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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2023 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I need room in my safe, I have duplicates of the following 1911’s Springfield RO Target .45 great shooter $550 RIA 1911 Tac II 10mm also great shooter, very low round count $550 in Tucson
  2. 3 points
    My 13 year old son get his first buck opening morning!
  3. 2 points
    Let me know when the winds slows down a little up there and we will hit Big lake before freeze. Bigggins are a bitten. Or Hawley
  4. 1 point
    I bought 67 swords/machetes and a mace on a whim several months ago at a county auction. Two questions anyone know of a website to check ages of samurai swords and how do you put an edge on a broad sword?
  5. 1 point
    Christian Arms CA9mm pistol for sale. Absolute blast to shoot, shoots great, comes with 30 rd mag and 27 rd mag, along with sling. Burnt Bronze in color. $950.00
  6. 1 point
    Mossberg model 146B 22-S-LR with the original rear peep and t-bolt. Functions flawlessly. Not a safe queen but not abused. See photos for condition. $130 obo Located in Mayer/Dewey Can meet at 10am this Sunday/Christmas Eve at carefree hwy and I-17
  7. 1 point
    I guess I never shared this buck. I figured I would just because Since I get to go to Mx every year I've tried to apply and get mule deer tags whenever I can. I really can see the writing on the wall and the decline of the mule deer. I shot this buck in CO in 2021 on a solo hunt in a new area. Got a little lucky for sure.
  8. 1 point
    Went to one of my favorite spots that I knew burned up this summer. Was hoping to see some vegetation growth from the (weak) summer rains.... looked like the moon. There was still deer there but we didn't see any bucks.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Had mine installed at Discount Tire @ Scottsdale Rd. and Shea. Also, bought them there. My OTD price was $874 - $40 (5% DT CC rebate; 6 month 0% financing) - $40 (these tires sale price) = $794. DT's online store (Discount Tire Direct) had a flash sale ($100 off) earlier this week so the store honored that promo. Not every DT location is easy to work with on this. Eddie
  11. 1 point
    Cool, Walmart was my last over the counter tag. I fish now.. And donate 3 times a year to AZGFD. And I'm good. Got me a Turkey bird tag.
  12. 1 point
    Your inbox is full and your phone number doesn’t work trying to reach you about your post
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Dennis you have to purchase at the office
  16. 1 point
    Might have convinced me to load 20ga
  17. 1 point
    Got out for the opener on Friday. The morning was good with a few smaller bucks found. All day long I kept watching some does get up and reposition in the little draw next to me. I told my buddy that I was gonna sneak up to the edge and peak in the bottom to see if anything else was in there. I even joked and said "I am going to leave my gun here just to make sure there is a big buck in there." Snuck up to the edge and found the bedded does again then looked down to the right about 250 yds and found this guy up on his feet at 3pm. I snuck out, ran back and grabbed the gun. My buddy came up with me and spotted for the shot. One shot, buck down. We hunted the next few days and were able to fill his tag too. Another great trip with a great friend!
  18. 1 point
    And add a commie surcharge for Californicators.
  19. 1 point
    They really should just move non-resident to a draw and increase the price on top of the application fees. It's way too cheap compared to neighboring states.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Butter, Kosher salt, pepper. Sear on cast iron and eat.
  22. 1 point
    Spending the last few evenings processing my bull has been a lot of work , but something I always look forward to . Teaching my son to take pride in your blessings , along with teaching him skills that I hope he will carry on to his son. Having my father there this time to see me pass on the passion of hunting and the outdoors the way he instilled them in me is something I will hold tight for the rest of my life. This has been my favorite part of this hunt.
  23. 1 point
    Long story short. My wife worked at navajo county they sent her email about county surplus and seized auction. Browsing the only thing that was interesting was a couple of buckets of confiscated swords. I am now ready for zombies.
  24. 1 point
    That’s an interesting random purchase!
  25. 0 points
    Driest year in decades.