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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2023 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    So this year I found out I had drawn a tag like everyone else after the 3rd round of card hits. I was already making plans for other things in September because no one I knew drew a tag. But come to find out, not only did I draw, but so did my work partner for the same hunt. So the planning began. Over the last 10 years I have done everything I could to help friends and family on their hunts and to learn as much I could. And it definitely paid off. Opening morning we were able to call in this dink for my buddy. At 25 yards he was able to knock the wind right out of him. He ran maybe 80 yards and piled up. That night we hiked his elk out and I went back in Saturday morning. I had several close calls, but couldn't seal the deal. One was my target bull that will probably haunt my dreams. I had him at 37 yards but couldn't get him to step out from behind a tree. He decided I wasn't sexy enough and returned to his cows and out of my life. Sunday morning came, and now I had 2 buddies to help. It was a fun day with several passes and almosts. One stand we had a small 6 come in, when a wolf about 200 yards behind us starts howling. That bull cleared the country. But I was going to pass on him anyways. Later that evening we set up on higher ground when an elk bugled below us. We gave a couple soft calls and he came in hot on a run. When he got to 22 yards I made my shot. He ran down hill where he took his final breaths. I had a lot of folks give me solid advice before this hunt and thanks to them we had an amazing time. I definitely would not have got it done without them.
  2. 5 points
    I had fun this season. Although I never let an arrow loose on an elk, there were opportunities that just didn't pan out. Day 3 was perhaps the closest I came to cutting loose, but never got a clear shot. Letting this bull go on day 5 wasn't easy, but I wanted a much bigger amimal having taken larger ones. If it had been day 10 or later, probably different outcome... Bugling also wasn't near as prevalent as we'd hoped for either. There were days where it was also completely silent. The bull on day 3 was significantly larger btw too. Oh well, it was, as I said, a lot of fun!
  3. 3 points
    How do I measure success? Simply a freezer full of meat. What ever the good Lord gives me.
  4. 3 points
    Heading out after work tomorrow to scout for my son's jr hunt. If we glass up a buck like that opening morning we are dropping the hammer.
  5. 3 points
    Every single day that I don't hunt, is an unsuccesful day!
  6. 3 points
    Haha +10 Great service guys. A buddy used yall a year or two ago when he couldn't find time to zero in a new rifle before a late elk hunt. Apparently the RSOs have time to watch the movements of visitors using the vending machines. Last time I went to Ben Avery, I was screamed at for eating an M&M with peanuts near the shooting line lol. Yup, I'm a rebel. 3 years later, I'm the RSO. Have had to ask one individual I saw drawing from the hip to holster his weapon and put it away since he wanted to argue. Still, I didn't need to scream. Dang good thing he didn't compound the infraction with an M&M.
  7. 2 points
    Just got back from my New Mexico antelope hunt. was a wonderful hunt with a lot of antelope to glass. got this guy on opening day. First time hunting antelope so didn’t really know how to judge size, they all looked the same to me.
  8. 2 points
    Maybe a Colts Walker?
  9. 2 points
    I use Ahead of The Game Taxidermy. MIKE VACCARRO
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    We found this guy today. Would you shoot? I think I wouldn't.
  12. 1 point
    "Deserves ain't got nothing to do with it..."
  13. 1 point
    When you fill the coolers with meat, Then have a celebratory beverage.
  14. 1 point
    Mr. Corkran met his demise due to a Colts Walker blowing up in his hand. Name the place of said incident and movie.
  15. 1 point
    I was helping a friend in 11m a few years ago. We found a dead bull on the border. I posted it here and got like 20 private messages of wounded bulls that were not that bull.
  16. 1 point
    Correct. The rifle that saved Remington after the Civil War. I believe this was made overseas as it was made in 45-70 and I don't believe they were built domestically in that caliber. At least not built for Uncle Sam.
  17. 1 point
    He must have called in sick for work
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    "but definitely had the white tail." The OP might have seen a black tail on one (or more), but this guy had a WT tail for sure
  20. 1 point
    We just added Roscoe (aka Chunk) to our pack. Good luck with your sale.
  21. 1 point
    Not the biggest bull I saw but a nice 6x6 with my dad. More than happy to have punched my tag on a bugling bull.
  22. 1 point
    Idk my brother just sent me a screen shot. the bull i just helped on
  23. 1 point
    yeah I did. shout out azgfd dude was cool af. i was gonna post a pic of the antler in my house and let it simmer and see if any haters started accusing of wrong doing. that bull is bigger than it looks too. Has 19” g2 and 19 g3, 47” beams, 10.5” h1. Top mass measure 7”
  24. 1 point
    I found this bull, it was gored to death by another bull.
  25. 0 points
    Just bought one of these and arrived today. Just my luck. Paid more then that without the bottle. Great deal on a great stove. Comes in handy when traveling as it is easier to get fuel for these