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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2023 in all areas

  1. 12 points
    1st and 2nd go to the girls this year !!! 1st place Lacey putz age13 2nd place Emma Titerington age15 3rd place Joshua Ingino age13 20230902_130608.mp4
  2. 5 points
    Im sorry if it’s sideways, smoke coues deer football roast to 139. out of bounds, might as well have been back strap. Hard to beat coues
  3. 4 points
    If you can't tune a piano. You can tuna fish.
  4. 2 points
    Tuning a standard piano is fairly complex and the stated price is very reasonable, really on the low end. Most standard pianos take approximately two hours or more to tune plus his drive time and years of experience. Whole Bass keys/notes (A1 to A#2 (Bb2), the first lower fourteen on most pianos, only have one string while the following 14 strings,B2 to C3, have two, and the remaining 60 keys,C#3 (Db3) to C8, have three strings each, with A7 to C8 being very hard to hear and distinguish. That's a total of 222 piano strings! (Unless my math is off) While I only started to learn to play the piano two and a half years ago, like most everything I get involved with, I've learned a fair amount about piano tuning and the mechanics of pianos. I will never be a professional piano tuner and my hat is off to those who are good at it. The same holds for Collaborative Pianists. I've gained a deep respect for those who tune pianos well and they earn every "cent", especially when a piano is more than ten to twenty cents out of tune. Best wishes and my greatest respect.
  5. 2 points
    That was cool to watch, Man.
  6. 1 point
    I was only going to be able to hunt opening weekend due to work and other things going on. I had planned on sitting a tank since the monsoon has been pretty lackluster and then like clockwork a big storm rolls through the area on Wed evening. I get to camp on Thurs and there are puddles of water everywhere, I decide to sit water anyway and see what happens. Friday opening day comes, sit all day and only 2 does come to water. The weather was heating up friday and the puddles were starting to dry out, higher hopes for Saturday sit. Morning comes get to tank, I hear someone in the distance yelling at his dogs, some Turkey sound off gobbling after that. The hours go by, have people coming to tank mid day to check tracks, Have a drone flying overhead, more people coming to check tank. Im hot and irritated, its 1pm and I decide Im going to leave. I get up to stretch and look around and see a body of a deer, cant see the head. I get ready, a doe comes to water. I knew there were more than 1 deer so I stay ready. Second deer comes in and its a buck, looks like a decent buck. I decide I will take him. He drinks and I think maybe I wont take him, a little smaller than my original thoughts. He messes with the doe for a little while and starts to walk off, it was then that I decided to shoot him at 43 yds. He took a tumble right away, got up junped the fence and almost fell there. I lose him in the trees. I wait 30 mins and start to track, short blood trail as he was piled up only 30-40 yds from shot.
  7. 1 point
    For the first time in my adult life, I purposely took the opener off. Took my boy and my pup out. Both had a blast. Flying was a little slow, but we had a great day.
  8. 1 point
    Kind of surprised yesterday.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    I know a couple of organizations use Tucson Sportsmans for raffle prize pickups. Might be worth checking with them. A couple of local places I've heard of doing transfers for folks are The Hub on Alvernon and Trail Boss Outfitters in Vail. Vail is way out east, but maybe convenient depending on the winner's location.
  11. 1 point
    The guy I use is pretty far west on Avra Valley, but he should be able to help. Morey engineering on Marana.
  12. 1 point
    I’m in the east valley. $100 valley wide and if you live outside the valley we can talk price, I like road trips😂
  13. 1 point
    That's a really good beer. One of these years I will come shoot doves in Yuma. I always went to Paloma in Gila Bend since the early 90's but Brown really locked it up shut it down. Don't you and your brother kill them all hombre. When I grow up I want to be just like you.
  14. 1 point
    Killed the ceviche, 2 caguamas and has like a ton of rain!
  15. 1 point
    Winners have been drawn. 1st place is 13 yr old lacy putz 2nd place is 15 yr old Emma Titerington 3rd place is 13 yr old Joshua Ingino 20230902_130608.mp4
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    The outdoors has never been more intruded here in Az as it currently is........and very few of the population actually take the time to take care of anything amiss out there. Kudos to any of you that have taken the time to make things better than the way they were when you arrived. I have blamed the ban on my fewer trips to the forest but honestly the price of gas has caused me more conflict than the ban.......I have also lost more cameras since the ban than all the years previous combined. Is the ban the cause of this coincidence? No idea. Our last trip to Alpine, that little stretch of 191 between Nutrioso and the summit I saw 6 rigs parked on the side of the road glassing that long burn ridge on the backside of Noble Mt........ "pre scouting" I suppose. I'd like to blame the ban on all of that additional traffic too but honestly what bugs me more than people scouting on the highway is sxs 10 in a group seeing how fast they can go around the corner or how loud they can play their music................... Bottom line.......there is just too dam many people out in the woods these days.......and I am thankful to still be able to get out there and be one of them.........
  19. 1 point
    What the heck did everybody do before cameras were even a thing? Jesus. I take every chance I can to get out in the woods, places I've never been, etc., and I've never bothered to own a camera. Either you want to be in the woods or you don't, but it's not the camera bans fault that a drinker broke, and nobody fixed it until now.
  20. 1 point
    I have done a few things for other people on here. Let me know what you need.
  21. 1 point
    100% agree and was thinking the same. Just a way to blame the camera ban for something that has likely been happening for years, before the OP started going only 4 years ago........
  22. 1 point
    So, if you had been able to put a camera there, you would have noticed it how? By going out to check the camera, correct? What is the difference between that and live scouting? If you had gone scouting in the flesh the old fashioned way, you'd have noticed it as well. I am missing the blame game point myself. Not to mention the old fashioned way of scouting would tend to require a few more trips, so you'd have been able to return with materials to repair it sooner in the summer.......JMO
  23. 1 point
    Tengo miedo que me sequestran o que haré algo sin saber y me echarán a la carcel con multa grandisimo. Aquí conozco las leyes. No tanto por allí. Y no tengo ganas de morir tampoco. La pregunta es, ¿Vale la riesga?
  24. 1 point
    I've been on here long enough to know to put in for a 4B hunt for Elk, and to not post pics of a kill under power lines!
  25. 1 point
    I killed this buck with my 4 year old son by my side during the opening morning of the general rifle hunt. We were late getting out of the cabin by about an hour but it all worked out. As we were working our way to our glassing spot we found this guy hanging out near the road. Having my son with me during this hunt was by far my best experience in the field.