A while back, Edge posted about finding a dog tag and getting it back to its owner's family. Tim (Edge) is 1000% a great guy. I chimed in on the dog tag discussion about having my Great Grandpa's WWI dog tag and full uniform. Tim asked to see pics, but I had to wait to get into my safe after the keypad died. Access happened yesterday, so this post is for Tim/Edge!
My Great Grandpa on my mom's side was in WWI and he passed away when I was in 8th grade. He was 92. He had 12 kids (that survived, 14 total) with my great grandma. As everyone was going through stuff, they came across his original dog tag and full uniform. My great grandma asked what should be done with it. My grandma knew I was a military history buff at 14 years old, so she grabbed everything and said "I know who will appreciate this!" and got it to me. It wasn't until a few years ago when my grandma's sister passed away that I was able to get the original helmet to go with everything. As promised to Tim/Edge, here are the pics. Full set of leggings (plus an extra), helmet, oversees cap (dad had a different, nsfw name for those), pants, jacket, and helmet.