As a kid I was taught by my dad to slow walk, stop, look, listen and slow walk again with the hope that I might encounter a buck!
My first buck was shot off hand, with a lever action, open sight, 30-30, maybe 30 yards in open grass hillside bootheel New Mexico! I’m positive my brother, who was walking parallel to me on the same grassy slow roll ridge, had kicked the buck up!
The little two point mule deer never saw me and I shot him right under his ear!
I have never shot a deer or elk that I “glassed” up!
This season a week ago my grandson, 300 yards, buck glassed up by his uncle, rifle in a clamp!
My son this morning, 300 yards, buck glassed up, solo hunt!
I own a pair of binoculars now, and I love using them to scour a hillside looking for game! I personally don’t think I’ve ever shot at anything further than 200 yards and I’m not nearly as accomplished as a hunter as many on CWT! But……. I still enjoy the slow walk, stop look and listen approach and feel blessed that while I’m slower at walking than I used to be I can still get out there and hunt!