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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2024 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    Thanks to all who have served!
  2. 2 points
    ABC News video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG3HjyASx44 (Comment section is predictably hilarious!) AZGFD news: May 24, 2024 ALPINE, Ariz. — The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) dispatched a black bear last night after it attacked a 15-year-old male in Alpine, Ariz. The victim was sitting inside a cabin when the bear entered through an open door and proceeded to swipe at him from behind. It then left the cabin and approached other family members before entering the cabin a second time and swiping at the victim’s arm. After arriving on scene, AZGFD wildlife officers were able to quickly locate and dispatch the bear. The victim sustained injuries to the face and arm and was treated at a local hospital. AZGFD officers said the bear was a male black bear estimated to be about 3 years old. The carcass will be examined and tested for disease by the department’s wildlife health specialists. Black bears are predatory animals and should always be considered unpredictable and dangerous. Wildlife officers are guided by the department’s human-wildlife conflicts policy which generally describes acceptable or unacceptable wildlife behaviors and the appropriate responses. Public safety is the department’s top priority in these instances. This incident marks the 16th bear attack on people in the state since 1990. There have been two fatal bear attacks in Arizona since then, which is as far back as the department’s database tracks. The most recent fatality occurred last year in Prescott. Due to the recent attack, AZGFD is reminding those visiting or living in bear country to be “bear aware.” Below are some tips to avoid conflicts with bears: When camping Always be aware of your surroundings. Keep food and attractants secured and inaccessible to bears. Do not keep food in a tent. Don’t burn left-over food or trash on the grill. Set up a campsite away from places where bears might forage for food, such as creeks, rivers and other bodies of water. When hiking Don’t wear scented lotions, deodorant or perfumes. Make noise or hike in groups. Hiking with a pet? Keep it on a leash at all times. In case of a bear encounter Do NOT run. Back away slowly while maintaining eye contact with the bear. Make yourself look bigger than you are by flaunting your arms or pulling your shirt/jacket up higher than your head. Throw items and yell at the bear. If attacked, fight back. For questions, or to obtain a brochure on living with bears, visit www.azgfd.com/wildlife-conservation/living-with-wildlife/. If you see bears displaying unacceptable behavior, hanging around in human-occupied areas, and/or showing no fear of humans, please report sightings to AZGFD at 623-236-7201. In an emergency, call 911. https://www.azgfd.com/2024/05/24/bear-attacks-youth-in-alpine-ariz/ Here's a few photos I snapped close to our campsite a few weeks back. Not gonna lie, kinda gave me the creeps!
  3. 2 points
    You want a credit card, You want a credit card, You want a credit card
  4. 1 point
    Had a great trip with some buddies over to NM last month. This is my 2nd Oryx first one was a bull and this one was a cow. The costs have increased and I figured they looked enough alike I didn't care if it was a bull or cow. Few years ago bull Last months cow
  5. 1 point
    I have found more big bucks in late February than any other time of year. I try to get out as much as possible in February and March. Weather is nice, deer hunts are over, mostly post rut, bucks still have antlers, etc. If I find a nice buck in March I know he will be there in the Fall, at least that’s how it has always gone for me. My main problem, and not really a problem, is I have 4 boys, 2 of them teenagers, and it seems every weekend is dedicated to sports. I try not to miss any games. I can never get out in the hills as much as I want to. I’ve got a handful of spots marked that I want to check out, but it’s already gotten too hot until this coming Fall. When I am looking for new spots I look for areas that are a little more off the beaten path and harder to get to. That weeds out 95% of hunters.
  6. 1 point
    Just to make @10Turkeys post as clear as possible: Armed Forces Day is to honor those currently serving in our military. Veterans Day is to honor those who served in our military (and were honorably discharged). That in the parenthesis is mine, and I think it's implied, but thought it should be made clear. Memorial Day is to honor those who died while serving and as a direct result of their military service. For example, a person who died as a result of KIA, FFI or during military training would be honored on this day. If an active military person died in a car accident on vacation with their family or fell off a ladder while working on their house, this is not your day. Details matter. Eddie
  7. 1 point
    How did ASU do in the tournament? Did they even show up?
  8. 1 point
    Appreciate that. It’s a small town. There two of em. One charges $25 but works full time so guns get returned to sender or left on his porch and stolen. The other is reliable but charges $50.
  9. 1 point
    Problem is between shipping cost and my FFL charging me $50 it makes it not a real great deal anymore
  10. 1 point
    bye bye ASU baseball... eliminated!
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Speaking of “generational “ butting in on classified adds and giving your bs opinions
  13. 1 point
    All he does is ridicule the classified ads. He has no intention of buying or selling anything of value. His sole purpose on this forum is to belittle, “correct”, and add his 2 cents to classified ads.