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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2023 in Posts

  1. 4 points
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
    This is just the AZ big game super raffle rebranded. Same tags they are just selling them through a different format and spreading them out.
  4. 2 points
    I'd be glad to help you out on a mount. Give me a call if you have an questions 623 742 8324 or if you do Facebook or Instagram check out Cutnstrut Taxidermy.
  5. 2 points
    I plan on letting him practice with regular loads, so when it comes go time he’ll be in for a little bit of a surprise 😂
  6. 2 points
    YouTube GMRS you can find tons of info. Also look up az GMRS repeater clubs. With an annual membership or donation you can gain access to repeaters.
  7. 2 points
    I would go with one of these two. I have a Gould's hunt this spring and if I decided to get it mounted I will take it to cut n strut. Kyle Thorn at Cut-N-Strut Taxidermy, only does turkeys. Sven Eberson Wildlife Wings and Design Taxidermy
  8. 2 points
    Won a couple tournaments this season so far and one of those won us a new skeeter So now I have two boats for sale if anyone is looking The new one is a 2023 skeeter ZX150 with a Yamaha 150 SHO brand new no hours on the engine it will need to be broke in PM me to discuss price on skeeter Big thanks to Phoenix Marine
  9. 1 point
    Great condition 1894 44mag located in tempe $1350 OBO Open to trades
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Can't remember exact year, believe 2014 or 2015 but there was a 400 class bull killed right next to the res. Bulls used to be occasionally spotted in some of that country that is about as un-elk like as you could imagine - mostly young ones on the prowl. One year a friend sent me a photo of a spike bull on the Temple Bar road - crazy.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Well I shouldn't have back down on the danger of the flooding. Need everyone to say a prayer for the Sutton's , thier residence of Bear flats, there truck got washed away while crossing the tonto . The truck has been found but Phon and his wife are missing. Searching now. Hoping for the best. Please don't fxxk around with these washes and rivers. Godspeed
  15. 1 point
    Yeah it was at a rental unit and happened after dark while he was in it with his wife. He got some scratches and they scared it off a ways where it stayed and watched them.
  16. 1 point
    Just a bit of advice get a credit card with a decent limit and use it only for draws ….ask me how I learned that lesson. Sucks but there is always next year I guess. I have had something like this happen to me not an overdraft but someone got my cc number and started charging it so the bank auto shut my card down….1 day before the draw and I found out 2 days after g&f tried to charge my card. luckily it was for javelina so I recovered mentally lol. I feel your pain but I’m sure things will work out.
  17. 1 point
    Beaver valley crossing. East verdie. Whaaat.
  18. 1 point
    Hens should not be on the azgfd menu.
  19. 1 point
    Never understood that as well leave the hens alone! Allot get waxed in the fall not rocket science.
  20. 1 point
    "AZGFD tries to catch the second cycle to maintain a population." This has always confused me. G&F contradicts this by allowing killing of hens in the fall. AZ is not a turkey rich state, and the killing of the baby makers should never be permitted IMO.
  21. 1 point
    Agree with everything said here, again wind is a big deal. It can be really frustrating not hearing birds with the wind, so take advantage of first light when the wind hasnt picked up yet. Also dont let the internet complicate calling for you. Keep it simple and dont call to much, be patient and listen.
  22. 1 point
    NWTF has some good pointers if i can remember. I searched the internet a few years back looking for tips and tricks. As is my understanding: There's a science behind turkey hunting in the spring (just like any other hunt, but more so with turkey). Not so dependent on colder units like 27, but in the lower section of 23 its a bit more "in play". The strut is triggered by the first full moon with temps over 60 (don't qoute me, but its something like that). The strut gets triggered, Tom's will come out and breed hens. Birds will go back to roost, but the hens that didnt take, will be out for a second round with the toms. AZGFD tries to catch the second cycle to maintian a population. There's a "shotgun start" being they use the same start date for every unit. The weather being the big factor in all of this. Some units there's still snow on the ground, other units this temp might be in march or april, well before the strut hits. We had a good hunt in the lower half of 23 in the spring... 50/60-30/40... when toms gobble all day long. And we have had spring hunts that are already in the 70'80s during the day without a sound. Fingers crossed the weather stays cooler for my 23 hunt this spring
  23. 1 point
    Good luck! I had that hunt back in 2020. Saw a few 80+ bucks on the hunt and ended up killing a 76” buck on day 5.
  24. 1 point
    Plenty of stocking planned this year for San Carlos as we'll hold over to spring 2024 like we did 2017-18. We got to 32% that time (2017) and spring '18 was excellent for crappie. We're currently leveling off at just over 40%. Plan to get out and survey fairly soon here. DAN
  25. 1 point