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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2023 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    This might ruffle some feathers but I’m all for kid’s drawing what ever great tags they can now because they will have zero chance in the future going forward. I’m fortunate enough to have my desert ram with low points. I chased odds not legendary units and still killed a B&C sheep. Just took a lot of work. My daughter is turning 10 this year and can start hunting. If she draws a sheep tag, early rifle bull tag, late December coues tag, or strip tag we will be fully embracing that given hunt and making sure it’s a memory she has for life. What’s to say a child’s memory hunting with family are not as valuable as someone that’s been putting in for years? At the end of the day it’s just luck of the draw. My dad and stepdad are in max points for antelope and sheep and they and I don’t feel they are owed a thing. Entitlement isn’t a good look for anyone. Good luck to all in the upcoming draws
  2. 2 points
    Noreen BN36x3 chambered in 7MM REM Mag. Standard with Rise Armament trigger and Luth AR stock. No optic, bipod or tripod included. 1 Noreen 10 round mag and 100 rounds of S&B included. Posting for my brother who is located in Vail. Message me for his number. Very cool gun but has never been shot which means it gets put on the safe clean out list. More info in the link. $3200 https://onlylongrange.com/bn36x3-long-range-300-win-mag-7mm-rem-mag/
  3. 2 points
    "Spray over your head and play dead" ... you are going to wish the bear would kill you and get it over with while you are choking and coughing from spraying over your head. I realize you don't get to plan for the wind in a real-life situation but when I tried out the COSTCO Bear Spray on some pesky Javelina, I accounted for the wind and still had quite the reaction.
  4. 2 points
    funniest part is most people that cry put in units that goto max point holders every year 😂
  5. 2 points
    I drew my tag in 2015 with 24 points and shared my camp with a hunter who drew with no points other than Hunter ed. So hope should spring eternal. That is the beauty of the Arizona system. Odds are long but not impossible.
  6. 2 points
    Go back to the days when someone could draw an elk tag every 5 yrs, deer tag every yr, and antelope tag every 15. Back when we had to pay up front and loss those funds for 3 months. The serious hunters will save up all yr to make sure they have the funds. The ones that don’t have the funds didn’t want it that bad anyway. Oh but wait, G&F wont get the millions of dollars in app fee. Never mind dumb idea.
  7. 2 points
    Also, you get to listen to Jay cry about an increase in sheep tags at least 100 times. More sheep tags = fewer people that will die before they can draw one = conservation projects are working. Way more sheep die of old and lions than hunters.
  8. 1 point
    - Defiance anti x, nitrided, bedded - Manners EH1 in swamp, proof inlet, left side flush cups and 2” rail on front - Preferred barrel 24”, cerakoted black, threaded 1/2”x28 - Hawkins hunter DBM - TriggerTech special pro 188 rounds down the tube. $3500
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    I’m selling a brand new never used FrankFord Platinum Tumbler with stainless media. Comes with manual. $140 Im selling a brand new RCBS Chargemaster Link electric powder dispensary never used. Comes with Manual. $250 Text or call 602-758-5535 Must pick up…won’t ship. 75thave and Deer valley Rd
  11. 1 point
    This is the best Bear Spray instruction I have seen and below is a funny sign I have seen in Alaska
  12. 1 point
    I'm sold on December in Mexico. I treat it like an Oct. Arizona hunt. Being able to get first crack at them, they've not been shot at so their out and about. I've had luck 2x during this month
  13. 1 point
    Is max 39 now, that’s a lot of years. Maybe she got it passed to her when she was 17
  14. 1 point
    How would you know about sheep? You still haven’t drawn a sheep tag yet.
  15. 1 point
    So you were a resident and didn't buy a lifetime license? Ouch!
  16. 1 point
    if bob thinks it’s well said, better reevaluate your thinking.
  17. 1 point
    Piccata Paper plate crew. I put a ridiculous amount of capers on mine like that also
  18. 1 point
    Home. Single serving. And it’s a quality bachelor plate of choice. Lol
  19. 1 point
    I said it earlier in this thread and I’ll say it again, AZ has the best sheep hunting in the country, bar none, and has the best way of divvying them out in the country. You’ve always got a chance, and always working toward something. Squared points get destroyed by lower point tiers inflating the odds. Look at your chances of hard tags jn NV. My points go up exponentially every year but my odds actually stay the same or in some high demand areas DECREASE every year. I know everyone likes to complain about the G&F, and their abortion of an application website is worth complaining about but the quality and way of handing out tags is the best there is.
  20. 1 point
    The odds of drawing a sheep tag with 30 points is actually 30 times better than with 0 points. It’s diluted but it’s a fact.
  21. 1 point
    I just want to be able to post with my ram in my avatar!
  22. 1 point
    140 tags and 25,000 applicants. Face the fact that it’s a long shot or don’t apply.
  23. 1 point
    The odds difference between 0 points and 30 points is virtually nothing. It amazes me that some of you think a guy waiting 40 years should have no edge on the newbies. The system we have raises virtually no increased odds until you get to the bonus point pass. Nevadas squared point system is a more fair way for sheep in AZ. 40 years is a lot of money and time invested. A 10 year old who has drawn only because his dad applied him has little interest, zero time invested and should have much less odds than the person who has applied 40 straight years. Our current system gives very little to the long term applicant until you hit the bonus point pass. We don't have to pick a side, how about we improve the draw system. A lot of states are making changes for once in a lifetime species, but unfortunately Arizona can't even get the website to work correctly.
  24. 1 point
    Going up the 31st to the 4th of June. Hopefully all the memorial day crowds will be gone. Will let you guys know how it went
  25. 1 point
    Macallan12, great buck and congratulations on your success! Did you use a guide and if so, could you let me know who it was please?