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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2024 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I also think getting rid of the auction tags will really decrease the value of the big game banquets. I have only attended a few, but they do bring in a lot of money.
  2. 1 point
    ********* UPDATE ********* After my initial post I picked up some APEX TSS turkey shells. I figured I would share my results to help others save some money! I went with the Apex GT-20, 3”, 1 5/8’s OZ, 9 shot (20 Guage). I chose these shells due to the recommendation of the choke manufacture. Gun is a semiautomatic 20 Gauge Beretta Ultima Turkey (24” barrel). I have it topped off with a Trijicon RMR red dot and an Indian Creek .570 choke tube. The 40 yard target had 60 pellets in the 5” circle and 155 in the 10” circle for a total of 215 pellets. (I did have to make a slight sight adjustment after this shot) 20 yard target. Sorry I couldn’t get the photo’s to upload correctly! ************* Original post ************* Good afternoon, I’ve been looking through the regs and I can’t seem to find anything regarding legal shot size for turkeys. Does anyone know if there is a regulation on shot size in AZ? After doing lots of research on turkey loads, the TSS 9 shot seems to be incredibly lethal. So, I just want to ensure I’m good to go before spending the $70! Thanks, Cameron
  3. 1 point
    Don't have a wife. Win win.
  4. 1 point
    Mike at desert coustom gunsmithing just built my daughters rifle and it came out awesome
  5. 1 point
    Wrong! The money goes into a HPC fund which can only be used for certain things, like water catchments and such
  6. 1 point
    Who care who’s buy them, if I had the money they’d all get bought by the same person every year
  7. 1 point
    There usually in with the turkey and the javalina .
  8. 1 point
    While getting rid of the invasive species let's get rid of the invasive hunters that are not native to Arizona so us native hunters have a chance to hunt like it used to be. Don't like my comments keep in mind I don't care!
  9. 1 point
    The Aspen Lodge in Alpine AZ has been purchased by a California couple about 2 years ago. They have become the epicenter of support for leaving the feral horses that have invaded the Apache forest alone. We, as hunters recognize the destruction that the horses have caused all across the state, but this business has refused to acknowledge the damage the horses have created and have welcomed the Salt River Wild Horse Management group to their facility. They are actively supporting leaving the horses alone and letting them continue to breed and multiply. There are other businesses where we as sportsmen can spend our dollars. It is my hope that word of their ignorant support of feral horses becomes a business detriment to them. If you are planning summer trips, a lodge to spend your evenings in during hunts.......Locate another business. This has been verified and documented by a number of people so I am not stretching the truth in any way. Please spread the word! AZSGWC - AZSFWC Humane Removal of Unauthorized Livestock on Apache National Forest Booklet (EMAIL).pdf
  10. 1 point
    By all means tell us then, stop with the circular BS
  11. 1 point
    Us Arizona outdoors people are very aware of the issues/threat that these invasive non native animals have on our state. Regardless of anyone's political beliefs or where you are from, the truth is the facts. In 3c it is a major growing problem in population which causes issues with feed and water for other wildlife. The fence cutting/vandalism that is going on so these non native species can drink is insane. Especially this year with it being so dry, who should pay for that? The rancher, the hunter/outdoorsman, the state? JMO, end of lack of defensive knowledge
  12. 1 point
    I literally asked you your view in the first response after your post @AmericanGirl and you didnt answer me. However, I think I know the answer based off your silence. I also would imagine that any hunters that stay at your lodge aren't aware of your views on keeping the ROUS's in the forest.
  13. 1 point
    Well I don't endorse a slow agonizing death, but rounding up feral horses for a quick dispatch or placement I can live with . @AmericanGirl how do you feel about invasive species? Do you know the damage feral horses are doing in AZ?
  14. 1 point
    All the feral horses up there and on the Salt plus all the damned donkeys by Pleasant and elsewhere should be shot along with the hippies trying to protect them
  15. 1 point
    If you support feral horses on public land, then you’re not a friend of most wildlife managers and sportsmen. As such, I will never recommend your business to anyone…..and I let them know why. Several hunters/fishermen have already stayed other places once they learn of your skewed feral horse beliefs. I like domestic horses and folks who use them……having said that, I wouldn’t care if feral horses (vermin) died a slow and agonizing death on public lands.
  16. 1 point
    Difference is people like the Arizona wildlife manager in here have decades worth of experience and real world perspective in wildlife management and you people just have your feelings.
  17. 1 point
    Feral horses ain’t wildlife. But they do carry a disease that kills our native bighorn sheep.
  18. 1 point
    As mentioned in the other post. The simple question is do you guys support keeping the overgrown rats in the forest? If so then most likely we all hope your business shuts down regardless of how nice you or your family may be.
  19. 1 point
    The inaccurate messages in this forum are astounding. “Non-typical solutions” you absolutely were not treated like a dirtbag for not wearing a mask. Because the Aspen Lodge never required masks and they have excellent reviews for customer service. Unlike the slanderous person posting this who has never met the owners and doesn’t know anything about them, but yet tries to hurt a family business because they have a different perspective of wildlife. The business does not post slanderous things about you and did you no personal harm. Takes a special kind of person to open up this thread. Why don’t you speak directly to the owners and share? and if you lived in Alpine, you’d know that the AL has nothing to do with building trailer parks or cabins. But you don’t.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    and they will continue to leave california, last year was the first time in history that people moved out of los angels and not moving there. they should move to NY.
  22. 1 point
    So is there any known disease that would infect non vaccinated feral horses that doesn't affect wild life? Just saying
  23. 1 point
    Thank you for starting this tread. As the wildlife manager/ Field Supervisor in Unit 3C for 26 yrs. I saw the end of the horse capturing that the Heber Ranger (Black Mesa) Dist was doing, and the results. It saddens, and angers me to see what these horses have done to the habitat in not only that unit, but also Unit 1. Specifically, the Kettel Holes area. that area has been decimated and all those meadows have been converted from grass land community to noxious weeds. Any business in the white mountains that supports the horses should defiantly be boycotted, especially by hunters, or anyone interested in sound forest management. There is no place on public land for even one feral horse. Besides the habitat issues, thats a lot of high-quality protein on the hoof, that could feed a lot of people!
  24. 1 point
    I was turkey hunting up in the White Mountains last weekend and say plenty of horses driving back near Heber.
  25. 1 point