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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2022 in all areas

  1. 11 points
    My brother and I were fortunate to call this dude in a few evenings ago. Targeting lions specifically. He came in on my side. 30 minutes on the nose. 4-5 year old, 6'7" at 81 yards ...
  2. 8 points
    Found 4 different 11 pointers and they were all with does. 2 of them were pushing and sniffing pretty hard. It was 29° in the desert This morning. Absolutely love it!
  3. 4 points
    Thanks to everyone who reached or offered insight. I hunted every day of the hunt except for the last (crane hunting) and was unsuccessful. Tag soup for me. I did see two bucks and let a tiny spike go for future hunting opportunities.
  4. 3 points
    RIP remaining open mule deer units/quotas. Spikes all over the state about to get dirt naps..
  5. 1 point
    Took my son out to check some petroglyphs I found the other day and happened to see some tines hanging above us. Can you spot the antler?
  6. 1 point
    Good luck to the lucky hunters that drew a late tag. Should be great weather up north. Post results !
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    So after chasing mule deer in Dec/Jan archery my wife decided she wanted to try her luck on a desert mule deer during the general hunt. We’ve chased these deer only during archery and had decided to keep tabs through the years. We finally felt we had a solid plan so off we went. We got to her u it the afternoon before and set up camp then went out to glass. On our way to our glassing spot we came across a groups of 4 bucks hanging out in the area we were goi g to focus on. We got up early Opening morning and my wife and son got ready and headed to the area we had chosen to be at sunrise. I went to the glassing spot. At about 0611 I glasses up a group of 5 bucks, one of which was a definite shooter. Once they had formulated and approach everything just worked out perfect. I was bummed I couldn’t be with her when she shot but having just had hernia surgery a week earlier I was relegated to glass duty. 312 yard offhand shot with her 300WSM and the rest is history. Super proud of her!
  9. 1 point
    Used on one hunt has light scratches on body armor can be seen in pictures. Glass is in perfect condition and will come with original box and accessories inside. $675 shipped tyd or 650 pick up local in tucson.
  10. 1 point
    Selling my Howa 1500 in 22-250. Stock is Kuiu Verde 2.0. Comes with Burris Predator Quest scope 4.5-14x42. Has sling, Harris bipod, and 50 rounds of ammo. Gun is very accurate. Overall in very good condition. Just a few small marks on barrel and scope. Gun has less than 50 rounds through it. This setup is a coyote slaying machine! Asking 500 for everything. Sold
  11. 1 point
    Up for sale is a rem 700 blue steel action new in the box.Standard 308 bolt face. I'm changing direction with my build and need to sell this .Purchased here from another member for what he paid .Looking for $475. I'll have pictures up later today .thanks
  12. 1 point
    I have some shooting bags and gear we would love to donate from my company LS Wild. www.lswild.com My partner and I are going on a goose hunt tomorrow, but PM your phone number and we will connect next week late. I am in Chandler so meeting will be easy. Lobo
  13. 1 point
    No better caliber for shooting Yotes.
  14. 1 point
    I have seen a few posts from participants hawking (Begging) for people to vote for them. Seems pretty lame.
  15. 1 point
    It happens to the best of us but the solitude of being out there breathing fresh air in nature destressing has it's own rewards. Thanks for reporting back in.
  16. 1 point
    I have two (2) Tikka T3 actions for sale: 1) Blued, right hand, long action with standard (308) bolt face. All parts are OEM. Action face is clean, smooth and ready for your pre-fit or custom barrel. Action includes everything you see in the picture: action body, bolt, trigger group, bottom composite trigger guard, long magazine, bases and split 1" rings. Price: $625 shipped to your FFL. 2) Blued, right hand, short action with standard (308) bolt face. All parts are OEM. Action face is clean, smooth and ready for your pre-fit or custom barrel. Action includes everything you see in the picture: action body, bolt, trigger group, bottom composite trigger guard, short magazine and split 1" rings. One of the rings has a nick on the upper outside corner where the screws mount. This doesn't effect the integrity of the ring, but I want you to know it is there. Price is $625 shipped to your FFL.
  17. 1 point
    Cool pics. Lots of people love those eleven pointers😉
  18. 1 point
    It's sad to see that more parents don't take a more active role 😕. Safety is no joke !! As a dad with a daughter I had all my guns locked up before she could crawl.She was introduced to gun safety way before she ever held a gun .I still make her check any gun that I hand her even tho she see me check it before handing it to her. SAFETY AND HUNTING ETHICS are learned traits .Teach them well and we will all be better for it.
  19. 1 point
    I'm in no way claiming to be judge, jury, and executioner here or that I know best. I've been instructing for 10 years and I have seen multiple kids show up to class and they point muzzles at people and have little awareness to what they are doing, even after hammering firearm safety into the class. When we approach the parents to talk about what we're seeing, some (not all) of these parents are either not engaged, don't understand the problem, or just don't care. We've had parents get mad at us for calling out their kids' poor firearm safety on the shooting line. That is not the norm and I never claimed it to be the norm, but I've seen it enough to say that it definitely happens and those are the kids/families that scare me. I agree and disagree with this. I wish the agency hadn't shut the program down for so long. And now field days are hard to get into because of lack of instructor teams putting them on. I feel for the kids who truly want to hunt and learn, but have to wait so long. AGFD started requiring short "refresher quiz" to help with the material retention. The quiz was required to attend a field day for online students and we saw a huge jump in both participation and knowledge. At the same time, even before classes were shut down, we had the same issues. It was also obvious (sometimes admitted) that the parents/grandparents/other guardian actually took the test for the kid just so they could get their kid out hunting. I've had kids freely admit they didn't know there would be a 50-question final exam at the field day to pass the class, even though there is a HUGE red banner on the first page of the online class that says there will be a 50-question test at the field day to pass the class. One teen admitted (sort of paraphrasing) "I just blew through it to get it done. I had no idea there was a test when we showed up." after getting a 22/50 on the test. Think what you want about AGFD's (or any other states') requirements to pass an HE class in order to hunt. I won't deny you that. I'm just a volunteer instructor who's seen the entire spectrum of issues in 10 years. I'll still buy the coffee and we can talk more if you're in Flagstaff and interested.
  20. 1 point
    They are in a natural pattern. Not a million wannabe calling experts bugling with their diesels running until recently good draw odds and if you know where to look you see stuff like this.
  21. 1 point
    I like hunting. But I also like being successful. I am always tahnkful for the opportunity to be in the woods, but seeing a Tom, Dick, or Harry under every tree is aggravating. And I know some will say "then you're too close to the road" and I am getting to the stage where this is more of a fallacy than a truth. People are getting deeper and deeper in the woods every year. Short of doing backpack style hunt (which I did for a couple days this year), it seems as though more and more hunters are making their way in the depths and off the roads. Just something we all have to deal with, as I personally am not willing to go 5 or 6 or 10 years without drawing a tag just to have a premium tag every so often.
  22. 1 point
    I waited 16 years for an early rifle tag. Screw that. I started putting in for hunts with lower success and higher draw odds. 3 tags in 7 years. 3 dead bulls!
  23. 1 point
    I have ammo for all, I’m in for two boxes for each
  24. 1 point
    Really? I didn't see another hunter the entire week I was out there. I did see some birders and bikers but 0 hunters. I scored on day 6, check it out.
  25. 1 point
    Found two bucks that nobody else wanted to get to, kicked our butts but had a great time in a new unit!! Get in the high rough stud that even you don’t want to and you will seal the deal!!