I don't wanna be playing the weird angle design game though. Got a bunch of free chain link and bars I can take off a job. I'm a Virgo, I like to work with even numbers and right angles.
Whoa, how did I miss this? Yes Maynard .52
They came in .33, .50 and .52
The cartridge has no primer, just a flash hole. Paper caps like we had in cap guns as kids then later percussion caps were fitted.
My dog is different. He could care less. I actually watched him sniff a cotton tails nose.
His obsession with fighting rocks is real and this is the first time ever when we stopped and he wasn't growling at them.
Just an FYI I bought Shooter and a Strelok clone called, Chairgun Elite +. I’ll try both see which I like. So far after messing with both all morning the Chairgun is the one I’d use if I had to pick. But I will continue to use both. I ran exact same dope charts on both and they were both putting out exact same data. Chairgun has updated ammo and scope reticles and large libraries of both. Shooter seems like it hasn’t been updated in years.
Anyone looking for a Strelok substitute should check out Chairgun