"AZGFD tries to catch the second cycle to maintain a population." This has always confused me. G&F contradicts this by allowing killing of hens in the fall. AZ is not a turkey rich state, and the killing of the baby makers should never be permitted IMO.
Yes you need to get a bit closer for some high definition shots! If you really want to sell it? I do those kind of pics when I don't want to let go of my stuff! I tell the wife I tried to sell it! LOL!!
None of my business, but I’ll throw in my $0.02 anyway. Your son probably shouldn’t be buying a new car if he has to do “Uber on the side”.
His father should talk him out of it
Frankly the only way to anneal is with an AMP annealer everything else is just guesswork. Lapua brass is annealed and that should last for 4-5 firings unless you're doing long range work with your ammo.
Another plus for Hatch - far away, I know but you can probably do most of the legwork by phone or email. Bought my Tundra there in 2016 and was happy with the experience.
Hope you drew the second hunt in 12A. Access will defiantly be an issue. Follow the melting snow line and don't get stuck in the snow drifts. Maybe think out side the box and bring a mountain bike that you can carry over the drifts to get access to unhunted areas. Quite a few years ago after hitting a deep drift we couldn't cross we hiked in 5 or 6 miles and got into some areas that were really good with lots of birds calling but the long hike and crossing lots of deep drifts on foot sucked. I told myself the next time I would bring a mountain bike.
Wind will be a very big factor
birds will be active throughout hunt
early hunt, gobblers might be more henned up
later hunt, gobblers will be less henned up
wind will be a very big factor
The Goulds should be once in a life time as few as there are. The guys who go for a second tag are selfish. I know I whouldnt do it ,But I have common sense and whould let others have a chance. Just my OP...........BOB!