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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2024 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I think you are missing several points people are try to make for you. 1. Grammar, it matters, it is important, and you are struggling with it. You are saying a lot of things that I don't think you realize you are saying. 2. You seem to be creating a credibility issue with the comments about Jimmy Johns that don't add up, the Home Depot post, and the Side by Side posts. 3. All of this Jimmy Johns talk is making me hungry. They make good sandwiches. I know what I am having for dinner.
  2. 3 points
    These were our best 3 bucks this year for 5 hunters, had a lot of fun, a lot of rutting action, a lot of deer, and a lot of tortillas:
  3. 2 points
    Are you the same guy that his family went on a family vacation (paris) left him all alone and you ended up having to booby trap the house from two robbers? Kevin?
  4. 2 points
    I bought an awesome male from the same breeding late last summer. My pup is a natural born hunter and my new best friend. Should be great dogs for you too. I'm not getting paid to say this, i just got a really good dog.
  5. 2 points
    Not sure ...but I do know that there were a lot of sheep being hit by cars on the highway up towards Kingman and he paid to have a barrier installed to keep them off the road. This as in addition to his tag purchases.
  6. 2 points
    not looking good for the devils...
  7. 2 points
    They moved the draw up a week and maybe just maybe they hired good IT people, if there is such a thing. Weirdly, I have drawn once since 2020 and have killed 3 elk (completely legal)
  8. 1 point
    The dude that got hit by a drunk driver when he worked at HD and then a few years back got knocked off his truck by a forklift driver? Did you take over his account and change the name or something? Didn't think that was possible but I'm Pretty sure his account name was billaroofer
  9. 1 point
    Off coarse it did . Why in the heck would anyone make something like that up. And just to let everyone know that last year my Dad had to go to Vegas and retrieve Her body. She committed suicide with fetenal. I know way blame Jimmy for any of that. Just have never forgot my sister coming home that day crying . I was 11 at that time. Never seen my Dad so mad.
  10. 1 point
    Well opinions are like assholes everyone has one. And right now your the asshole and I don't give a shoot what you think. Just like now you had a opinion of me. And posted it. I have my opinion about Jimmy he's a crap eater.
  11. 1 point
    I don't know anything about this man, but appreciate the money going to our wildlife. Also, I have a hard time giving any credibility to your account of the situations above. If nothing else, he seems to be a fairy smart business man. Seems unlikely he would behave like that in front of "possible new franchise owners" especialy females. Second, unless he owns that particular franchise, he wouldn't have authority to fire them. Seems like you have an axe to grind.
  12. 1 point
    The wife's ar15 build . She picked out the colors and kryptek pattern . Cerakote was done at Koted Arms in mesa back in 2017. I've taken this to the range a few times . It also made the trip for hogs in Texas
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    It's an island on the salt lake by Salt lake City.
  15. 1 point
    This was a 2023 auction buck from Utah, 45” wide, 276” in velvet. The auction prices last night were $575k for the AZ Statewide, $375k for Antelope Island, $340k for the UT statewide.
  16. 1 point
    Bobby Hurley is the best thing that happened for U of A! Clown coach, please don’t fire him. 45 / 45 points UA won by football and basketball!
  17. 1 point
    It was only 45 points.... but again the ASU dudes won't say a word
  18. 1 point
    He pays less percent than his secretary but he pays millions in taxes so no he doesnt pay less taxes
  19. 1 point
    I have always had great luck with Network Alignment. They have done several of my vehicles throughout the years.
  20. 1 point
    There's been a new acct started a few hours ago with my profile picture but there is a small slash at the beginning of crazymonkey I just noticed if your contacted by someone using my profile avatar look for the small slash at the beginning of crazymonkey that's the scammers profile.
  21. 1 point
    Been through this a thousand times. They have to charge cards the next day or risk peoples cards going bad in that time period. A few years ago when they had a problem and didn't charge right away they did a whole new update deadline and charged the next day. Charges will be the morning of Wednesday the 21st. If not they will simply give a new update date and try again.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Been cutting 4 weeks. Shreds are about to appear. We’re all gonna make it. I’m trying to get lean as dickskin for spring break and go to rocky point.
  24. 1 point
    Jimmy John bought the Antelope Island tag. $500k. Nevada hunter paid $725k for the Az. tag.
  25. 1 point
    You gotta have respect to get the password for the “non hunting political” stuff. Just remember to have respect. respect for the site, respect for the owners, respect for the mods, and respect for everyone will get you access.