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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2024 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Just left Bruno’s with mine. They have 6k of these on the shelf if anyone is in need.
  2. 2 points
    yup, we finished 10th
  3. 2 points
    good bite... 86 fish in 4 days. Fish in 4-7 feet of water. water temp is 70-72°.
  4. 2 points
    Obviously the prices was not out of line because they sold out. The days of 1000 primers for $50 are gone.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    One of my buddies is opening a new gun store down here, figured I'd let you all know. Grand opening will be next month May 10 and 11. He's got a whole big stack of Rem 700s and a smaller stack of Sig Cross that he will be selling for killer deals. He's got a lot of unique stuff that I've never seen or heard of too. I'll bump the thread closer to the big opening. Lots of accessories as well.
  8. 1 point
    Avon 10 foot Inflatable Boat. Multiple chambers. Wood floor and 2 sets of oars. No leaks. Boat is in really good shape. Avon boats are made in Great Britain. Boat is inflated and has been kept in the garage. Asking $300 Also have multiple motors for sale. Those are in a separate listing. Thanks.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Mark 4 8.5-25x50 ER/T with TMR Reticle ***Sold***
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    I think shooting that much is counter productive, but if you have the resources I guess go for it. Rifle Nodes: How You’ve Been Wasting Your Time and Money on Load Development (msn.com)
  13. 1 point
    I hope he can carve a niche out and make it a go. Always exciting and scary at the same time starting a business. A storefront is a big commitment with with real overhead.
  14. 1 point
    I didn’t know common carp were an invasive species, or maybe I did I’ve just accepted them. Let’s go to pleasant and shoot some fish. Maybe get something edible
  15. 1 point
    Kev I hope your friend is successful with his new shop. Always good to have a choice in where to buy shooting stuff. However, Sierra Vista could do a better job of supporting the existing stores if we had a decent place to shoot. There are thousands of gun owners in this town, and they seem to buy stuff. But then they go out to Dry Canyon or the pit, and risk getting in an argument or having some idiot shooting over their head. Guys have told me they won't go out there by themselves. This is a result of the public shooting range being horribly mismanaged, and mostly a basket case for years. Game and Fish knows about it, but won't do anything. So basically, unless locals want to register their guns on the Army base (I do not), we have nowhere to shoot. If the new gun store owner is serious about staying in business, maybe he or she can launch an effort to recall and replace the current officers and board of directors of the S.V. shooting range. I can pretty much guarantee there will be a lot of support.
  16. 1 point
    It would be nice if people could wait, but I disagree on where the greed is by the very definition of greed. I bend over backwards to avoid dealing with greedy businesses and greedy people. What of the guy that winds up short on ammo and has a hunt coming up? Great people step in and try to help, greedy people try to bend him over. Remember the Black Horn 209 shortage. Many of us tried to work together, not maximize our profit and pillage others at their expense. There is a saying, " Nobody likes a pig, but HOGS get slaughtered". We have lots of freedoms in this country but how we exercise those freedoms defined our characters. It's not how much you're worth that matters, but what your name and honor are worth. This Country was founded on the principles of there being a God. The more of us that live our lives within those principles, whichever goodly God you believe in, the better off we will all be. Love thy God with all of your heart, might, mind, and strength. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Etc. Have a great day and let's all play well together, with kindness, as is exhibited most the time on this wonderful site. I am not better than you or anybody else. But I also am not worst. We are all equal. Best Wishes.
  17. 1 point