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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2023 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    Antique Winchester model 1866 yellow boy, the real deal 1870s 44-40 saddle ring carbine. Good investment. SOLD
  2. 2 points
    I fell in love with sheep hunting when I was 20 years old, obsessed more than you could ever imagine. I knew if I ever wanted to really hunt a Desert Sheep for myself in Arizona I needed to play the numbers. Went on three Cabeza hunts and fell in love with everything about it. The hiking, backpacking, low sheep numbers, no water source and long days of hiking with heavy packs. I knew from then on the numbers were best on drawing a tag and had luck on my side last summer. Would do anything to be back down there backpacking in BFE with my dad and friends again. Goodluck in the draw. (im 29 years old now with half a slam 😃)
  3. 2 points
    First he shot a stud last year, how do you top that. Second exactly correct on if there is one tag left and four people on the app that was pulled, it would go back in the drawing and go to the next in line. Thats why we don't put multiple people on an application for Big Horn right...
  4. 2 points
    Funny to look back at the 35ft predictions as it’s at 57ft and still coming up nearly a foot a day. These low guesses from places like newsweek were obviously liberal propaganda. Even as it’s up 57ft and still rising nearly a foot a day it’s hard to find anything but negativity on the web
  5. 2 points
    Bunch of Californians as neighbors tried honking their horns to save him until another AZ neighbor came out with his 30-30 a little too late
  6. 1 point
    Well my turn finally came and I drew a bonus pass tag on the second hunt for a Gould's tag. I was dieing to get in the woods after all the Gould's photos were posted last week. Finally got to the woods yesterday afternoon set up camp and had a few hours to do some scouting. First thing this morning I had another hunter move in on the birds I was calling in off the roost and it was game over for both of us. The scouting from the day before really paid off and we hurried to our plan B spot. We were able to locate and call in this strutting tom and his 7 hens. It was a short hunt and we were done by 6:45 this morning. I look forward to putting in for Merriam's again and getting to hunt for myself more often.
  7. 1 point
    I have a factory letter from Cody with the original Winchester records.
  8. 1 point
    Yes he did, thank you. And no, there's not much that would top that experience! We are just trying to hunt a bit closer to home this deer season as our antler-less elk hunt won't be. If not, we'll still be happy enough to receive any tag if we do. Only a few more days now...
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Asking $800. No trades. Cash/Zelle/Venmo. Located in Buckeye.
  11. 1 point
    I was just thinking this same thing the other day. Almost every time I read a new headline about Powell, the rising water is nothing but negative. It's almost like they are mad that it keeps rising. Everyone knows that most EnvironMENTALists hate that Powell was ever created.
  12. 1 point
    At this rate they will be here a couple of months from now…. Any time you want to look through my pair let me know. They are spectacular.
  13. 1 point
    Smoked chicken, blackened poblano, bacon, and pepper jack cheese tacos...
  14. 1 point
    Not hand tossed, but the best pizza I've found living in Show Low. Buffalo bills pepperoni.
  15. 1 point
    Tuesday, 0745, plus or minus 15 minutes
  16. 1 point
    I know wilderness here in 35a you can't use mountain bikes. Is that statewide in all wilderness areas? With all those roads a nice bike would be sweet.
  17. 1 point
    Game and Fish was off by 3 years and 4 inches on my daughter's ram. I had two separate B&C scorers provide a second opinion. They independently agreed on the older age and were within 1/8" of each other on score.
  18. 1 point
    This was yesterday there is a big difference than when I was there a month ago.
  19. 1 point
    Rent gear. If you want to buy check out Penn Fathom 2 speed 40N for Bluefin. You can catch smaller tunas and yellos on whatever. For top notch look at Accurate, made in USA. Fished with the owner once on a sponsored trip. Dude and his kids were cool. Shaping up to be another great year! Got a trip planned for late August with some friends. Can't wait! About a 75#er from a few years ago. Our boy Swivelhead is the man though. He got one around 2 hundo last year.
  20. 1 point
    Getting my Gould's completed my Royal slam so I thought I would share a photo of each. Posted in the order I took them. Merriam's Rio's Eastern's Osceola's Gould's
  21. 1 point
    Only if the other applicants have several bonus points. If four kids are on the app. The total points are divided by four. From past experiences, skip the jr. Hunts and put him in for the general hunts the chances are much better because there are way more tags.
  22. 1 point
    I don't believe you are interpreting the process correctly. Putting in with others only help your son's chances if the others have more bonus point than he does. If that is the case, it would help your son but lessen the chances of those on the application with him. The points of all individuals on the application are averaged out.
  23. 1 point
    It seems I am always that guy. If there's a way to screw something up I will. Unless it's desert muleys. I have them dialed in most of the time
  24. 1 point
    I even had one guy say he would buy the higher end Bushnell scopes over Vortex.
  25. 1 point