I can recall my first AZ duck limit, it was opening weekend 1969. It was my dad and brother along with our neighbor up in the white mountains. I think we had a boat and decoys set up on the W end of basin lake just north of big lake in eastern AZ. High overcast, breezy and the migration south was going strong. We could see V after V of waterfowl high up flying south. On a regular interval ducks would bomb in over our decoys. One time a pair of red head drakes came in at full speed from left to right just over the decoys and I got on them fast, had that old Winchester MOD 97 12G working faster than you would think a 13 year old could and dropped them both, bang bang. 2 days 4 limits each day and 56 birds total. Mallards, pintails, widgeon, gadwall and teal. Awesome weekend hunt and as you can guess have never seen its like since.