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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2023 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    So this year I found out I had drawn a tag like everyone else after the 3rd round of card hits. I was already making plans for other things in September because no one I knew drew a tag. But come to find out, not only did I draw, but so did my work partner for the same hunt. So the planning began. Over the last 10 years I have done everything I could to help friends and family on their hunts and to learn as much I could. And it definitely paid off. Opening morning we were able to call in this dink for my buddy. At 25 yards he was able to knock the wind right out of him. He ran maybe 80 yards and piled up. That night we hiked his elk out and I went back in Saturday morning. I had several close calls, but couldn't seal the deal. One was my target bull that will probably haunt my dreams. I had him at 37 yards but couldn't get him to step out from behind a tree. He decided I wasn't sexy enough and returned to his cows and out of my life. Sunday morning came, and now I had 2 buddies to help. It was a fun day with several passes and almosts. One stand we had a small 6 come in, when a wolf about 200 yards behind us starts howling. That bull cleared the country. But I was going to pass on him anyways. Later that evening we set up on higher ground when an elk bugled below us. We gave a couple soft calls and he came in hot on a run. When he got to 22 yards I made my shot. He ran down hill where he took his final breaths. I had a lot of folks give me solid advice before this hunt and thanks to them we had an amazing time. I definitely would not have got it done without them.
  2. 3 points
    If any of you lucky elk hunters out there we’re lucky enough to wrap your tag on a bull this season , and are looking to get a Euro mount done . Have a wedding to save up for. I’ll do them for 150 bucks. here’s a few I’ve done recently. Im located in East Mesa
  3. 2 points
    Todd's number is Six 0 Two 677- 379 One
  4. 2 points
    +1 on folks not knowing where the money comes from. I think the majority of folks not only don't realize where the money comes from, but they don't care. In my extended family, I'm basically the only one who hunts (plus my kids). My siblings and other extended family members aren't antis or haters, they are just completely apathetic regarding the topic of hunting & fishing. Looks like money is ALL OVER the Hobb's proclamation. No surprise.... Arizona-Hunting-and-Fishing-Day-Proclamation-2023.pdf (amazonaws.com)
  5. 2 points
    What amazes me is how many people don't really realize where the majority of the money comes from that takes care of the wildlife programs. Clueless.................
  6. 2 points
    Not the biggest bull I saw but a nice 6x6 with my dad. More than happy to have punched my tag on a bugling bull.
  7. 2 points
    Went out and splatter tested blank ammo for the gunfighter reenactment group. Good reason to bring the Cannon along. Cannon vs Dragon 43079.mp4
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    I just got back from target practice with two enthusiastic, twelve-year-old deer hunters! Man, these kids can shoot! 300 yards? No problem! And with them being fortunate enough to have the full ten-day window to hunt, I'll issue this final warning to all mature mule deer in their hunt area; You'd better find a really good hiding spot ASAP, or they might be seeing you on their dinner plates next month... Like this one last year:
  10. 1 point
    Selling a like new Swaro nl pure 12x42 bino. Took them on a hunt but not really used. Comes with everything a new set of binos come with; box, paperwork, warranty card, sticker, and even protective paper on the zipper pulls! SOLD Located in Queen Creek but work all over the valley. No trades. Text with any questions. Thx.
  11. 1 point
    Wow, if I ever get a tag and get one I'll get back to you. Those look great!
  12. 1 point
    I have a few friends overseas that use them. Here is a good article to help push you over the edge. https://www.rifleshootermag.com/editorial/375-hh-mag-vs-93x62-cartridge-clash/380081
  13. 1 point
    I have a couple of buddies that have built them. They go over to Texas every year and put down hogs. They are absolutely a beast of a round.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Anyone have contact info for Southern Express or anyone else you’d recommend in Southeast valley? I need a trigger worked on and a scope mounted.
  16. 1 point
    While destroying your engine. Have fun
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    how much is the mold? im sure in your capacities you got something to melt lead. I know a guy that had an in with one of the "mexican tire shops" that he would go get the take ff wheel weights from them, melt them down and make his own 50 cal bullets
  19. 1 point
    Right about 4lbs
  20. 1 point
    if anybodly is looking for Bruno's has H4895, H4350, H1000 for 45.30 a pound .
  21. 1 point
    This stock is for a short action, will not work in a long action
  22. 1 point
    The bulging is always good where i’m at
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Southern Express is near bass pro, hit him up.
  25. 0 points