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  1. 8 points
    I started out this 2022 coues season in Southern Arizona with several goals in mind. 1st was to get my best friends' future son in law his first buck, 2nd was to help all 6 tag holders in our camp ger a buck, and lastly to harvest my target buck that we found sheds on last year. Like a lot of you, it seems like I spend more of my time helping other hunters hunt than I do hunting for myself. November started well with Helping My buddies" Son in law harvest his 1st. After locating several bucks he harvested this one with a one well placed shot from his 6.5 PRC at 480. The next morning we glassed up 3 more bucks and after a several hour stock and relocate My best buddy and my youngest son harvested 2 more bucks with 6.5 PRC at 730 and 686. On to December...... We returned in December. Our first task was to get my Nephew Cody a buck. He has already killed a 103, and had limited time to hunt. We glassed a smallish buck on the first evening and he said he was stoked to harvest the buck. He shot it at 660 yards with his 270 wsm. Now it was time to start focusing on the two remaining tags we had left, and for a change one was mine. On day 6 I located a buck with some real potential. He had huge eye guards and was a supper classy looking dear. After looking at him for over 20 minutes I decided to let my buddy shoot him because he just wasn't what I was after....... And he MISSED at 259 yards!!!! We came home for work for 4 or 5 days and man did he get roasted for missing. I told him that if I ever found that buck again, I was going to shoot it. Well 6 days later I found him again. We hiked into a bad canyon and got within 196 yards from him bedded. I laid down to shoot the buck and said, "come shoot this thing" he is still not what I am after..... This time I made him shoot my PRC and he did not miss! The eye guard buck that we named goal post was dead... It scored over 100, and is Chaffee's biggest buck. Now here is where the story gets even more crazy. Several days late while trying to turn up my target buck, we were driving into a different spot to hunt. A guy starts honking behind us and pulls us over. He explainded that he had a Jr. hunter with him that only had one day to hunt.. He stated that the kid was willing to take any 2 point of better. We took his phone number and told him we would call him shortly as I truly wasn't going to shoot anything under 110. Fast forward about and hour and I glass up two bucks with some does. The bigger buck appeared to be an 18 inch wide 2x3, and I couldn't see any g1's.. So I call the Dad with the kid to come shoot it. To make a very long story short the kid missed him twice, and we ran out of day light. They were both extremely grateful for the opportunity to try on that buck. The next morning my buddies and I hiked into a different canyon and glassed until 2pm. We looked at over 15 bucks , but could not find what I wanted. We had planned to stay there all day, but at 2 oclock I got on the radio and said, "change of plans, let's go back where the kid missed the wide 3x2, I want to make sure there isn't a bigger buck in there. We drive to our new location, and hike about 2 miles into our spot. Within 10 minutes I glassed up the same buck that the kid had missed the day before. But this time my buddy Jay had his BTX.. He took 0ne look at the buck and said, "you are studpid if you don't shoot this buck!" I said, no, I don't think he is what I am looking for. They talked me into going to take a closed look. As we got to 700 yards, we could tell he had 4 plus inch g ones, and was 18 inches wide, then at 410 yards his 2 point side suddenly had a 3rd point.. After doing some quick math in our not so smart heads we had this buck at around 112.. Again Jay said, IF YOU DON'T SHOOT THIS BUCK YOU ARE AN IDIOT. Well I decided to shoot the buck. He ended up having way more mass than we thought and scored 115 7/8.... yep, I tried my coues 2022.mov my best to give 2 bucks over 100 to someone else...... lmao enjoy the video and pictures. Whitey short take my coues 2022.mov short take my coues 2022.mov Chaffee_coues_vid_22.mp4 my coues 2022 2.0.mov
  2. 4 points
    Deer hunting near Rich Hill, lots of diggings and shafts dot the landscape. Old cans and bottle shards from the last two centuries. Spotted this 12ga. Shotshell brass, dates back 100 years. Next in a miners rock claim cairn monument, I dug down past the top stones and found this claim notice in an old bottle Still trying to get the lid off. It’s pretty beat up, doesn't want to give up its secrets easily.
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point
    Well weather was not ideal on the hunt and for the first time hunting this mountain range I felt like every where I went there was someone else there. Bigger deer were not being cooperative and only 80" -90" deer seemed to be poking their heads out. The end of the hunt I was able to turn this buck up and decided to take him. Can't pass up some good eating coues in the freezer.
  5. 1 point
    This happen in Aug and really never got around to it. But since I've been home all day for the holidays here we go! Opening morning we got to our high spot and right away looking down I see a decent buck but with nice cutters. I hmm and haw at him and said out loud there is no way this guy is on the Property. Pulled up OnX and lo and behold he is sitting right in the middle of a 1/4 squal mile island of the property surrounded by State land. I put my gun on him and my hunting partner said wait a second I want to film this. I'm on the gun just waiting and waiting. And of course once he is ready the buck started moving after grunting at us the whole time. He ran a bit and stopped. Only at 450 yards I shoot and right over his back. On video it looked like a few inches over his back. He ran off of his little island and back on state land. I thought that was weird how I missed so bad. My hunting partner finds a nice buck a mile out. Through the spotting scope he looked good. He bedded down, So I stayed on the high ground and guided him into him. He gets into 300 yards and sets up waiting for him stand up. After 15 mins or more he stands up. Watching through his spotter I see dust and then a boom. I couldn't believe he missed that buck, then he radios me and says that's not me!!! The buck runs towards him and stops 150 yards in front of Kyle. He radios and says should I shoot him? And then through the binos I watched the buck fall over and then a boom. He radios back and said thats not me!. Some other hunter 600 yards out just shot him. I guess the hunter bedded the buck last night and he told Kyle he was very grateful for not shooting this buck. I guess something like that happen on a bull elk hunt a couple years ago and they got into it with the other hunter that tried to take his elk that he just killed. Well Kyle stayed on the south side of the valley and I stayed on the north side of the property and just worked the valley. I glassed up a nice buck and took after him. In the mean time that same buck I shot and missed started following me staying about 400 yards out and grunting. Can't do anything about he is still on State. I got set up at 600 yards on this bedded buck waiting for him to stand. Once up I made my shot and missed again! Dude what the! What is going on. I hiked back to the truck and picked up kyle. I found a hill and shot at a cow patty at 500 yards and was about 10 inches high. I have no idea why my zero is off. But we go find a spot and re zero it back. Found a soft ball size rock at 500 yards and smack in the center. Ok ok good to go! We made a couple attempts on some bucks but nothing happen. Now its even time and now we are on the bluff looking over the whole area planning for tomorrow. Sure enough that same buck comes off the bluff 500 yards away grunting at us for 20 mins. He slowly comes down. I told Kyle Im going after this SOB. He said he is on state. Yep and he is heading towards the private property. I was waiting for him to get some distance from us. I run down the hill with my gear and the buck goes over this little 4 ft knoll and now he can no longer see me. So I just walk to that knoll. My spotter radios, he is feeding with some does. The 2 does I asked? Yep! Ok perfect because those does are on the property. I come over the knoll and ranged him at 710 yards and can't get prone due to the high grass. So I extend out the bipods to 36" and grab my second hand held bipod and rest it under the rear stock. Boom and dropped him. My 280AI that Lance did the load development shooting 160TMKs at 3100fps has broken every animals spine which has been 5 animals. It does what bergers do but just more! All hits have been center mass and it still breaks the spine or damages the spine. I really need to do a write up on that bullet. But Sadly we haven't seen any of them for over a year now. The next morning we started about 1/2 mile from day 1. Same thing Kyle finds a buck that looks wide and cool looking. We went back and fourth between 2 bucks to go after. He couldn't decide but the wide one bedded down. I told Kyle Just drive the truck around down in the valley and park it 800 yards out. The buck can't see you due to these 15ft high rolling hills that are about 100 yards long. So he does just that and I watch the whole thing again from a mile out. He gets up to a shooting position. Same thing he's waiting for him to stand up. So after 20-30 mins Im bored and start texting Lance what Kyle is waiting for. Lance is now texting me back with questions marks.........anything? Nope but we have truck coming our way. I radio Kyle and told him a truck is coming. Probably be there in 10 mins. Lance texts back and if you can see his vital and have a good shot take it. So I rely back to Kyle if you have a good shot take it. He radios back and says Im getting ready. At the same time im texting Lance whats going on play by play. He shoots and hits him hard. He gets up from the shot and moves 10 ft and sits back down. Kyle re adjust and shoots again and dumps him. Side note Lance didn't have a tag this year gave it to his daughter and helped another youth hunter. With Kyles buck, my buck and the people that was with Lance that was 6 bucks down in 24hrs!! It was a fun hunt! Kyles buck looks cool and looks big in pics but didn't even score 70inchs
  6. 1 point
    Selling a Marlin 922M Deluxe semiautomatic 22 WMR rifle in good condition..Rifle is factory drilled & tapped and comes with a base for any after market sighting systems.. Rifle has pistol grip walnut stock with deluxe checkering..Blued 20.5 inch barrel is in excellent condition and has Marlin's patented micro-groove rifling..Sale will include three 7 round metal magazines.. Located in Tucson..Asking $500 OBCO..Only seeking cash offers as a result of having to address medical issues.....
  7. 1 point
    Check Bass Pro. I bought both of mine there last Thursday morning.
  8. 1 point
    Beautiful pictures and some very nice bucks!
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Great looking mount! Congrats again on a great buck no matter the measurement! By the way nets are for fish!
  11. 1 point
    Back from Clay at Mogollon Taxidermy, 104 2/8 was net score.
  12. 1 point
    I did look at the Kodiak bag that is a interesting design.
  13. 1 point
    Cables, 44 mag, 0 degree.
  14. 1 point
    did you check the kodiak canvas sleeping bags, i'm going to buy one and they look very comfortable. https://www.competitiveedgeproducts.com/kodiak-sleeping-bags-booster-quilts
  15. 1 point
    not sure why it will not let me upload my video...??? short take my coues 2022.mov my coues 2022.mov my coues 2022 2.0.mov
  16. 1 point
    What did you pay for it? I am also looking for one.
  17. 1 point
    I think I found it. Press and hold the X in Onx at the top of the screen
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    You're right they're close to those does but you're not looking well enough for the bucks. Bucks are in bachelor herds and very nocturnal. In a few weeks they'll lose their heads to those does. Open your eyes to the northwest sides of ledges and canyons. Always on the shady side till dark!
  20. 1 point
    It's been a problem for years, hopefully the G&F can do something to resolve it. Until then I will keep putting in for Raymond instead. 3 guides in a small area who all think they own spots mixed with DIY guys is a recipe for disaster. Proof here that the issue wasn't cameras, it's the guides.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Newbie, because I don’t hang out on website forums and talk about things I don’t know anything about. 6 birds wow your cool. Let’s see some of your habitats. Btw I have two slams.
  23. 1 point
    Naturebobber what are you talking about? Maybe sticking with landscape design and not commenting on taxidermy should be your thing. Because you don’t have a clue what your looking at when It comes to taxidermy. This is solid work!