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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Wife got her sheep tag I got my dec tag and son got his pig tag we are set
  2. 2 points
    The fishing rules are mind numbing. For crab you'll need calipers and the ability to distinguish sexes. But unlike the local libtards's, you only have to worry about male vs female.
  3. 2 points
    I could be wrong but I believe maceration is when you leave it in the tote underwater the entire time for it to allow the microbes and bacteria to completely clean the skull. As far as I know you don't need any water movement at all you can literally just let it sit in there and do its thing but it will be stinky like super super stinky.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Today marks 20 years since I first became a member of this forum. So much has transpired since then with lifelong friends made, hunting skills matured, and knowledge increased. I can't believe how fast time flies!
  6. 1 point
    Hello everyone... like the title says I have some Catahoula leopard pups that just hit 8 weeks and ready to go with first shots. We have some pretty blues and a couple black with some brindle. The little heart color is for boy or girl and we are asking 300.00.
  7. 1 point
    I have had this for a few years. The rifle is in 95% condition with no dings in the checkering. The scope is a VXll 2x7. Weighs 9 #'s 14oz. $50 will be donated to Crazymonkey to go toward the Youth Raffle. Asking $1800. Also included Forester Dies, no shell holder. 100 new Winchester cases. 180 Winchester 300gr FMJ 118 Hornady 270gr SP. 7-31-23. Adding 500 CCI Large Rifle Magnum Primers.
  8. 1 point
    Shot this guy in 2016 during archery. It breaks My heart to get rid of it. But Bill's come first. 750 firm...
  9. 1 point
    Savage model 110 heavy barrel with 30mm Warne steel rings on 20moa pic rail. Threaded barrel with factory brake. .300 win mag. Bipod is not included. Small scuff on barrel. $500, in Glendale. I do travel to quartzsite each week so possible meet up between the two. First come first serve. Made the mistake of holding for someone for 4 weeks who was a no show. I will delete the post once sold. 623-213-3236
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    I've done it the last three seasons. 1st season, I got a depredation tag, which I filled. Last year, I missed a bunch with my pistol, switched to my crossbow and found a bull that i really wanted but couldn't close the deal. This season I've helped four people fill their tags, including myself. It's a 3030.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    I hope he continues to apply and gets your tag every year
  14. 1 point
    I just hit 19 years in June. Come on here just about every day.. Lot of really good hunters here.
  15. 1 point
    Soooooo tempting!!!! I don't need it either nor do I have any room to hide another rifle from the wife . Also if I keep buying guns I'll never get the scope for my 280ai build. I hope someone buys it soon so I don't have to explain the I don't need another gun but I wanted another gun thing to the wife again.
  16. 1 point
    I have the tall height but sorry not interested in trading but, another cheaper option is just buy the long legs and either keep the regular legs or sell them. They are like $30 each. They just easily screw into the main body.
  17. 1 point
    Got tags in mail today
  18. 1 point
    Just a newbie on this forum, but have hunted southern Arizona for half a century. This year my wife, son and I will be hunting 35A for the first time in Nov. IMO you shouldnt worry about the illegal traffic...just hunt. If you hike the back country (hint: The Arizona Trails run through the unit, Canelo Hills to Parker canyon Lake and beyond), you wont have a problem and you WILL see some great Coues country. Good luck with your hunt.
  19. 1 point
    I wanted to post a follow up stating that OP fixed my porch leaks. He found some additional issues above what I had mentioned that needed addressing. Responsive, fair, and honest fellow. Good to meet you Bill. Thank you for your assistance and I will pass on the word of your services.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Shooting a bull when it's 90 degrees outside is a lot of work. I've been hunting close to home for the most part with the occasional excursion to the greatest unit. Seeing more than a few elk. Until today, i had my standards pretty high and passed up maybe 20 spikes and small bulls. The area I liked themost got hit hard by a couple of professional hunters and you may have seen the bulls they took on ig or Facebook. That being said my normal area was devoid of elk the last couple of days. Mostly from insomnia and little from curiosity I went to the greatest unit ever this morning with determination of shooting the first branch bull I see. My dog gave me a guilt trip so he came along for the ride. We get to our spot maybe 30 minutes after first light and start walking. 10 or twenty minutes after leaving the truck I spot a calf and few other non bulls. We get closer and for the first time ever my dog is not growling at rocks he's picking fights with. Then all of sudden an antlered bull sticks his head out for a moment 65 yards away and disappears just as quickly. I wait maybe 10 minutes, maybe 20 minutes, honestly idk, he comes out broadside at 60 yards. I am shooting a 1948 marlin off handed that I picked up from cwt member. (Apologies I forgot your handle) My first shot, no reaction, second shot no reaction, chambering of third shot he starts to cantor off and I go full.john Wayne shooting everything he's in an opening. I go to where my first 3 shots were and I find blood instantly. The herd climbs the hill opposite of me without my target in tow. i start following the blood trail thinking hes within a few dozen yards. Not the case, at all , I follow and the blood trail actually gets bigger for once. After an unknown distance and time, I catch up. He stumbles up and I put two more rounds into him, one behind the shoulder and the ending shot in the neck. I think this is my 10th elk and first with a rifle.
  22. 1 point
    Mogollon taxidermy runs about 12 months. He has a lot of mounts to work on and a small crew to help but they are amazing!
  23. 1 point
    It seems like the truly professional, organized guys have less than 18 months turns. If you think about it, if their delay is longer than that, they have either experienced a major operations problem, of they are taking in too much work. Take it for what its worth, but basically every full-time taxidermist that I have visited that has more than a 20 month turn time ALSO has a shop that looks disorganized, dirty, and is not managing their inflow and outflow well, and I usually don't like the look of their work anyway. Sounds harsh but its what I've seen.
  24. 1 point
    I don't recall seeing an option for an e-tag either, but I'm not interested.
  25. 1 point
    I would not and do not know what you are talking about.