not end up happening. I have attached a video of the drawing. A guy named Brent Kline won the FJ and graciously decided to donate it back for the auction the following night. We ended up auctioning it off and it sold for 20K making a total of 50K raised from one item for at risk youth. I appreciate everyone who bought tickets very much! IMG_5793.MOV
  4. 2 points
    Don’t over complicate it. If you’re using it for scouting or to give you an advantage on hunting animals, it’s illegal. If you’re not, it’s not.
  5. 2 points
    Extra-long fishing weekend in the White Mountains, so just saw this. Dad arrived in early May as a 20 year old 2nd Lieutenant B-17 Navigator. His first mission was on May 30th, which basically kicked-off a week of almost daily missions leading up to D-day. I have his original record of 'combat missions completed' (I keep it in a plastic sleave to try to preserve it...). His 6th mission was on June 6th, and the objective is listed as 'Invasion Coast'. If you know D-day history as it pertains to the B-17s, it didn't go as planned. Due to cloud cover, the vast majority of the bombers over-shot their targets and dropped the bombs too far inland. Either way, he was there trying to do his part. All of those dudes are my heroes!
  6. 1 point
    Currently set up as 27’x15.5 with gate. Asking $200 obo for all. Located at 7th street and Carefree Hwy. 2 panels at 11.5 feet 3 panels at 15.5 feet 1 gate panel at 15.5 feet
  7. 1 point
    These have sat in the safe unused the last year. Excellent condition. Outdoorsmans’s stud installed. Glass is perfect. $2000 Desert Hills/ cave creek
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Common sense. And the next one of the little bastards that comes in and hovers over my wife working in her garden, she’s ready for ya this time!
  11. 1 point
    Please insert your favorite pics of the greatest generation.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Dan is an honest guy. Maybe he feels that is all he needs for it.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    You are correct BONE A S S points
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    After years of waiting to get a turkey tag I finally completed a bucket list item. My brother called in this bird in on the 2nd day I was able to hunt. 2oz of #7 1/2 shot bing pushed by about 5 drams of black powder. W C Scott and Son 8 gauge hammer gun made in 1888. Picture of my brother posing with my 8 gauge and bird.
  18. 1 point
    At 15 points you are still at less than 10% draw odds for every hunt except 6B and 30A.
  19. 1 point
    When I got drawn had 23 BP.
  20. 1 point
    30b is a bit underrated, not a lot but still is a bit. Although there is some access issues it's a big unit, there's plenty of country and enough good bucks to have a fun hunt. My kid killed a 93-94 last year and I've killed a 97 and a 105+ gross there so studs can happen. Beautiful country too. To be fair I have home field advantage but if you put in the work.... you can kill there. You will even see some coues when you are expecting to see muleys. Good luck man and most importantly have fun!
  21. 1 point
    These were stolen 5/21/24 in Tucson. Reward! Thx 520-247-4590, Leave message
  22. 1 point
    There are very few elk by Clay Springs right now... Ask me how I know? Most of the tanks are dry. I'm doing my best to grow something to keep them close. IMG_6308.mov
  23. 1 point
    Arizona like many other states had a ruling that no shotgun bigger than a 10 gauge can be used on game.I set out about 14 years ago working with the AZ Game and fish department to allow the use of the 8 gauge for hunting all wildlife that could be hunted with lower gauge shotguns. ( Migratory birds are governed the federal G&F) so waterfowl or example cannot be hunted with the 8 gauge. I owned 2 8 gauges at the time. Fortunately the Commissioner at the time agreed with me ( he did not accept the panels original decision to deny my request.) The panel felt that AZ hunters might be confused and shoot migratory birds with the 8 gauge. My response was earlier today the department suspended a hunters license for 5 years for taking two deer in the same year. The hunter argued he was not aware that this was a violation. Ignorance was an excuse for not knowing the law. The panel was directed to go back and figure out how to allow the 8 gauge. Further banning the 8 gauge did not make sense after all 3 1/2 “ 12 and 10 gauges can carry an equally large payload. Other states allow the 8 gauge. The goal should be to harvest the game you are hunting as effectively as possible. As long as the hunter abides by the limit and hunts ethically. As the law stands today you can hunt all big game with the exception of bison. As well you can hunt predators and upland game with the 8. I have now taken turkeys in New Mexico and Florida as well. If any members have 8 gauges it would be nice to hear from you. PS calling in coyotes using the old 8 gauge is a blast.
  24. 1 point
  25. 0 points
    Everything North and South of the 260 is great elk country. The problem is the Elk have all left. It is a combination of horses, drought and the OTC hunts in 3A. I heard through the grapevine so I can't confirm 100% but during the count last year they found under 100 head of elk that historically has 600-800 head and over 1500 horses. There will be some big bulls still show up and you will find pockets of elk but it isn't the same as even 3 or 4 years ago. Pray for good monsoons, lots of grass and that the elk will stay in 3c.