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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2023 in Posts

  1. 5 points
  2. 3 points
    How stupid can one be? Hope he's caught and punished.
  3. 3 points
    What a complete douche.
  4. 2 points
    Sadly that’s the norm these days. Instead of doing something helpful, film it and post it to social media
  5. 2 points
    Yikes. He'll be recognized and hopefully caught. Guaranteed he's wearing these shoes. Easy mark.
  6. 2 points
    Also strange that instead of doing something about the small fires, they decided to keep filming.
  7. 1 point
    Truck bed trailer, Sold thanks
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    The hunt that starts the day after Thanksgiving....now starts Dec 1-10.
  10. 1 point
    Lots of states private doesn’t need to be posted to be posted so before you go to another state you better look that law up
  11. 1 point
    Strange that he would roll up an shoot. Then leave. very odd
  12. 1 point
    I’ll take it. Pm incoming.
  13. 1 point
    Tag price doubling isnt much vs fuel, time off work, your points you already have, etc. I dont think its weighing much
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    beat me to it, was just watching it.
  16. 1 point
    Yeah, I'd want some proof! Then again, our government wouldn't lie to us, would they?
  17. 1 point
    I had to look up the state record. 49" and 32lbs from Ashurst. This is still impressive tho!
  18. 1 point
    So it has been quite a while since I've been very excited about pulling the trigger on Coues buck. A few days into our Mexico trip this year my buddy and his friend glassed up this buck and took this video. Only the 1st 30 seconds are worth much of this video but you can see the weird stuff on the bases We spent the day looking for the buck from about 8am to about 5pm with no sightings, I wanted to give the opportunity to Rob or Paul if we could, but both said if anyone saw the buck they should shoot the buck if at all possible. At about 5:15 with just a few minutes of shooting light my brother glassed directly into the sun about 1200 yards from where the buck was last seen only to pick him up staring at us at 400 yards about to walk out of our sight. Here is where the story started, I was kind of a nervous wreck when I'm normally pretty calm. Well I made a quick/rushed shot but it felt good and I saw the impact in the front shoulder What I didn't realize was that I hit him Infront of the shoulder in the brisket. With the help of everyhone we searched until dark, the next day I had the cowboys of the ranch and most of my friends helping to find the buck. We tracked him with some minimal hair and blood for almost 2 days before we had to leave for home. About a month a go I got these pictures from the Rancher. I hate wounding critters, but I hate wounding and not finding them even more. It wasn't how I wanted it to all play out but a pretty cool ending to a crazy cool buck. I was able to make it down this past weekend and pick him up and do a little turkey hunting Huge thanks to my long time friend Rob for glassing this buck up and going down to pick him up with me. Also a big thanks to my brother for going with me and finding him at last light and letting me shoot.
  19. 1 point
    Pics or it didn't happen
  20. 1 point
    Wife and I did a little trip. Was pretty cool. Lake is full IMG_2216.MOV IMG_2212.MOV IMG_2225.MOV
  21. 1 point
    Thanks everyone for the positivity. Looking forward to it. Here’s the bird my boy got last weekend. Had to put 3/4 of the beard back in for the picture. It got a like western out there. I didn’t take the best pictures, think I was just amped up from all the excitement.
  22. 1 point
    I was able to take my son on his second youth turkey hunt this past weekend (last year being the first). After several close calls on the first day of the hunt with no shots fired he was able to connect on this tom on the second morning. The birds threw us a curve ball on the first evening and roosted in a different location several ridges away. From hunting this location in years past I knew where I wanted to get before first light and set up. The birds ended up being roosted a little farther than what I had thought but I still liked my chances and setup. There were several toms gobbling off the roost but you could hear the hens show up to pick them up. They were out of sight over a ridge or two. It sounded like they were starting to head the other way but luckily the boss hen was talkative and we got into a nice argument. After about 5 minutes of back and forth she decided to come kick my butt. And guess who she brought with her a strutting gobbling tom. My son made a great one shot kill to the head. I love it when a plan comes together. It is so fun and exciting to be able to share these experiences with my son, some of my favorite hunting memories.
  23. 1 point
    Turkeys are gobbling like crazy right now in 35! Great time to be out! good luck.
  24. 1 point
    So you didn't "collect" sheds, you didn't cross onto private land, you didn't do anything wrong but you did enough that they took it easy on you and didn't take your license for 5 years. Somethings not adding up. How about the full story instead of all the cryptic stuff?
  25. 0 points
    Dang, no Thanksgiving hunt