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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2024 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Just sits good for them rattlers when out on the trails original box and paper work $350
  2. 3 points
    You drew in the bonus pass. 40 tags are in the bonus. Up to 10% could be non-res. It doesn't mean 10% have to be non-res. For me choice 1 is always a long shot. Choice 2 is what I actually want, assuming I don't have enough points to draw either tag in the bonus pass. The problem with that though is if Choice 1 is above your point level, but Choice 2 you have enough bonus points for, you will always draw Choice 2. For a chance to hit a long shot for Choice 1, both choices need to be outside of the bonus pass 1-2 points. If either tag in Choice 1 or 2 is a guaranteed draw you will always draw that tag. This year I had 4 points. Choice 1 was approx a 13 point draw. Choice 2 was approx 5-6 points. We drew the 2nd choice in the lottery draw. If you draw in the lottery draw after the bonus, when your app gets pulled they look at Choice 1. If Choice 1 has tags left, you get them. If not they look at choice 2. If you they have choice 2 tags left you get them. If not they put you back in the 3-5 draw which basically means you won't get a tag unless choice 3-5 has a really easy to draw option like a limited opportunity type tag.
  3. 3 points
    Lots of fun to shoot but not fun to shoot lots. I'm going to take an elk with this some day, I promise.
  4. 2 points
    Never actually tried fry bread before but momma made some fry bread tacos on a whim. Pretty dang good. Gonna have to get her to make some breakfast versions with sugar and honey.
  5. 1 point
    Last year then 10 non-res drew in the bonus. Last year was also the year after one of the best winters ever and anyone with points probably cashed them in. If there were 200 tags the first 40 should have been bonus point tags regardless of res/non-res status. Only 10 can go non-res, max.
  6. 1 point
    That’s not a muzzle loader. If you can’t get within a 100 yards of an elk stay home
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    They've got one at the Sportsman's. 308 with the 16" barrel.
  9. 1 point
    So, you are offering the same trade I turned down yesterday for a different listing?
  10. 1 point
    I thought the 22 TCU was on a 223 rem case like the 6 tcu and 7 tcu. Basically a 223 ackley improved.
  11. 1 point
    Surprised this didn’t go quick!
  12. 1 point
    Bad a$$ truck dude, if I could I would. Great meeting you the other day (while buying your spotter).
  13. 1 point
    The Halon 32 became my backup bow when I picked up the Lift--that bow has treated me well. Bare bow for $1600? You should be able to get a way better price than that. Check with Mav at Bull Basin Archery up in Flag.
  14. 1 point
    Stumbled on to this while browsing Youtube. There are multiple uploads. I never met Dale Lee but did meet Clell in the late 60's at their upper ranch near Hannegan Meadow. Watched Clell rope at the Alpine rodeo multiple times. A good listen.
  15. 1 point
    We are simply bashing an outfitter, adult stuff.
  16. 1 point
    My understanding is it’s a 10% non resident cap, but not a quota. Could be less but can’t be more. I think it goes by straight point total, stopping at the cap if they reach it, so the non-res tags would be interspersed. Non res may have something like tags 1, 4, 11 and 23 depending on BP amount. I’m just glad it’s so easy to figure out, yikes
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Because there escorting everyone thru, I like the hunting and people, but there government sucks, should of said it that way.
  19. 1 point
    Was out pig hunting last week and walked up on this mule deer dead head. I never find anything cool so it was nice to get lucky.
  20. 1 point
    I took my boy down to the desert to help a couple of buddies on a javalina hunt. On the 5hr drive down all he could talk about was wanting to kill and eat a rabbit. As luck would have it mid morning Friday this guy changed shade trees on the ridge right by camp. A few shots later this sucker was on the camp stove getting cooked for lunch. Not my favorite but that lil guy was so proud it was amazing.
  21. 1 point
    I was a venom researcher in a former life (genetics and evolution of Mohave rattlesnake venoms). I always try to stay on top of some the current venom research all these years later because it still fascinates me and because I dedicated so much of my life to it. Gila monster venom is far from toxic or lethal to humans, and its a true venom secreted from venom glands. Years of research finally documented that for the Komodo dragons, too. The article made sense to me when they said suspected allergic reaction to the venom. There are so many different proteins in the various venoms that it doesn't take much to trigger that. Anaphylactic shock is not as uncommon as people thing from all of the various venoms (rattlesnakes, spiders, scorpions, and gila monsters). When I was younger, dumber, (supposedly invincible), and in the height of my research, I kept a sidewinder as a pet. That was probably one of the dumbest things I've done in my life and I can promise you there is some serious competition on that list.
  22. 1 point
    Hey guys, January was really good this year. I was able to see a lot of animals and was able to go on plenty of stalks. with that being said, I also got my butt kicked plenty of times. With January winding down. I found myself on the 27th looking at this deer in his bed in a really good area to approach him not being a fan of hunting in August in September I decided that I would be super happy with this buck if I was lucky enough to close the distance and get an arrow in him. With the conditions that day being super windy, it helped a lot with my stalk and I was able to get into a comfortable distance and get a shot on this buck when he got out of his bed. It all worked out and I was very happy with this buck and the stalk that I put on him.
  23. 1 point
    dang good way to end the season!
  24. 1 point
    Took my son out to check some petroglyphs I found the other day and happened to see some tines hanging above us. Can you spot the antler?
  25. 0 points
    Oh I was extremely lucky as is anyone who draws this tag. 😅 Trust me, I don't take it lightly!