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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2023 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Been hunting this area a few years but never took a close look at these boulders till now. Jumped several does here as I approached, they were drinking rain water accumulated in these mortar holes and metates. This one still has the mano. Got more pics of petroglyphs from this site but unable to upload.
  2. 5 points
  3. 4 points
    The blue smoke is what you want for cooking, not a billowing white. Cold smoke will generally be a little thicker, but should dissipate quickly. Blue smoke should almost be invisible, basically see the heat from the exhaust and maybe a wisp of smoke here and there. For cheese you have to remember to let it air out, and it won't be done for around two weeks. Cold smoke for around two hours, then remove it from the smoker. 24 hours wrapped in pink butcher paper in the fridge. Vacuum bag it and in around 10 days it will be ready. Also, use a mellow wood for cheese, or eggs, they both take on smoke well. For either I like pecan, but I am going to try pecan and cherry mix next time. I have found apple smoke to try to be bitter for cheese or eggs. That's why I like pecan. For meats, make sure that the thick white smoke is at a minimum. I preheat my wood with the top of my fire box before adding it. It helps it light up faster and keeps the thick smoke down. I will still get a minute or two here and there, but when it takes 10+ hours that isn't anything. Also, use mellower wood to start and figure out how much is needed. Especially mesquite, it can get too strong fast. I usually only use mesquite for a quick grill, or use just a little for a long smoke. Oh, make sure mesquite is well seasoned, if it has moisture at all, it will make anything bitter. This is for a stick burner, for the pellet grills and smokers, I am getting kind of partial to the competition blends of pellets. Seems to have a good balance of flavor.
  4. 3 points
    From last week. Samsung S21 Ultra 20221229_085638.mp4
  5. 3 points
    I did a prime rib this year but forgot to take a picture so I’ll add to this thread by posting one from a couple years ago with a giant Coues next to it. I love cooking on my Traeger, I'm sure there are others that are better or just as good but I've had pretty good luck with mine for almost 10 years now. I did have to replace an auger motor and a fan but that is about it.
  6. 2 points
    Deer hunting near Rich Hill, lots of diggings and shafts dot the landscape. Old cans and bottle shards from the last two centuries. Spotted this 12ga. Shotshell brass, dates back 100 years. Next in a miners rock claim cairn monument, I dug down past the top stones and found this claim notice in an old bottle Still trying to get the lid off. It’s pretty beat up, doesn't want to give up its secrets easily.
  7. 2 points
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Not a huge coues guy and haven’t been on the forum really in years but I used to love scrolling through everyone’s success back in the day so I figured I’d share mine. Got in tight to this buck thanks to a good buddy and made good on the opportunity.
  10. 1 point
    I haven't hunted with this rifle in over ten years now.... Time for someone else to enjoy it. Remington Sendero in 7mm Remington Ultra Mag. H&S precision stock 26" Fluted barrel Just over 400 rounds fired through this rifle. No signs of throat erosion. Very accurate with 140 Gr nosler ballistic tips at 3600+ FPS $950 Catalina/OV/North Tucson
  11. 1 point
    15 yds Crazy day, 30 min prior we had another buck come thru the same saddle. I have video of him also but not as good. Later that day we had a 90" walk to within 70yds, we ranged him as my brother was trying to get me to shoot. He saw us and did not care.
  12. 1 point
    How many rounds through it ?
  13. 1 point
    How much for the lower?
  14. 1 point
    For extra smoke flavor, try using a pellet tube, in addition to your normal smoke. I refill maybe 3-4 times over 10 hours. https://www.amazon.com/TINMIX-Stainless-Hexagonal-Electric-Charcoal/dp/B08C2N3LWW/ref=asc_df_B08C2N3LWW/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=507696663523&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7713102371120364654&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9029980&hvtargid=pla-951508833986&psc=1
  15. 1 point
    That’s a close encounter! Cool video
  16. 1 point
    Very kewl to see Edge. Thanks for posting. 👍 Eddie
  17. 1 point
    I have a savage axis 243 that i would part with. Bought it to use as a beater truck gun but honestly can’t bring myself to let a brand new gun get beat up. I dont think i have ever shot it, if i have it has only been 2-3 times. Let me know if interested
  18. 1 point
    I do 204. 20 to 24 hrs. Pork butt.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Put the sitting hen and the jake about 5' apart in a clear area so a Tom can see them.
  22. 1 point
    Christmas Turkey (but not on a Traeger). 4 hrs @ 325°
  23. 1 point
    Have to get the picture on Instapost! All that matters.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    I figured I'd share the story of how it went down. It was pretty amazing. I had the opportunity to hunt desert bighorn sheep in the Cabeza Prieta wilderness of AZ. It was an incredible experience that I will never forget. The Cabeza is rugged, austere and dangerously beautiful. The only thing that really exists out there are the iconic desert bighorn. This story is filled so many nuanced connections between amazing people. From the moment the original hunter decided to donate the tag to me because he got Covid the hunt was meant to be. People that I didn't know I came from everywhere to help me make this a reality. I literally could not have done this without them. And for that I am forever grateful. When I hunt, I'm not the person who is always chasing antler length. I always have "the quality of the hunt" in mind. It's about the experience. This experience was among the best. In previous years of hunting I've had hard earned lessons, I've beat my body up and I've learned to deal with the frustration of failure often. On this hunt everything went perfectly. It culminated when I was able to harvest this 10yr old beat up and broken warrior at 220yds off the desert floor. I had prepared myself to climb on my hands and knees up these steep 1000' cliffs to make it happen. Instead it all happened at the bottom. I'm still in disbelief. The original hunter had 29 year's worth of bonus point for sheep in AZ. I've only been hunting for 4 years so I assumed I'd never hunt sheep. 2 days before the hunt he gets covid and donates his tag to me through Outdoor Experience For All. I was floored and quickly accepted only to find out that 46b west is a wilderness walk in unit. I called the preserve and they granted me access to drive in because of my prosthetic legs. I got out to the area a week after opening with some great dudes helping me. We glassed and saw some good rams over the next few days. On the 4th day we went deep into the unit and spooked3 rams that winded us when we got to the glassing knob. The rams went up a mountain and were not huntable for me. We backed out and drove a ways to a valley to glass. We glassed up those same rams a long ways a way from where they originally were. They ran up a mountain and down the other side then ran over 2 miles across the desert floor to a whole new mountain range. They were laying at the bottom in the sand when we saw them. I made a mile long stalk in to 220yds. Wind was perfect and we dropped into a wash bottom to cover movement. When I got there we couldn't see the big one but the second biggest one was in sight. I was considering taking that ram because he was pretty good but a little younger. Then the bigger on stepped into sight and I was able to take him 20" off the bottom of the desert floor. It was absolutely amazing.