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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/2023 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Edge getting me to post my great grandpa's WWI uniform got me thinking about my dad's stuff from Vietnam. Most everything he has is a replacement/exact replica of everything he carried in the jungle as an infantry mortarman. I've told the story of his company being ambushed by a battalion-sized NVA element on Nov 11, 1967. Most everything dad had was left behind or had been taken/rummaged/looted when the NVA closed the horseshoe-shaped ambushed and surrounded dad's company (often breaching the perimeter). Dad was medevaced out Nov 12, 1967, when they could finally get helicopters in. Everything he had was in his rucksack and his fatigues were cut off at the hospital. Fast forward to Nov 19, 1978. Our house in our small Iowa town burned to the ground the night we moved in. We lost everything we owned. We barely got our alive and it was a total loss. We were living off donations for absolutely everything (clothes, place to stay, food, etc). I was 5 years old and only have two memories of the night. I vaguely remember dad being upset about the few things he managed to have from Vietnam that he shipped home prior to Nov 11, 1967. He had his original purple heart, with yhe plastic melted, and one of his bronze stars w/ "V" device, covered in soot. They were in a metal lockbox and that was the only thing to survive the fire. Fast forward again to the late 1980s. I was in high school, maybe finishing junior high. A friend of the family found one of dad's original jungle fatigue shirts in a footlocker of his. Nobody knew why this guy had it or where he got it from, but I'll never forget the look on dad's face when he got it back. I used to wear it all the time and was super proud to do that. I look at it now, and it's a grim reminder of just how small my dad was when he was 19/20 and all of the stuff he carried. Every time I start to complain about a load being heavy and a hill too steep, I find myself thinking of dad carrying all of his gear, plus 5 mortar rounds for his 81mm tube, including up triple canopy slopes in high humidity. Anyway, thanks for indulging me again.
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    That's what you get for having too much faith in azgfd.
  4. 1 point
    Great press, just got a different model. $100
  5. 1 point
    Who has built one? My 11 year old decided that he needs an AR in 6mm ARC so I made him a deal to build one. He has to fully assemble the rifle (he loves legos) from scratch and we are going to do the research and build together. He also has to pay up and put some of his own money into the build. This is the basic plan right now I think, but am just in the beginning stages. Aero Lower (already have it) Aero Upper (ordered a blemished up for $50) Probably and 18" barrel with Keymo muzzle brake on it so I can easily put on a suppressor once it gets out of ATF jail. Adjustable gas block. rest is TBD. Who makes a good reasonably priced barrel for an ARC that wouldn't be crazy heavy or a budget Killer? Thoughts? Thanks Harley
  6. 1 point
    Big breath, Post a fishing report it gets taken down.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    I feel you bro, one of the few things I have of my Dad's.
  10. 1 point
    I bet if I wasn’t being lazy and put a load together for mine it could shoot better. I just didn’t want to add any more dies to the herd.
  11. 1 point
    Haven't built a 6 arc, but i want to at some point also. I have built 1 gas gun for a 224 Valkyrie for my coyote gun. I bought a Wilson Combat barrel for $300. It's not fluted like the one they make for the 6 arc so mine is a little heavier. But my 224 is one of the tightest shooting rifles I own. I also am not shooting factory ammo. I am reloading my rounds. Now if I can find some time to hunt some coyotes! Hard to see, but stacking them in the same hole in the black.
  12. 1 point
    fun too shoot and mine is just under MOA with Hornady ELDX ammo. Used Aero parts and Ballistic Advantage barrel. I think it will make a 400 yd Whitetail gun also. On paper it does loose energy about there.
  13. 1 point
    Well, the smoked brisket turned out OK. Paired nice tonight with pico and avocado.
  14. 1 point
    I have nothing to worry about, I have no charges to take away
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Thanks me too…bitter sweet for me, my 1st choice is a hunt I didn’t know if I would ever apply for again. Last time I had the tag, I found out on the 2nd day of the hunt that my dad had unexpectedly passed away. Obviously I had to cut the hunt short and come home and I was a LONG way from home. Nothing to think about but that for 9+ hours on the road. It was set up to be the hunt of lifetime, my lifetime at least. It was a 13A archery tag and I had a guide. I was so excited. Turned out to be the worst thing that had happened to me in my life to this point. I decided to put in for that hunt again this year, I felt that I had unfinished business in that unit. It’s a long shot that I got it, but there is always a chance I suppose. Likely drew my 2nd choice Nov Coues tag, which I’ll be excited for too. As far as my opinion on how the draw shook out…..boy was I wrong haha. But what are you gonna do? I’ll eat my crow like man and admit when I’m wrong. They won’t get me next time though….or maybe they will LOL.
  18. 1 point
    Not for me. I already know what mine says.
  19. 1 point
    Yep, that was 2nd battalion/503rd PIR, carrying on their lineage from Corregidor in WWII. Dad was in 1st battalion and did the air assault via helo for that operation.
  20. 1 point
    Forgot to take pictures, but made pastrami and smoked corn on the cob. Here is a picture from the last time I made pastrami. This one turned out similar.
  21. 1 point
    my card got hit for 7 different charges today not ONE of them from azgfd. this draw sucks
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Whether on purpose or accident, this was likely a "fed" bear. I'd wager that locals had seen this bear prior to the incident. Condolences to friends & family.
  24. 1 point
    A while back, Edge posted about finding a dog tag and getting it back to its owner's family. Tim (Edge) is 1000% a great guy. I chimed in on the dog tag discussion about having my Great Grandpa's WWI dog tag and full uniform. Tim asked to see pics, but I had to wait to get into my safe after the keypad died. Access happened yesterday, so this post is for Tim/Edge! My Great Grandpa on my mom's side was in WWI and he passed away when I was in 8th grade. He was 92. He had 12 kids (that survived, 14 total) with my great grandma. As everyone was going through stuff, they came across his original dog tag and full uniform. My great grandma asked what should be done with it. My grandma knew I was a military history buff at 14 years old, so she grabbed everything and said "I know who will appreciate this!" and got it to me. It wasn't until a few years ago when my grandma's sister passed away that I was able to get the original helmet to go with everything. As promised to Tim/Edge, here are the pics. Full set of leggings (plus an extra), helmet, oversees cap (dad had a different, nsfw name for those), pants, jacket, and helmet.
  25. 1 point
    That's really cool. My grandfather was in an artillery unit in WWI (His son, my dad, was a B-17 navigator in WWII). Anyway, I have the wool blanket that my grandfather was issued during his stint in WWI. It comes with me on any colder-weather camping trips and makes a great supplemental blanket for super cold nights. S.