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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2022 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Good luck to the lucky hunters that drew a late tag. Should be great weather up north. Post results !
  2. 3 points
    Told My Grandson JW if he didn’t get drawn and I did I’d transfer my tag over ! The hunt lasted 1 1/2 hr hope he don’t think that’s how easy hunting is lol !! I’m a Proud Grandpa ! His Great Grandpa got to be there to which made it extra special !
  3. 2 points
    Got my first duck limit this weekend, my second year getting into duck hunting. I'm convinced it must have been the new rig was the lucky ticket. 1 green wing, three ruddy ducks, 3 mallard.
  4. 2 points
    There is a full working gas station in Three Pts on the right when you enter Three Pts coming from Tucson. The main general store you reference is gonna look like a QT when done, which is expected by Christmas.
  5. 2 points
    As you head down, make sure you fuel up in Marana or the Speedway later on down on Sandario & Picture Rocks Rd. The Chevron at Three points is closed and only one pump is working at the Sasabe store.
  6. 2 points
    L Cazador yes, but they keep trying to sell me the scope in the case with finger prints and sh:t all over the glass. One was a little banged up and they (Bass Pro) will say "it's new" which it is, but I'm not paying new prices unless it comes out of a box untouched. Call me fussy if you want but it's my hard earned money... I'd love a nice used one for less
  7. 2 points
    I can recall my first AZ duck limit, it was opening weekend 1969. It was my dad and brother along with our neighbor up in the white mountains. I think we had a boat and decoys set up on the W end of basin lake just north of big lake in eastern AZ. High overcast, breezy and the migration south was going strong. We could see V after V of waterfowl high up flying south. On a regular interval ducks would bomb in over our decoys. One time a pair of red head drakes came in at full speed from left to right just over the decoys and I got on them fast, had that old Winchester MOD 97 12G working faster than you would think a 13 year old could and dropped them both, bang bang. 2 days 4 limits each day and 56 birds total. Mallards, pintails, widgeon, gadwall and teal. Awesome weekend hunt and as you can guess have never seen its like since.
  8. 2 points
  9. 1 point
    I leave Thursday to shoot an Elk and hope to be back by Monday but could be done Friday. Might drag it out a few days longer too. A bear would be nice too. A case is fine also.
  10. 1 point
    Call Doug or Neal @ Camerland in the morning.
  11. 1 point
    Good stuff right there. Congrats to all!
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    They should skip showing soccer, and have dedicated slut tv be on 24x7!
  14. 1 point
    Don't know squat about the 6.8 Western, and I've played very little with the .270 WSM. Hornady says slower burning powder for the 130-150 grain bullets and H-4350 for the lighter 110 bullets, and Sierra has Re-19 and 22 as a recommend hunting load and accuracy load for a 150 grain bullet
  15. 1 point
    I love H4350 in general. Works well in my 6.5C, 30-06 and 7-08. For my 270 WIN (I know not the 6.8West.) H4831SC gave me excellent accuracy. If H4350 is what ou have go for it, if you can get H4831SC then it will likely work better.
  16. 1 point
    I’ll look forward to the sluts they’ll show in the stands
  17. 1 point
    Someone online suggested a starting load from .270 WSM data and going from there. The Sierra #5 manual has data for a 150gr bullet and 19 and 22 powder. If you want to try that and need the info, holler and I'll post it.
  18. 1 point
    No beer , no interest. Whole game is a yawnfest even with it.
  19. 1 point
    We may lose but we're loud and proud!! Maybe they won't keep score?
  20. 1 point
    About as exciting as Ping Pong.
  21. 1 point
    I think everybody here is happy for you and wants you to be successful in your pursuit for 4 coues in one year. That is seriously quite the accomplishment. I think it rubbed a few guys wrong at first how it seemed you put the cart ahead of the horse claiming you were going to shoot 100" bucks or bust and then settled for something smaller. I don't blame you though. We all have the goal to shoot a "book" buck before our hunts start and sometimes that doesn't work out and you shoot what is available. No shame in that. I hope your next buck is your biggest this year and you accomplish your goal of 4 coues bucks regardless of the scores. Good luck man.
  22. 1 point
    what he said. I felt so much pressure before my hunt, knowing I would most likely never draw it again, add in everyone talking scores, field judging etc. I was all wadded up. I about came off the tracks when I first saw the ram I ended up killing, and fortunately I was able to kill him the next day with my best hunting buddy with me the whole way Remember why you hunt, and that you are fortunate to have the opportunity to hunt an animal most wont. Enjoy the ride.....
  23. 1 point
    Got it done with Coues Bucky #3. 3rd tag filled this year, this one in New Mexico.. not a giant by any means but any Coues harvest is a special accomplishment. Now into the San Carlos for tag # 4 to complete the year!
  24. 1 point
    Im scared they will shoot lights out then ill never find tyem again lol
  25. 1 point
    Use USAA for auto and they route boat and UTV through progressive. My ‘14 Ranger 570 is a little over $100 annually full coverage.