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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2023 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Can we start a thread with Arizona guides names and their convicted crimes.
  2. 4 points
    Difference is people like the Arizona wildlife manager in here have decades worth of experience and real world perspective in wildlife management and you people just have your feelings.
  3. 4 points
    As mentioned in the other post. The simple question is do you guys support keeping the overgrown rats in the forest? If so then most likely we all hope your business shuts down regardless of how nice you or your family may be.
  4. 4 points
    Literally none of that matters if you support keeping the horses. So do you? We don't care how nice you are or if it's a family business. If you advocate for the feral horses then that's all I need to know about supporting your business.
  5. 3 points
    Feral horses ain’t wildlife. But they do carry a disease that kills our native bighorn sheep.
  6. 2 points
    Come on guys, it’s Tom Petty’s dream gal, an American Girl…. Be CWT nice…, btw, their website highlights seeing “wild horses” in their list of “wildlife” to view in the area…. No such thing in AZ, American Girl. The correct term is feral horses.
  7. 2 points
    I reported a helicopter in unit 1 three years ago for pushing elk over to 27 the day before early archery started. It' was G&F doing a "survey ".
  8. 2 points
    All the feral horses up there and on the Salt plus all the damned donkeys by Pleasant and elsewhere should be shot along with the hippies trying to protect them
  9. 2 points
    Helicopters? what this world has come to? where is the hunting ethics and fun with family and friends? that is ridiculous.
  10. 2 points
    Thank you for starting this tread. As the wildlife manager/ Field Supervisor in Unit 3C for 26 yrs. I saw the end of the horse capturing that the Heber Ranger (Black Mesa) Dist was doing, and the results. It saddens, and angers me to see what these horses have done to the habitat in not only that unit, but also Unit 1. Specifically, the Kettel Holes area. that area has been decimated and all those meadows have been converted from grass land community to noxious weeds. Any business in the white mountains that supports the horses should defiantly be boycotted, especially by hunters, or anyone interested in sound forest management. There is no place on public land for even one feral horse. Besides the habitat issues, thats a lot of high-quality protein on the hoof, that could feed a lot of people!
  11. 1 point
    Remington 700 blueprinted action, action and lug cerakoted Sniper Grey, fitted Mac Bros bolt, 7mm-08 24" 1-9 twist Christensen barrel, Grayboe Eagle Pro in Hunter orange camo with grayboe m5 hunter dbm, leupold pic rail, Axis works titanium 3 port selftiming brake, Timney 510-V2 Elite Hunter. 1 3-round MDT flush magazine included. Weighs 6lbs 14oz without bipod and no mag. Barrel has seen Zero rounds, but my shoot to prove accuracy for buyer. Bipod not included. $2500 I can ship for actual shipping cost.
  12. 1 point
    For Sale Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Stainless Steel. Excellent condition. Been in my safe for to-long. $800.00 located in the Showlow area. PM me if you have any questions.
  13. 1 point
    Conservation groups have been working diligently with the Apache National Forest to remove the feral livestock that has been inundating much of the forest. Sadly, the horse advocates have been working just as hard to stop the removal of said livestock. Photos by the contractor show the advocates opening locked gates to let captured horses free, cutting fences and causing havoc with the contractor. Over the past 14 months the contractor has removed over 350 horses and now has financing to remove even more. Conservation groups in Arizona have contributed over $100,000 to remove the remainder of these horses. Part of the issue is that the horse advocates refuse to accept science and biology as well as a Federal judgement that these horses are "stray", feral, or just plain livestock. I am writing this only to inform those who do not have the time or inclination to follow the drama. Many of us will be elk hunting this fall and we need to be aware of who our "Friends" are and those who only care about horses. It should be noted that the Aspen Lodge in Alpine is the hub of the Alpine Wild horse advocacy. The recent California transplants that purchased the Alpine Lodge have made the determination that these horses should be free and unencumbered by science. Where you spend your money this fall matters. If you are a horse advocate, spend your $$ at the Aspen Lodge. If you want a forest that has only natural wildlife..... then think twice about where you spend your $$. Once the Apache has all horses removed, the Sitgreaves Forest is next for a massive reduction of the invasive horses that came over from the Rodeo Chedeski fire. The White Mountain Apache Tribe has accepted back their cattle that strayed over into the forest, but politely declined to accept horses. The future of hunting units across Arizona need the support of all sportsmen to make sure biology and science rule how wildlife is handled.... and livestock have no place in the forests.
  14. 1 point
    A tornado hit Star Valley around 11am today. 35 homes were damaged, trees uprooted, roofs gone. No one seriously hurt thank god. Was about a half mile back on moonlight drive behind Pete's place. My good friend lives on Quail hollow and lost his porch and rood, windows and much more. Videos are on star valley yard sale page on face book. I would post but I don't do the face book. Godbless all effected.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Thanks for the deets on which plants I need be careful about smuggling across the border.
  17. 1 point
    The principals of Aspen Lodge (you) have taken a stance on an issue that is very important to outdoorsmen. We will vote with our money and do our best to make fellow outdoorsmen aware of Aspen Lodge's stance concerning feral animals on public land. ^^^^ this
  18. 1 point
    Your little speech on both threads is going to do more harm to your business than good
  19. 1 point
    CW get together at Aspen Lodge?
  20. 1 point
    It’s truly pathetic how you try to use forums like this one to bully people into hurting a family business. Not everyone who comes from CA are liberals. There are plenty of people that just like to see all the species in our beautiful forest. You really should listen to yourselves. If that’s your mindset, then by all means, please don’t stay at the Aspen Lodge. But I’ll tell you right now, you only know 1% of the story. And it takes a real special person to try to take out a family business they know nothing about. Have you been there? Stayed there? Ever met the family? No. You haven’t.
  21. 1 point
    I still snicker every time I drive past Pete's Place and see a cow as their draw for a topless bar. Never worked to coax me in.
  22. 1 point
    Well I thought I purchased a pair from a member that lives in NJ. I sent money orders feeling good about the transaction as he was communicative, responsive, and seemed legit. He verified the receipt of funds, and deposited the checks. Once he deposited, I never heard from him about shipping. I had to hound him via email for a response and he said they would be shipped the next day. They weren’t. I followed up many times and have gotten very little response back over the last two weeks. A week ago with no explanation of why he couldn’t ship them in the first place, he said he’d send me a refund instead. Now he’s not responding at all. I think it’s fraudulent and will be exploring how to deal with it if even possible. All of this to say that I’m again in the market for a local sale but my budget is a little lower. Thanks
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    We have those same people moving to Overgaard. I had a place in Alpine over 20 years ago. Hate to see those people moving there.
  25. 1 point