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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2024 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Smith & Wesson J Frame. My wife had 1 in 38spl. She has wrist issues so we sold that 1 and bought her a 22 mag S&W j Frame. No safety, no slide, no jamming. Point and shoot.
  2. 3 points
    S&W 38 airweight is really hard to beat.
  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points
    This isn't actually a new thing, unfortunately, When I was in grad school at UTEP 1997-1999, we were warned not to hike that hill. Its a very obvious peak right outside El Paso and was popular for locals to go on "pilgrimages" of sorts to see the holy site up there. It was made very clear back in 1997 that it was extremely unsafe up there due to the cartel activity. To be clear, I'm not justifying anything, just pointing out its not a new thing at all.
  5. 2 points
    Other than fishing salt water best fishing days I've ever had were there.
  6. 2 points
    Just some thoughts and in my opinion that most important thing to consider is her comfortability with being able to use and function the gun.... Many women can't operate semi autos comfortably in no pressure situations and therefore won't be likely able to in pressured situations (and they think of all that and generally want to know and be comfortable from my experience - not just here pull the trigger). Grip strength to rack the slide, clear a jam, weaker wrists causing a jam, loading, unloading etc. If she is, then great and do it but having been in the biz for a number of years I have seen many pistols come back because she wasn't able to operate or was not comfortable with the whole process. I don't know much about the S&W EZ series but does address some those concerns but again no idea on the quality/reliability etc. Many 9s are too harsh and some of the smaller 9s and 380s are hard to grip the slide to operate or smaller controls aren't comfortable. I love the Ruger LCR 32 Ruger - great recoil and plenty of bark or just a nice slim J-series 38s with some 125 or something is an option for those not comfortable with the s/a.
  7. 2 points
    And so the process begins again! For the guys using Healeys and wanting to put your new suppressor in a trust ( best option if you're married or have kids or your hunting buddies to add ) be real sure you tell them you want the single shot trust . Almost had another on an individual . It's expensive to move from individual into a trust later . It's another tax stamp at 205 plus the trust .
  8. 2 points
    Usually the best days are toward the end of the month but who knows. Good luck
  9. 1 point
    Mine is in jail as of yesterday as well at Healy's.
  10. 1 point
    Talk with them, but do your own research too. I asked and wasn't fully informed about the difference between individual and singlenshot trust. I picked individual for my first 4 cans because I didn't do my own research. I wish I had done single shot trusts on my cans. Now I will have to do more research on trusts and probably pay $800 to get the 4 moved into a separate trust. Plus trust fees. So I could have saved a whole cans worth of money if I had done better research on my end.
  11. 1 point
    Talk with the guys at Healeys and see what they say . They are very good at this. The single shot trust is just a very simple way to go for the money. The only way it sucks is when you've got a few cans and trusts and have to keep a copy of the stamp and trust paperwork with you when your out shooting. I keep a copy in my rifle bag just incase.
  12. 1 point
    Nighthawk- I will take it. I am down Hereford way, so it may be a minute before I can get up to Mesa to pay you and grab it. What does your Saturday look like? Bill Hooper
  13. 1 point
    Here it is….. https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitoring-location/09490500/#parameterCode=00060&period=P30D&showMedian=false
  14. 1 point
    Here’s one. There is a better one someplace…. https://snoflo.org/report/flow/arizona/black-river-near-fort-apache/
  15. 1 point
    Up last week, streams and rivers are flowing fast. Water levels are up and down. Should be slowing down this week. Snow melting fast.
  16. 1 point
    I figured it out after removing and replacing about 5 times. . I was missing the rubber gasket in the pump housing. Once I replaced it the pressure was great.
  17. 1 point
    My daughter bought a Sig 365 Rose (365XL that is compensated) last week and enjoyed shooting it. We'll see if she carries it. Jeff
  18. 1 point
    Most gun ranges have many different types of pistols to shoot. I would take her and let her try them. Get her the one she’s most comfortable and accurate with. Pistols are not one size fits all.
  19. 1 point
    I went there today 6th-7th May pretty tough course for fishing E-mail me tokggi@gmail.com I'd like to give you some info.
  20. 1 point
    Glassed across bay. Saw a few bears feeding. Finally found one who looked big Decided he needed a closer look than ¾ mile. Had good wind. Took the boat over. Tied up to some rocks, sneaked down the beach 200 yards to where this toad was feeding on herring roe. Watched him for 20 minutes. Decided i was going to pass. As we started to back out he saw us. He climbed up on the bluff parallel with the beach. Knowing that he was going to try and flank us we headed for boat. He peeked over the edge a couple of times. We came to the creek where we beached the boat and he had a steep trail off the bluff. He stood up and looked at me, pinned his ears back and started down towards me. He was maybe 20 yards. I shouldered and fired. The shot set him back. He retreated and i hit him again. He tried to get down in another spot but it was shear and rocky so he faded into the alders of sight, in the bluff. Went up and found blood. Took 20 minutes to sort the trail out. Went into the alder thicket slowly. After 15 minutes and 20 yards i saw him and made straight to him. Second charge but i hit him immediately. He then turned and went away. dang these things are tough. I circled and got above him and put another one in him. I then closed in and finished him with my 10mm. 2 partitions exited, 2 stayed in, trapped by the skin from exiting. 10mm bullet penetrated 40+ inches. He died in a devils club thicket amidst the alders. Took 6 hours to skin in the tight quarters. The hide was wet and muddy and weighed 180 pounds. 2 of us carried it the 200 yards to the beach. Loaded the boat and headed to camp. Tough, grueling day. One of the shots hit the front of his lower jaw and took out a few teeth. Kinda bummed about that. Took him to town and had him sealed. 9' 6", 28 ⁵/16.
  21. 1 point
    I didn't think you wouldn't I was just pointing out I think its weird some guys eat dove but won't touch them. I have a buddy that will shoot limits of coots for dog treats. Good way to have fun and feed the dog!
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Oh it's not that I won't eat them. It's just she loves them and she eats a completely raw diet so it's basically collecting dog food.
  24. 1 point
    My favorite is the antelope in the pines! We don’t see them often so always fun encounter! We have been in this area multiple times over the last four years and i am positive walked within ten feet of it 😩! Beautiful weather, water running, a few patches of snow and I wasn’t fast enough to get pictures of the turkey we saw!!
  25. 1 point
    A coworker just got an approval in 2 days.