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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2022 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    6.5 PRC FalKor MT7 short action Proof 22” barrel 4 port beast seamless muzzle brake Grayboe PHX stock Trigger tech special trigger Hunter bottom metal 3 round magazine. $3800
  2. 3 points
    Had an awesome hunt for whitetail this year and got to double down on a couple of Lions with my son. Not everyday you get to do that. There were actually 3 lions total in the area.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    My father has been dealing with macular degeneration for over 6 years and has started getting much worse to the point he is just about blind now at 89. He has been feeling run down and dizzy for a few months and just found out that is due to leukemia. We don't know if it's going to be manageable or not yet. He has always been a hard charging Marine and it is taking its' toll on his spirits so I sure would appreciate any support. Thanks, Doug.
  5. 1 point
    Selling Sitka cloudburst rain gear. Perfect condition. Jacket size Large - $220 Pants size Medium - $200 both together $400 cash only. Peoria az face to face only. pm if interested! Thanks!
  6. 1 point
    I have a New, never fired Remington 700 ADL in 30-06 with the unbranded 3-9x40 scope. X-Mark PRO trigger that is adjustable My kids have decided they don't want my guns or the ones I bought for them, so I'm selling most of my rifles and using the money for their college education instead. Near Bass Pro in Mesa. $510.00 FTF
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Outdoorsman’s R700short action/clone chassis and collapsible buttstock. In good condition. Uses an ADL set up not a detacheable magazine. Comes with action screws. $200 located in verde valley. Greg J
  9. 1 point
    That’s really cool…congrats!
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Some of the best meat out there. Good shooting.
  12. 1 point
    Writing my hunter Ed dissertation now…sure glad we found out about that service.
  13. 1 point
    Sorry it say not available at this time
  14. 1 point
    The stuff in 31 closest to you is the least hunted in the unit & has great WT.
  15. 1 point
    Southern express,axis works ,or Phoenix custom rifles are probably the best of the gunsmiths in or around Phoenix.
  16. 1 point
    We had a doe and fawn blow out below us about 150 yards and the doe kept blowing for at least ten minutes. She kept looking back in our direction but we knew that they didn’t wind us ( wind blowing pretty good in our face). I told my son to get his rifle ready and I would skirt the hill to see what was below us. He said he heard something growling. I proceeded to walk over to the saddle to glass back to where he was sitting and he was getting prone. Next thing I see is him shooting down from where we were glassing. He shoots throws his hands up in excitement and is frantically waving for me to get back over there. I run back and he said he just smoked a lion and there were 2 more with it. I get set up on his rifle and the second cat was sitting under a juniper above his cat. I take the shot and my cat bails off into the cut. Then a 3rd lion pops out and proceeds to sniff around my sons lion then ended up disappearing into the cut mine went into. It killed around for about 15 minutes. My oldest son was supposed to be with us but wouldn’t call out sick from work. Needless to say he was bummed. We could have had a Trifecta. IMG_1190.MOV
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    I would get a good wood stove and not look back. Nothing sucks the fun of hunting and camping out of me like sleeping cold, and I used to do it a lot growing up from improper equipment. I helped on a late 3a3c elk hunt one year and bought a big buddy heater for that hunt. It took some chill off but I was still miserably cold. After I bought my alaknak I started researching quality wood burning stoves and settled on a wilderness 4. Weighs 84 lbs but will burn all night and I can get the tent well over 90° even with a blizzard outside.
  21. 1 point
    I always vote no for all judges so they wont think that they are perfect. I cant remember a judge ever losing. Any Gun owner who votes for Kelley should have their guns taken.
  22. 1 point
    It all started a few years back when both my boys drew this same tag. My older boy James tagged out at first light opening day, leaving us with the rest of the hunt to focus on getting Darren on one. Well he had several opportunities but just couldn’t close the deal. Fast forward to this year Darren wanted redemption, unlike the previous tag this hunt started out slow. It was hard to locate elk with crummy weather ,so we called on our “ace in the hole” Nate who was a huge help before , and he came through for us again locating a small herd. We got to within 350yds and Darren let the 270wsm bark, we hear the “thwack” and knew right away it was a hit. The cow drops and we think she is done, but then she stands back up and we see that the shot was in the front shoulder but a little to far forward. We decide to back out and spent the entire next day tracking her with no luck other than finding the blood trail and where she bed the night before, we tracked her into a huge canyon for about 1 1/2 miles from where she was bedded. Two days later we got into another herd with the bulls having a screaming contest. And we were able to get 120yds from one of the cows Darren let her have it and she didn’t make it 50yds and crashed! Check out the video I made of the hunt. I just started uploading to this channel, hopefully there’s more to come.
  23. 1 point
    Finally found one today. Been going out after work and on weekends looking for one. They are cool animals. Taking it to the taxidermist tomorrow.
  24. 1 point
    This year continues to be one for the books. My 12 year old son Max drew a muzzleloader bull tag in a unit many consider to be sub par for elk. I have assisted on 3 archery bull kills in the unit, so I knew that although trophy elk were tough to find they were there. The opener found us calling our way into a major dark timber bedding area that I had seen multiple large bulls on previous hunts. It was dead quiet. No bugles and after one calling sequence a satellite 5 point came sneaking in but never game Max an ethical shot. Yesterday, day 2, I decided to slip in to the edge of the bedding just after first light and wait. No bugles at all, so I decided to do a few soft cow calls. Less than a minute later this giant snuck in silent 52 yards below us and Max made a perfect shot. We had no idea how truly magnificent he was until we walked up on him 30 minutes later. Bull is an 8 by 7 with a 14” flyer point. Didn’t get to fully score him but a few quick measurements indicate 370-380”. 42” inside spread and total width with flyer 58”. Best hunting day of my life and one I will never forget!
  25. 1 point