NWTF has some good pointers if i can remember. I searched the internet a few years back looking for tips and tricks.
As is my understanding:
There's a science behind turkey hunting in the spring (just like any other hunt, but more so with turkey). Not so dependent on colder units like 27, but in the lower section of 23 its a bit more "in play". The strut is triggered by the first full moon with temps over 60 (don't qoute me, but its something like that). The strut gets triggered, Tom's will come out and breed hens. Birds will go back to roost, but the hens that didnt take, will be out for a second round with the toms. AZGFD tries to catch the second cycle to maintian a population. There's a "shotgun start" being they use the same start date for every unit. The weather being the big factor in all of this. Some units there's still snow on the ground, other units this temp might be in march or april, well before the strut hits. We had a good hunt in the lower half of 23 in the spring... 50/60-30/40... when toms gobble all day long. And we have had spring hunts that are already in the 70'80s during the day without a sound.
Fingers crossed the weather stays cooler for my 23 hunt this spring