1-S&W model 610 10mm revolver,4” barrel, 6-shot, DA/SA, comes with box and paperwork. Comes with moon clips that allows you to shoot 4O cal ammo, best of both worlds. Comes with AI leather RH holster
100 rds of ammo
Some where over there they are doing a huge juniper clearing. I can’t find it on their website but a million acres rings a bell. Can’t imagine gf would spend hunter dollars without having an access agreement. But ya never know.
Man you guys are rough. I know a few uber guys that make great money. If you find the right place some guys are killing it. Good luck to your boy. Not everyone has 30K in the bank to buy new chit....
This 760 was dad's first new gun, bought it in1952. The Weaver variable 1.5-3X was quite the bomb 70 years ago. We've taken so much game with it, its nicknamed the 'Meatpole.'