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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2023 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    “Makes sense” and “Game and Fish” are not two things that go together
  2. 2 points
    Needed help tagging some calves so I called for some cowgirls and their dog. Their ol gun dog wouldn’t let the mama cow near his boss. IMG_0899.MOV
  3. 2 points
    That’s the best explanation I’ve heard yet so I’ll go with it
  4. 2 points
    man I hope someone finds it for you! I lost mine some years back on an archery deer hunt. I was camped near Haigler creek and changed clothes before heading back to the valley. When we stopped to get gas I realized in a panic it was gone! We continued to the valley after tearing apart all my gear. I get home and get ready to go back up by myself when I got to thinking......... I always see a truck parked at a house before the creek with a Haigler Creek Outfitter sticker on the back of it! I google it and the address comes up to the house by the creek. I had talked to KC from that outfit in the field a couple times. Seen him out and about while glassing around bar x ranch bringing HUUUGEE cedar tree cuts out.... like the kind for making furniture. Also seen his picture with a giant late season bull at the restaurant in Young. He was always polite when we spoke. So I called the number on the website. KC answered the phone and I proceed to explain to him where we were camped and asked if he'd mind going to the campsite to take a quick look before I go back up there, he said sure no problem. 5 minutes later I get a call back and the guy says is this James Walton adress ......... I said I guess you found it. Said he had to come to the valley for some work and he'd bring it down with him! I was so relieved!!!!!! Very lucky! He also refused to take any $ jlw
  5. 1 point
    Is anyone looking for a hunting/fishing base camp for unit 1 and 27? My family is selling our cabin in beautiful Alpine, AZ. It has 2 bedrooms and 1.5 baths and sits on 1.5 acres in the pines with stunning views of Luna lake from the back deck. PM me if you’re interested or have questions. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/10-N-County-Road-2148-Alpine-AZ-85920/2064368476_zpid/?mibextid=Zxz2cZ&fbclid=IwAR1fJaN_ogW8pL90gXZnuo_t56Jr9VPoQBO9SUyFv8GZA1LtXfPgoNfAkBE
  6. 1 point
    I was able to take my son on his second youth turkey hunt this past weekend (last year being the first). After several close calls on the first day of the hunt with no shots fired he was able to connect on this tom on the second morning. The birds threw us a curve ball on the first evening and roosted in a different location several ridges away. From hunting this location in years past I knew where I wanted to get before first light and set up. The birds ended up being roosted a little farther than what I had thought but I still liked my chances and setup. There were several toms gobbling off the roost but you could hear the hens show up to pick them up. They were out of sight over a ridge or two. It sounded like they were starting to head the other way but luckily the boss hen was talkative and we got into a nice argument. After about 5 minutes of back and forth she decided to come kick my butt. And guess who she brought with her a strutting gobbling tom. My son made a great one shot kill to the head. I love it when a plan comes together. It is so fun and exciting to be able to share these experiences with my son, some of my favorite hunting memories.
  7. 1 point
    I though you left?
  8. 1 point
    Yeah, I am somewhat new to shooting. I inherited a savage 99 lever action in .308 with a Leupold 1.5-5x scope. The scope also has an ok ocular lens but the objective lens is the same diameter as the tube which I think is 1". From what I've been told, the rifle was 'modified' or at least had that scope put on it for deer in the mountain village where my grandpa lived(still an odd choice because not 30 minutes from the cabin there is antelope shooting in the plains so a higher magnification would've been smarter in my opinion). I haven't practiced past 100yds with my rifle yet and feel confident at 100 on a "lung" sized piece of steel that I think is 6" in diameter(but thats just me eyeballing it).
  9. 1 point
    Thanks uglydude for that, leave it to them to make things more confusing than they need to be. Almost like they published it this way so we can't double check the numbers I see how knowing the number of applicants can be useful to see how many individuals are vying for the same tag as you. But when all of our applications are being selected from, its my application vs everyone else's application, not necessarily every applicant on their own
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    The way you ran my daughter down I have no use for you. You piece of crap
  12. 1 point
    So you are drinking
  13. 1 point
    You aint ever killed nothin ,boy who you talkin bout. I killed My Goulds by my self no scouting and have helped several others. Get a life. You and your buddy from Casa Grande . Couple of Whiney losers.
  14. 1 point
    Thanks sneakem, good to know, again lesson learned...................
  15. 1 point
    588 and 10 are the number of applicants. 387 is the number of APPLICATIONS. When people apply as a group it counts as one application. Same goes for the tags issued. The bolded number is the number of successful applications. The math still doesn't quite add up on the successful applications and tags issued, but it's much closer. My best guess is that the tags reissued due to rejected card applications don't make it in to the raw data.
  16. 1 point
    Colorado issues points against your license privileges' per violation, much like a drivers license. If you accumulate 20 points in a 5 year period, you will be sent in front of a hearing examiner that will recommend a suspension anywhere from a year to life depending on the severity of the charges. Also Colorado differs from Arizona on the private property. In Colorado it does not need to be posted or marked or fenced. It is your responsibility to know where you are at all times. Hunting in Arizona was a shock to me with regards to private property and use the first time I hunted it. The legal postings and use are way different than Colorado. In Colorado shed hunting is considered anything in the act of shed hunting, no touching/stashing/looking/scouting/marking with GPS. In the Gunnison basin there is also an hourly closure from sunset until 10am through May 15th because of the Sage Grouse mating season. Doesn't take much to lose your license in Colorado, one minor slip up can put you over the threshold quite easily. Inherently in Colorado picking up 1 antler could be the end of your hunting privilege's for a while. Shed hunting 5 points, possession of an antler 5 points, harassing wildlife 10 points.... you're at 20, Yep, there is a lack of enforcement, but the consequence is high if you do get caught. I don't think people are really aware of the risk, all for a stupid horn. I love picking up bone, but I'm not going to even chance it....
  17. 1 point
    Agreed on things not adding up! Sheds were picked up and then put back down on the ground, gps coordinates logged and more hiking Guilty as charged for shed hunting no fee for antlers collected because none were collected! While hiking, crossed into private land, no posted signs and no fence! Charged with unlawful trespassing! Harassment of wildlife because hiking occurred in the hills where antlers were laying on the ground specifically mule deer antlers! Charged! I didn’t ever say nothing wrong occurred and there is nothing cryptic about the charges but honestly for my simple mind some things don’t add up! If you were out in the same exact hills “hunting coyotes “ and never touched an antler you could have logged gps waypoints and maybe you are legal? I am okay with the idea that maybe there is a property line un marked, research should have been done! Harassment of wildlife? Hiking in the hills 500 yards from the 50 hwy where deer pile up on the roadside daily? No wildlife was being chased or harassed anymore than CPW out there planting trap antlers! It is done, good lesson learned, fees have been paid and lashes to points distributed!
  18. 1 point
    And ask him what, who to hire?
  19. 1 point
    He is probably drinking
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Bump to the top for a 48-96 !
  22. 1 point
    What are the dimensions ? Also , dimensions of the bed inserts ( I have a dodge 6 5)
  23. 1 point
    Some time in May