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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2023 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    So this year I found out I had drawn a tag like everyone else after the 3rd round of card hits. I was already making plans for other things in September because no one I knew drew a tag. But come to find out, not only did I draw, but so did my work partner for the same hunt. So the planning began. Over the last 10 years I have done everything I could to help friends and family on their hunts and to learn as much I could. And it definitely paid off. Opening morning we were able to call in this dink for my buddy. At 25 yards he was able to knock the wind right out of him. He ran maybe 80 yards and piled up. That night we hiked his elk out and I went back in Saturday morning. I had several close calls, but couldn't seal the deal. One was my target bull that will probably haunt my dreams. I had him at 37 yards but couldn't get him to step out from behind a tree. He decided I wasn't sexy enough and returned to his cows and out of my life. Sunday morning came, and now I had 2 buddies to help. It was a fun day with several passes and almosts. One stand we had a small 6 come in, when a wolf about 200 yards behind us starts howling. That bull cleared the country. But I was going to pass on him anyways. Later that evening we set up on higher ground when an elk bugled below us. We gave a couple soft calls and he came in hot on a run. When he got to 22 yards I made my shot. He ran down hill where he took his final breaths. I had a lot of folks give me solid advice before this hunt and thanks to them we had an amazing time. I definitely would not have got it done without them.
  2. 6 points
    Went out and splatter tested blank ammo for the gunfighter reenactment group. Good reason to bring the Cannon along. Cannon vs Dragon 43079.mp4
  3. 6 points
    Like others said the 06, BUT….don’t fear the .243’s abilities with a good bullet. when my son had his first bull tag all he wanted to use was his .243 so I loaded him up some 100 grain partitions and low and behold he slew a young bull at 137 yds with one shot. The bull dropped on the spot and the bullet blew on through. And he wasn’t exactly a tiny bull body wise.
  4. 3 points
    I took it easy, only 50gr Pyrodex and 4 .54 balls. Too much fun.
  5. 2 points
    I've got a couple hunting rifles that I'm going to part with. This one is an older Ruger tang safety with rings. Has wear and signs of use but a nice gun. $550 in south Tempe
  6. 2 points
    I have a pair of older light green style Swarovski 15’s. They are in fantastic condition… glass is clear no scratches. 1300 dollars DAVE 602-228-1719 16 st and carefree Hwy area will post pics tomorrow
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
    I just added that to my wish list....
  9. 1 point
    For sale never mounted Leupold VX-6HD 4-24x52mm 34mm CDS-ZL2 Side Focus Parallax Illum. FireDot Duplex Reticle... Comes complete with box, factory packaging, user manual, unused CDS card, removable throw lever and both flip-up dust covers... Asking $1400 OBCO... Call or text Don at Ph. #520-834-2359
  10. 1 point
    The 243 will do but the 06 is definitely better . You can try some hornady lite recoil rounds in the 06 . It will be a little more bullet weight and a bigger dia than the 243 . Get him use to the 06 with the lite rounds for bench work and sight in and then run the 150s to hunt . Most hunters don't feel or hear the shot when shooting at a animal. If he's still not comfortable I've got a 6.5 Creedmoor with a break on it or a 300wm with a break that shoots just as soft as the 243 I'd lend you for his hunt.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Really simple question. When they want to....
  13. 1 point
    Hes 16? As long as he's not scrared he will be fine. .
  14. 1 point
    Not really my place to share pics, but I helped my buddy and his son in 5BN the past couple days. His son killed a nice 6x6 on water Sat evening and we got into some good bugling action Mon and Tue mornings. Rut seems to be picking up but “not quite there” yet in the areas we were hunting.
  15. 1 point
    Sorry Gaps, I had what Will K was looking for, I don't have what you are hunting.
  16. 1 point
    I am Interested in this can I get your number to get more info?
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    There seems to always be someone to bash someone else's kill and try to steal there thunder.
  20. 1 point
    A good friend took a 360ish bull out of 5BS.
  21. 1 point
    I found this bull, it was gored to death by another bull.
  22. 1 point
    Acting… jeep gladiator ?? I feel like I don’t even know you any more
  23. 1 point
    Just think of it like our summers, it's hot as heck for a few months and it's cold as balls for a few months there.
  24. 1 point
    This might ruffle some feathers but I’m all for kid’s drawing what ever great tags they can now because they will have zero chance in the future going forward. I’m fortunate enough to have my desert ram with low points. I chased odds not legendary units and still killed a B&C sheep. Just took a lot of work. My daughter is turning 10 this year and can start hunting. If she draws a sheep tag, early rifle bull tag, late December coues tag, or strip tag we will be fully embracing that given hunt and making sure it’s a memory she has for life. What’s to say a child’s memory hunting with family are not as valuable as someone that’s been putting in for years? At the end of the day it’s just luck of the draw. My dad and stepdad are in max points for antelope and sheep and they and I don’t feel they are owed a thing. Entitlement isn’t a good look for anyone. Good luck to all in the upcoming draws
  25. 1 point
    From everything I have ever read Coues water in conjuction with feeding times usually at least twice a day in average to cold temps ... With the most of these times being early am and and in the PM .... But the Studies I have read from have also stated more sightings with mid day watering during warmer than seasonal temperatures .... I have also read unlike Mullies... Coues do depend more on water sources where as mule deer can achieve most their water needs through their browsing on the lands grasses and vegetation ... Just what I have read and much of what I have seen in the field seems to mesh