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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2022 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Took this bad boy this week. My first. I am a late onset hunter.
  2. 2 points
    I made a friend who lives off I-19 near the southern edge of Tucson. He is a genuinely nice guy but struggles because he is homeless. He has a camp set up and does fairly well under the circumstances. I help him from time to time when he gets in a bind. He recently asked for a Coleman Camp Oven. He would like to try and cook different types of meals. If anyone has one they are not using I would appreciate the opportunity to buy it from you. I am in Tucson but am heading up to Suprise to visit with family this weekend so anything along I-10 would be awesome.
  3. 2 points
    It all started a few years back when both my boys drew this same tag. My older boy James tagged out at first light opening day, leaving us with the rest of the hunt to focus on getting Darren on one. Well he had several opportunities but just couldn’t close the deal. Fast forward to this year Darren wanted redemption, unlike the previous tag this hunt started out slow. It was hard to locate elk with crummy weather ,so we called on our “ace in the hole” Nate who was a huge help before , and he came through for us again locating a small herd. We got to within 350yds and Darren let the 270wsm bark, we hear the “thwack” and knew right away it was a hit. The cow drops and we think she is done, but then she stands back up and we see that the shot was in the front shoulder but a little to far forward. We decide to back out and spent the entire next day tracking her with no luck other than finding the blood trail and where she bed the night before, we tracked her into a huge canyon for about 1 1/2 miles from where she was bedded. Two days later we got into another herd with the bulls having a screaming contest. And we were able to get 120yds from one of the cows Darren let her have it and she didn’t make it 50yds and crashed! Check out the video I made of the hunt. I just started uploading to this channel, hopefully there’s more to come.
  4. 2 points
    I have a brand new one of the Coleman ovens krp describes. Brand new still in box. You can have it for free if you ever come up to north Peoria, John 623-680-4458
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    Filled my tag in unit 33! Not that 100 inches I was after but a respectable high eightys buck that will make it into the SCI book as a bronze award. 2 SCI book bucks down in 2022, 2 to go! Up next New Mexico in 8 days! Thanks for all the support! IMG_3756.HEIC IMG_3760.HEIC
  7. 2 points
    just my 2Cents for what its worth, 44yds, homemade peep sight cuz i can't see anymore
  8. 1 point
    .300 Weatherby Mark5 Deluxe Leupold Vari-X 3 3.5x10 Gun is like new show room condition maybe has had 25 rounds down the barrel safe queen it’s whole life $2500 or make me a realistic offer
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    I am having a hard time finding out anything on Judges. They are the ones that interpret law so they are pretty important. About the best info I could find is Arizona Free Enterprise Club's endorsements. They give recommendations from their own research. I don't know much about them except they are mostly conservative and support conservative values. https://azfree.org/blog/2022/10/15/arizona-free-enterprise-clubs-full-list-of-endorsed-candidates-and-positions-on-eight-ballot-measures/ Anybody know of any other sites that may have judges info other than they meet certain requirements that qualify them to be judges?
  11. 1 point
    I know this isn't a Coleman, but I see Amazon has a Camp Chef at a deep discount. https://a.co/d/fDAlMO9 If this is something that is feasible, I'm willing to pitch in some funds to help out.
  12. 1 point
    Note that with turkey, the 20% is by unit so if the are just a few tags in the unit, ONLY ONE TAG goes to highest bonus point. Wish they did like sheep and considered all units. Took me 26 bonus points to finally draw Goulds.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    I heard through the grapevine that next year they are upgrading the ram in the company Commadore 64 and buying Quasimodo reading glasses to speed up the results.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    That's what had be seconded guessing was the width ... but since he is big bodied that makes more sense now .
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    My wife’s opening day buck
  20. 1 point
    Must have just missed the bus this year. Will be going into the next draw with 26 now. $363 butterball here I come!
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Go have fun, don't worry about cameras on your truck or camp or anti hunters trashing stuff. I spend 45-55 days a year on the strip, never seen or heard of any of that. We leave our camps alone, unlocked, 100 gallons plus of gas/water and never have had anything happen in fact never ran into anyone up there that wouldn't stop and help if stuck, broke down, lost or drive you back to your truck or town. Most 13A is not that remote and you can be to a paved road/gas in an hour. Bring some extra fuel, water and a spare. The archery hunt was awesome, reminds me of how it used to be in pre camera days. We killed an amazing buck and only saw one other hunter drive by our camp. The rifle hunt will be good but don't expect giant bucks everywhere, antler growth is well below average and age class because of cameras is even worse. Give it 2-3 years and expect that place to be off the charts again. Next year should be great with 2 wet summers in a row, if we get a decent winter it'll be the tag to have. Best thing to happen for the Strip is the elimination of cameras, expect a fun hunt, tags reduced, hunters will be more spread out than the last 15 years, there are a couple true giants in 13A this year so best of luck. If you hit that true 190" mark as a DIY guy this year you did amazing. Good Luck
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    i saw the meme, idk if it was real. but story said guy was lost and didnt answer his phone when searchers called because he didnt recognize the number lol
  25. 1 point
    There is no smokeless muzzleloader season in this state read the regs .Must be black powder or black powder substitute only and we do not have a primitive hunting season.You guys piss me off with this crap .Everything you or I do when we hunt gives us an advantage period.If you think there is an advantage maybe you should try hunting w/o your binos ,maps,camo,tents,sxs,gun,bow,and so on .Get real everything gives us an advantage .I hunt with everything from a bow to a muzzleloader so that I have some insight into what it takes to do so.So if you choose to hunt rifle maybe you should only get 1 bullet and you must assemble it to hunt .Or only get 1 arrow no sights ,1 shotgun shell,and so on .This is a hunting site driven by hunters and to hear fellow hunters cry about some sort of unfair advantage is a joke .